What do millennials listen to?

What do millennials listen to?

covers of nintendo 64 game music

millenials r dum

whatever the jews decided is currently the top 20


Sup Forumscore

Tame Impala


t. Fantano
I said millennials, not Sup Forums.

The same thing you do.

> millennials
everything. we are the most diverse generation of music listeners

except country and rap

looped recordings of themselves apologizing for being white

Indie rock from the 2000s and other p4k-core. The cutoff for millennials is the second half of the 90s and it started in like 1978 to 1980 depending on who you ask. More than half of them are in their thirties by now.

You guys do realize 90-95% of this board is made up of millennial users?

thank you Sup Forums stats man! you are our here

I'm pretty sure most users are in their early twenties or younger, so they aren't millennials

Millennials are people born from 1982 - 2004, so they're definitely millennials.


I guess it depends on who's definition of the age bracket you use. Some stop at 02, some at 04, and some at 95. I think around 95 is the best cut off because there's not much someone born in 1982 and someone born in 2002 have in common.

no, Millenials are people born from around 1980 - 1995. People born from around 1998 - 2009 are gen Z.

then who are people born between 1996-1997



Can confirm.