I just watched pic related

I just watched pic related.

Cant understand why it gets so much flak, it was pretty good, great atmosphere and no shitty jumpscares. Also leaves you thinking at the end.

Only bad thing I can think about is the effects, but come on, its an aussie film made with 3 millions or something

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a horrifying portrayal of a monster that is all too common in this day and age. The single mother

>annoying as shit kid
>blatantly obvious metaphors
>not scary, unsettling, or disturbing
>best and only creepy scene already in trailer
>one of the dumbest horror movie endings ever

Surprisingly I didn't have a problem with the effects.

All of it is pretty stupid, and I can't help but feel that I was duped into seeing it because of the heavy marketing (OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST HORROR FILM YET).

>Only bad thing I can think about is the effects
What about the annoying as fuck kid?

I did like it though and I felt bad for the oddly qt mom.

Recommend more movies like it please.

You guys realize the kid being annoying was the whole point, right? She hates her son for being a screaming autistic fuck and that's what makes the monster stronger. They don't defeat it until she learns to love and accept him. It wouldn't make sense for him to be perfect

I understand that. Doesn't take away from him being an irritating shit she could have let the monster have.

it doesn't get "so much flak", it's pretty loved outside of Sup Forums and autistic youtubers

There was no monster. It was all in her head as she was going crazy due to the emotional and physical isolation she experienced because of her son. Their isolation led to the son buying into her delusion a well. Part of me thinks that she actually did strangle her son to death and went into a catatonic state afterwards. Everything that came after, from defeating the Babadook and exiling it to the basement to the sunnier happier life, is all a fantasy playing out in her mind while she is drooling and staring off into space in an asylum.

I liked it a lot OP. At the end of the day, horror is by far the MOST polarizing genre. You either love it or you hate it with horror - something is atmospheric or it does nothing for you.

The scenes where she's reading from the book were really unsettling for me, and that got me into it.

Dont cut yourself on that edge there kiddo.

Yes, a lot of it was unsettling overall but the majority of what is shown in the picture is just rubbish. The ending itself is a prime example of its own stupidity.

>You guys realize the kid being annoying was the whole point, right?

Oh it was the point of the movie to be annoyed for a half hour straight? So as long as it's "the point", you can have any obnoxious character be as retarded as they want so long as "the point" gets across. Forget it ruining any enjoyment, thrill, or entertainment, forget how insufferable the kid wa for an entire half hour, it was "the point" all along.

No, it was garbage. You don't have to annoy the audience for a literal half hour; exposition is a thing in stories.

anything and everything gets flak here

the only flak it gets is what this pleb keeps saying yea the kid was annoying, but like it's been said 1000 times before on here, he's supposed to be.

it's a great film.

I bet you're one of the guys who complained about the vvitch by saying "The vvitch music is too loud and makes me uncomfortable!".

This is why the horror genre is on its last legs.

Its called ambient and inmersion, key elements in the fucking genre.

The fact that you got so annoyed by the kid means that the movie fulfilled its purpose, you got inmersed, the film transmitted the mother's feelings towards her son to you. She hated her autistic son but couldn't do anything about it.

Reddit tier theory m8 (literally, I remember reading this theory on reddit). The monster is very much real.

They obviously didnt bought the book, and they also obviously didnt bought a 2nd extended copy that showed what was going to happen.

>horror movies fans are the jugalos of cinema

Prove me wrong
>protip: you cant

That's assuming she didn't grab "Goodnight Moon" and her sleep/sex/a moments peace deprived brain didn't hallucinate it into The Babadook. And then it happened again with a second book.

Oh I see youre one of those guys who, upon having his theory completely disproven, pulls out "clues" out of his ass, which dont even exist in the film.

Theres not even a slight indication that she was hallucinating when she found the book

didn't the mom used to be a writer?
I don't think it's too far fetched to say that she wrote the book in one of her dissociative states.

I also think the monster was just in her head, tbqh. It was just the embodiment of all her grief and stress.

You could make an argument for either theory though.

Only place I've seen where they mention she was a writer is reddit, in every thread trying to support that shitty theory.

So it seems like its a made up fact to support it. I dont remember any moment in the movie where they say she was a writer.

maybe you should pay attention a bit more if you plan on discussing a film

This movie has great performances the mom just hit it out of the park and the kid was annoying as a kid can be. I do hope that lady got some award

that was from the extended cut user, theatrical didnt had that.

I liked it, infinitely better than the garbage It follows

not true

are you an aussie?

no, thank God .. but i can't find a source that states it's not in the theatrical.

Even still, it was added to the film for a reason. So if it was in the theatrical release or not, it has significance to the events in the film.

Why aren't the mom and son actors better known? They were great actors.

would you guys fuck the mom?

I wanted to comfort her. Making love to her would be the cherry on top.

I fell for the meme

this movie was trash

How do I change my vote to 'no'? I thought it said "would you guys fuck your mom?"

It wasn't bad, it was just badly overpraised by people salivating to praise a mildly intelligent and conceptual Horror Movie after the found footage genre ran a train in the late 00s and early 10s.

It Follows was the better meme horror flick of 2014/15 though

Is your mum qt? post pics

Yeah, gee, that TOTALLY flew over my head.

Retarded fucking movie.

it got raving reviews when it came out and poeple said it's a modern masterpiece.

it's alright but it's nothing special and it's not scary

>It Follows was the better meme horror flick of 2014/15 though

This. Horror genre is on its last legs and the Babadook, while not perfect, is a breath of fresh air and a step in the right direction.

The scene that really stays with me would be the bedroom scene. It was seriously full creep-out mode when the monster slid into the corner. I used to ,, have sleep paralysis a lot and see the hatman or "shadow people" in my room, so scenes like that fucking spook me out

It could have been great. It could have turned out that the Babadook was her and that she had 'split it off'.

When it turned out that it actually was an entity and that it was so easily controlled, it just ruined the film for me.

I guess it's too much to ask of a female director to create a film in which the main female character is mentally ill and that the 'evil entity' is actually the way her denial-afflicted conscious mind deals with the violence, hatefulness and resentment that she can't process.

is this bait?
because this is exactly what the movie is about.

>autism is the scary monster
Really makes you think

It follows fucking sucked though

shit dude, you lost me right there.

really great film btw.

Kid was annoying.

It was good, it just got so overhyped that Sup Forums felt obligated to hate it.

Are you being serious?

It's open to interpretion, user. It can be seen as the very spin you expound upon in your post. Please tell me you understood the point of the basement scene at the end.

Oh, user... that's actually what the movie WAS about.
