How can one women be so perfect

How can one women be so perfect

hmmm...yes...a little...too perfect, if you ask me....

anyone got pics of her pusy? i bet its hairy

I don't know man, haven't gotten over her since the Franco show ended.

Don't know what to do with this love.


I wonder...

Unfortunately she's not Jewish


she's not a kike asshole, fuck both of you

Yeah, she's not perfect

fuck off filthy rat, there's not a single jewess who is as half as beautiful as her, they're all trashy skanks.

pls delete thanks

That my good sir, is not sersha

way way past her prime.

you lose again jewboy

Wait a couple more years, she'll shrivel up like every other dried cunt

Those eyes are pretty bland tbhwyfam

nah, she'll age gracefully. im sure of it.

unlike that literally who wears contacts

She's too perfect, she would probably subtly bully katie if she ever met her ;_;


What are you implying

She's Jewish

She literally got the aryanest feature you can find on this kikepool


No user, sersha really is that perfect

Then why doesn't she look like this?

Can sershafags fuck off your potatoes eater trashfu is worthless

That's incredibly rude user!

its true my man, your waifu a shit

is this an invitation?

>Go to her insta
>Tons of rap and rnb
Hmmm penis soft already.

Why are people so mean bro? ;_;

I don't really know user, there's no necessity for that, unless of course, it is a case pf insecurity...

I was just about to ask for the gif of her smiling.

Thanks man.

What a girl.


That's a pretty lewd image user...