
*blocks your brexit* edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Dont get why people call me misogynistic im really a feminist

I just hold women to a higher moral and ethical than most regular people



plymouth is actually an alright place

Having 32 genders seems impractical


just did a massive shit

in here

gay cunt

I just don't know what to do with myself.

I'm an imposter. I'm not "the Cara lad"

for you

hate you all 2bh

>my whole life I've felt like this, literally never been happy
same was true for me. Tried to kill myself with a load of pills but it didn't work and i just threw them all up, wasn't very nice to be QUITE honest.
After that some of the biggest and most effective changes I made were lifestyle based, taking regular exercise and eating healthily. Sounds like it wouldn't do anything but it helps your brain producing the necessary neurotransmitters which are deficient in people with depression. Keep up the antidepressants, change your lifestyle, get therapy

I wish I was German so I can sing German folk music

but your mum loves me aha

Good edition

>new thread autism

fucking neck yourself

They have folks music in America too. Go to the southern cowboy states, red states, conservative states.

>Tried to kill myself with a load of pills but it didn't work and i just threw them all up

same, funny looking back now haha

the gf i aspire to

i wish i was american so i could have my brains blown out in a mcdonalds drive through

always "me me me" with you

how about you talk about something else

no thanks, I'm white

Quite fancy the idea of moving to another country.

Well yeah they are as well.


fucking women

pills are a shit way of suicide

are you making fun of me?

Would like to travel but honestly can't see myself moving permanently or even for extended periods. Everywhere else seems on the whole much worse than life here


The drudgery of adult life seems a bit less when everything its a bit novel and foreign

rnadarn rnarsley, rnust rnixer rnake rnovies rnore rnellow? rniss rnelanie rnust rnake rnaroon rnatches. rnore rnixings rnake rnoonpies rnrnrnrn! rnartin rnoves rnernbers rnessily. rnaking rnoves rnore rnagically rnakes rnischa rnope. rny rnother rnakes rniniature, rnacaroon rnuffins rnost rnondays. rnatt rnakes rnillions rnanufacturing rnultipurpose rnachines. rnaybe rnusk rnelons rnaintain rnaxirnurn rnoisture. rnighty rnountains rnistreat rnagnificent rnagnolias. rnany rnissing rnoose rnigrate rnonthly. rnodern rnilitary rnasks rnortify rnere rnortals. rnultiple rnice rnay rnanipulate rnalcontent rnockingbirds. rnaple rnustard rnarrnelade rnight rnake rnango rnore rninty. rnarshrnallow rnonkeys rnake rnasterful rnates. rnale rninnows rnaintain rnassive rnilstone rnansions. rnarble rnonurnents rnagnify rnajor rnagic rnornents. rnost rnodern, rnerry rnen rnake rnelodious, rnesrnerizing rnusic. rnerrnaids rnaking rnacaroni rnay rnince rnarinated rneats. rnysterious rnen rnanage rnessy rneat rnarkets.


at least a knife to the heart is manly

Nice THICC juicy pussy.

well i know that now dont i haha x

There seem to be a lot more mtfs than ftms

If I was to hold one hand over my face now
Would you know me?
Or would you see the other side of me?
And if you were to notice
There is a plan I've been devising
To go, to go now, far away from here
And I gonna be so brave
And I gonna go so far away

20 years late with that advice dipshit

brits... more like bits of shit...

>Keep up the antidepressants

it's nearly 2 o clock!!!

hes complimenting your amazing food

This is how they sing

the girl I'm seeing is coming over later to 'watch a film'

think I'll watch Drive, the two times I've watched that with girls it's ended with my penis in their vagina

I was reading that there are a lot of MTF furries. Whereas there are virtually no girl (female) furries.

really made me ponder

yes, although irl the only two trannies i've known are both FtM

Pills are more of a runtish suicide method than wrist cutting 2bh
Attention seeking scum

haha classic aussie!

was on the shitter and splash made contact with my bellend
NOT happy

genuinely love pints.

haha good luck mate

is she fit?


real human bean

it's a lot easier to pass as ftm, maybe that's why it seems there are fewer of them

nah I've tried everything and nothing works, I know how fucked I am, I can barely butter toast, just going to stab myself in the heart, thanks for the advice though, hope everything keeps working out well for you x

runt film 2bh

can't fault you for using what works though

agreed, runtiest of all methods 2bh

gf sent me this
what's she playing at?

Mental that in other countries you gotta pay for shit when you go to the hospital lol.

What are they even doing?


>it's a lot easier to pass as ftm
kek no
they're all short and look butch

sierra skye's a right munter


rnental *pfft*

there are at least a few female furries aren't there?

very deviant interest anyway

i matched an ftm on tinder who passed well but i couldn't go through with it in the end

Think I might stop drinking pints.

Nice juicy gf

got a huge pimple on my batty


wish they didn't give me such headaches though


I think tim would make a decent punk musician

hanging yourself is real nigga shit. the amount of thought and preparation that goes into is truly horrifying. girl from round my area hanged herself completely and utterly unexpectedly. Parents and friends still have not the foggiest as to why.

innit tho

watched ali g today
he said batty in that

rnarginal *hngg*

like pints but love is too strong a word

she's a qt :)

I drank 12 pints of guinness last night

i'd wager at least somebody in this video is a (male)

Are you a pintman?

my poos are a disgrace after guinness

I drank ten pints of that Sam Smith's stout which is basically Guinness. And a load of rum. Feel like SHIT.


dislike wogs but hate is too strong a word
(not racist)

i love racism i hate pints

reminder males transition to females at a much higher rate than females transition to males

absolute state

How much do you have to down to qualify as a pintman?

DARE YOU to google this word and find its definition


put it this way
imagine being a manlet, skinny beta dork, then popping some pills and doing some squats and suddenly having people lusting over you over the internet so much so that you can literally chaturbate all day.


1 (one) pint

love Pakistanis hate racists

Business idea: seize the means of production

Senior Pintman - 30+
Intermediate Pintman- around 25
Junior Pintboy - 18+

those are pints not ages.

Production idea: seize the means of Business

Ok, I've got hold of mine, what now?

got a sore hip lads

love racism hate racists

Business idea: study for the big test and stop procrastinating.

love paki women
paki men should die