ITT: The superior album in a discography

ITT: The superior album in a discography.

Silent Shout is not even close btw



Deep Cuts is better, Shaking The Habitual is unlistenable

If you delete every song the Mercury Rev guy is featured in, yeah.

It's literally one of my fav albums of the decade.
I don't get how you think it's "unlistenable"

and this

Loved my first listen of this, but I have to agree with Deep Cuts being the better one :)

If we're not counting The Smile Sessions as a Beach Boys record, sure

I don't Deep Cuts is even close.
Deep Cuts is a fun pop album, Shaking The Habitual is much more than that. its surreal, mind-bending and absolutely unique

This album smells like Korean BBQ

*I don't think Deep Cuts is even close


Dambala can't be topped

If you look at the grid at the upper corner of the album while moving the page up and down, it creates the optical illusion that the lines of the grid are bending and moving

Raging Lung was my favorite, wbu? I can definitely agree with how unique it sounds haha


also pic related

Probably Full Of Fire and Cherry On Top



The first three tracks on Exuma I are incredible, but it loses still HARD after Mama Loi, Papa Loi. Exuma II is way more consistent.

loses steam*

haha cool guy

my negro

And in fact, honestly, if it were just the title track, Dambala, and Mama Loi, I would say it's the single greatest EP ever.

I feel you, the second half is a lot weaker on the first. But to me Exuma II feels like a continuation of the second half of Exuma I, but just a bit better.

Look, I adore Hounds of Love too, but this is Kate's real masterpiece.

what the fuck i hate white men now

get out

no no no no no no no no no


This is FACT.



Technique is their only good album imho.



this for sure

Close but no cigar


This is one of the worst covers I have ever seen, and I'm a big fan of memphis rap.

>memphis rap


Memphis rap album covers are dope dawg

>tfw live in memphis

the people SUCK here