Remember when American TV shows were so afraid of criticizing the Obama administration that they resorted to making...

Remember when American TV shows were so afraid of criticizing the Obama administration that they resorted to making jokes about a Canadian mayor who smoked crack because they were that desperate for a target?

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Toronto actually loved him. Only the upper class liberals who special interest projects he didn't fund disliked him.

>Remember when American TV shows were so afraid of criticizing

"Remember when American TV shows were so afraid of criticizing" is going to be added to my filter!

You can keep trying to force this into a meme, but it'll never be funny

And the actually intelligent people that realized the implications of a politician being associated with, and beholden to, the kind of people that sell crack.

its the suburbs that liked him. downtown did not

Socially Obama has done nothing wrong.

He's just not funny.

He may have smoked crack, and done so for years, but god damn it- high as a kite or not, he did absolutely every single thing he said that he would do. If the only politician in Canada that does what he says he'll do is the one who smokes crack- then god damn it, someone get him the best crack in town.

Well I mean, it's a funny story, and the daily show is a comedy program.

No, but I remember when OP filtered the reality of the world through his preconceived notions to help validate his world view.

The entirety of the Obama administration has been a joke, albeit a bad one.


>republican zingers

they tried to make fun of him but didn't have the content most of the time

>but didn't have the content most of the time

I find that very hard to believe.

That was amusing but look at some classic daily show.

It starts off as media targeted satire and devolves into silly clips of Bush. Obama just doesn't have the material.

>The charter Choom Ganger, confessed eater of dog and snorter of coke. The doofus who thinks the language spoken by Austrians is “Austrian,” that you pronounce the p in “corpsman” and that ATMs are the reason why job growth is sluggish. The egomaniac who gave the queen of England an iPod loaded with his own speeches and said he was better at everything than the people who work for him. The empty suit with so little real-world knowledge that he referred to his brief stint working for an ordinary profit-seeking company as time “behind enemy lines.” The phony who tells everyone he’s from Chicago, though he didn’t live there until his 20s, and lets you know that he’s talking to people he believes to be stupid by droppin’ his g’s. The world-saving Kal-El from a distant solar system who told us he’d heal the planet and cause the oceans to stop rising. The guy who shared a middle name with one of the most hated dictators on earth.

>Canadian mayor who smoked crack
to be fair that sounds like a good target

>The egomaniac who gave the queen of England an iPod loaded with his own speeches

That deserves to be mocked. The rest is forgivable. Especially after George W's daily faux pas. People forget Bush was legitimately funny.

>The rest is forgivable.

of course it is, because it's Obama (D)