Most Overrated Bands

Most Overrated Bands


everything is correct except cocteau twins should be replaced with death grips

Would only disagree with Ramones and Beach Boys because they're massively influential but are slighted by even the biggest music fans because of a few wacky albums, and because of how they've been misrepresented by disgusting old baby boomers in the case of the Beach Boys and hipster girls and posers in the case of the Ramones.


No u

The ramones made pop punk and the beach boys made one semi-decent album

Why King Crimson, CCR and Black Sabbath?

>no Supetramp

>cigarettes after sex
literally who

This is basically just a list of the best bands, for the most part. Queen are an example of a legitimately overrated band, but The Beatles or Stones are correctly rated.

t. dadrock enthusiast

I agree with Opeth, Arctic Monkeys, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, Pearl Jam, Arcade Fire, Tool, Pantera, and MAYBE Sex Pistols even though I enjoy them. I much prefer Public Image Ltd

It's an indie band that has been promoted heavily by Youtube even before they were signed by any label or anything and no one seems to know how or why.
They're recommended to everyone no matter what you watched pretty much.
Someone in the band either works for Youtube or is fucking someone that works for Youtube.

>no death grips
>radioshit isn't on the first position

Gee, two Fleetwood Mac!

Slowdive doesn't deserve to be there.

The most overrated from that list are probably Breaking Benjamin and BFMV I guess because I can't think of a single song from them I like. The rest either have multiple albums, an album, or at least a few songs I enjoy.

>not understanding that this is just a google search for 'bands' and is meant to trigger you

No Dire Straits?
No Genesis?
No Green Day?

every extremely successfull band is by default overrated, because there are a lot of equally good or even better artists that didn't make it.

>popular bands are overrated

And water is essential for life on earth.

Overrated =/= bad