
Talk peacefully about the artist of the decade, Claire Elise Boucher aka Grimes.

>I'm in the zone of just throwing things at a wall. I'm trying to be unlimited by “this is sound of the album” or something. I'm trying to do the craziest shit I can, or just reach outside my comfort zone. I've been doing a song a day kind of thing. Like, get as far as I can on a song per day then start a new thing. Then once I have a various amount of things, then I'll go back and decide what to do with it.
>i just made the most insane song i'm so happy about it!!!

Song of the day: youtube.com/watch?v=svT2miDOc4M

She's fucking ugly and her music sucks.

you're insane for being so intensely intolerant of those who you disagree with.

even outside of this instance, you will viciously attack anybody who says something even remotely negative about grimes and then try to get them banned. you need to stop being so one-dimensional. there is always something to be learned from your opponent, and the second you dismiss those who you disagree with as useless garbage is the second you become an ignorant dogmatist. plugging your ears and throwing a tantrum

Nice flooding

Post cute Hayleys.

WTF is wrong with you? Did you forget your pills?

the second you dismiss those who you disagree with as useless garbage is the second you become an ignorant dogmatist. plugging your ears and throwing a tantrum

go away

first for grimes is the artist of the decade

lmao the other general really just get deleted? the text was all there for a legitimate discussion it was purely the picture that warrented it being deleted?

This happens with no other artist, fucking grimesmod needs to be stopped.

>inb4 ban because of some obscure unrelated rule

it's not the mods. it's the narcissistic grimesfag who reports anything and everything that offends him personally on the grounds of "trolling"

it's one mod, /grimesmod/ he got recruited with the last haul and has been shitting up this place ever since, obviously the 3-4 grimes posters having been making it worse but /grimesmod/ has taken it to another level

that was a troll thread and you know it, fucker

was the other general that got deleted made before this one?

well before this one by like 30 minutes, it had everything for a grimes general and was going along fine, but the OP picture was one of the shopped grimes pics so it had to be deleted cause grimesmod couldnt masturbate over the pic


nice drowning

it wasn't a "general"
just a weak attempt to piss off grimes fans
this kind of shit belongs to and the mod did everything right

>troll thread
see just because it offends your overly-sensitive personality doesn't mean it's trolling. you're just a crybaby who probably never heard the word "no" growing up

>you're just a crybaby
and you are just a troll who failed to ruin a thread with a shopped picture
enjoy your ban, moron

>it wasn't a "general"
>just a weak attempt to piss off grimes fans
in that case, this isn't a general either. it's just a weak attempt to piss off those who don'e like grimes. this thread pisses me off. therefore it's trolling. therefore it should be deleted.

do you see how self-absorbed and solipsistic you are? it astounds me how many times i have to say this. the board doesn't revolve around you. just because something triggers your hypersensitivity doesn't make it trolling

and you're just a troll who succeeded in ruining a board with a shitty waifu. if i'm getting banned for something as innocuous as that, then so are you.

feat: grimes

the posting of grimes offends me. i realize that posting grimes isn't against the rules inherently, but since it makes me angry, it constitutes as trolling. therefore this thread should be deleted. and the grimesfag who made it should be banned.

wow. this is disgusting

>posts in a thread about an artist he dislikes
>doesn't know how to use filters
>being that much retarded

ever tried to go out?

don't change the subject. i'm allowed to post wherever i want. that post used the exact same logic that you are using.

i just exposed how bullshit your definition of "trolling" is and now you're resorting to some kindergarten-tier ad-hominem


in fact, posting thisis 1000000x more trolling than posting an ugly picture of an ugly musician

If you don't like the thread and/or the artist then just leave. If it's still not clear for you, then you are a legit autist.

>posting an ugly-photoshopped picture of a beautiful musician

>the text was all there for a legitimate discussion it was purely the picture that warrented it being deleted?
Do you think we're stupid? Posting threads with ugly trollish pictures under the guise of being legit threads is against the rules. Deal with it.

If you don't like the people who don't like the thread and/or artist then just leave. If it's still not clear for you, then you are a legit autist.

irrelevant opinion.

Stop trying to mess with the Grimethreads dumbfuck. Do you think it's ok to post shitty images edited in Photoshop to be as disgusting as possible and then act like nothing happened? Who do you think you are, scumbag?

continuing with your "logic."

>Do you think it's ok to post shitty images edited in Photoshop to be as disgusting as possible and then act like nothing happened?
yes. that's the whole point of this argument. there is NOTHING wrong with doing this. it happens for EVERY SINGLE other artist on this board. see pic related. the only reason why it's causing a stir here is because grimesfags are the whiniest crybabies to ever exist.

if you don't like us making fun of your precious waifu then leave.

>the only reason why it's causing a stir here is because grimesfags are the whiniest crybabies to ever exist.
So, you know they're offended by that and yet you're still posting it. That's TROLLING. Don't mess with the rules or the rules will hit you hard.
>if you don't like us making fun of your precious waifu then leave.
We're not going to play your game in our thread. Is it clear? Now leave.

>unironically doing the equivalent of putting his fingers in his ears and yelling "la la I can't hear you"

>acknowledging that it offends you when it shouldn't means that you're purposely offending them
Just because people don't cater to your childish wants does not make them trolls

>it happens for EVERY SINGLE other artist on this board. see pic related.
That pic related is actually funny. Unlike that grotesque and disgusting edited picture that you claim there's nothing wrong with it. Actually your dirty mind is wrong on every level.

why are you here?

lame comment.

>So, you know they're offended by that and yet you're still posting it
there is a difference between posting something for the sole purpose of getting a reaction and posting something for another purpose but knowing that a reaction will come as a consequence.

grimes is bad. i'm saying that because i believe it. even though i know you're going to go into full rage mode because i said it, that's not the reason why i said it. that isn't trolling. that's just you once again, expecting the world to cater to your over-sensitivity

Even the mods were offended by your paper thin trolling. Don't talk about childish wants when you're whining ITT that mods btfo your shitty thread. Accept the reality like a man.

>enjoy your ban, moron
oh look another grimesfag treating the mods like their his own personal little police force

can't really blame him tho because the mods literally fucking are

>That pic related is actually funny. Unlike that grotesque and disgusting edited picture

>there is a difference between posting something for the sole purpose of getting a reaction and posting something for another purpose but knowing that a reaction will come as a consequence.
Explain that to mods. Trolling is trolling, no matter how you spin it. That thread has zero reasons to exist.
>grimes is bad. i'm saying that because i believe it.
Whatever floats your boat. It doesn't affect me at all. This is not trolling. That thread was trolling.

>doesn't have an argument so he just makes shit up and insults me

The grimes pictures are funny though, it's the same principle. X is short so photoshopping him to look really short is funny. Grimes is ugly so photoshopping her to look really ugly is funny. What's the difference other than that Grimes is too important to you

this. that picture of nazi grimes is actually extremely accurate. this has become a dictatorship.

grimes makes terrible music. (inb4 ban)

Common sense opinion

>he got recruited
Fyi mods aren't recruited. Janitors are. And janitors only have limited powers (e.g. they can't ban people.) Given how much of a tizzy you guys get up to any time something happens here administratively that you don't like (e.g. your thread gets deleted because the OP was an eyesore in comparison to another thread on the same topic also currently in catalog) I'd expect know more about how this place works...

Believe it or not, this site actively encourages the contribution of quality content. If you're gonna start a thread that purposefully doesn't look aesthetically pleasing, don't be surprised or outraged if it gets upstaged by one that does. What else would you expect?

you belong to

>Explain that to mods
That's what he's doing

>trolling is trolling, no matter how you spin it
You realize that you're doing the equivalent of a judge, after being told that a defendant committed manslaughter, saying "first degree murder is first degree murder, no matter how you spin it", and then sentencing the defendant to death. Please think before you post.

>my opinion is more right than yours
when are you going to get over yourself?

you belong to

>threads should be aesthetically pleasing
That's subjective. Imagine if there was a rule for "you must post good music", can you imagine how stupid that would be?

>no argument

>That thread has zero reasons to exist
oh wowee

these fucking generals have zero, Z E R O reason to exist. they're fucking asinine, theres never any relevant discussion, and grimes hasnt even released an album in TWO FUCKING YEARS. You faggots literally sit around and talk about her fucking instagram posts. This is all disregarding the fact that despite your insistence on these generals having a place on this board (which they dont, never have, and never will) still allow the fucking grimes discussion to overflow and STILL make other fucking dumbass threads to talk about grimes DESPITE THERE BEING A SPECIFIC RULE ON Sup Forums FORBIDDING DUPLICATE TOPICS. of course the mods never delete those threads because they've very much decided to pick a side.

Is posting John Lennon's absolute madman photoshopped pic allowed, grimes police force?

>no u
oh wow

it's my personal opinion that the musical artist grimes is unspeakably hideous.


then why are you posting in a grimes thread?
>not discussing music on Sup Forums
>not being nice to grimes

>no u to an already baseless shitpost that had nothing to do with the discussion in the thread
oh wow indeed. maybe next time i'll try responding with a developed argument as to why i'm posting on Sup Forums rather than Sup Forums

Dumb grimesfags, thread was deleted because it was made before the old one reached bump limit, not because it was "an evil trolling thread :'(((".
I can post you a screenshot if you don't believe it

>someone making actual discussion belongs on Sup Forums but one person repeatedly responding with the same thing does not
inb4 you belong to Sup Forums

>Grimes is ugly so photoshopping her to look really ugly is funny.
Nice try. Funny for you, haters.

Mate I've seen this before. I made a thread after the previous one hit bump limit, it was first, yet I still got hit with a warning for duplicate topics. Either way, kpop does the same thing and they never get threads taken down, especially if the thread is still alive and the old one hits bump limit

>not discussing music on Sup Forums
every time somebody comes into these threads and accuses you of this you fall back on
>grimes is a musician and you're allowed to discuss musicians on mu.
but as soon as somebody flips it the other way, you'll attack them with the exact same argument that you've dodged time and time again.

you are the biggest hypocrite that i've ever met and this level of cognitive dissonance should be examined by a therapist

>I can post you a screenshot if you don't believe it
do this pls

This. There's a rule about quality content. Posting a shitty picture meant to defame her + copying the intro text from a legit thread is not quality content. It's lame trolling. That hater may whine the whole year, he's still wrong.

>That's subjective.
It ABSOLUTELY IS. It's also right in the site-wide rules #6 to be exact):
>The QUALITY of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-QUALITY images and informative comments.

What does "quality" really mean? Whatever the hell mods/janitors want it to. And how can you/I tell what that is? By observing what they do/don't delete.

Don't like this policy? (can't say I'm a huge fan myself given how things like KPop seem to have a free pass regarding e.g. the "informative content" clause, but I can live with it.) Go to a different site that doesn't work this way. Or start your own. I've been seriously considering the latter for quite some time now desu.

Ever notice how everyone who dislikes Grimes only ever mentions her appearance and never criticise the music
Really makes you think

Case in point

The text says only about posting a new thread before the previous one reached bump limit and doesn't mention word "trolling" at all which proves once again this person ( ) is delusional and needs to understand rules don't revolve around him and his personal wishes.

>these fucking generals have zero, Z E R O reason to exist. they're fucking asinine, theres never any relevant discussion, and grimes hasnt even released an album in TWO FUCKING YEARS.
Boo hoo, and you're still (shit)posting in them! If they have zero reasons to exist why do you contribute here with your idiocy? Gotcha!
Not an album in 2 years? The Beatles didn't make an album since late 60s and they're still very discussed.
Hey triggered dumbass, filter these threads and get a life.


I'm talking about the aesthetic quality of the post, which is subjective. The actual quality of discussion can be measured. There is no rule that aesthetic quality is required in posts, since that's subjective. The mods have never banned a thread because they thought the image looked bad until grimesthreads, which only goes to prove their corruption

But posting a shitty picture meant to improve her image with the same copy-pasted text is quality? This is some next-level denial.

we talked about why posting an ugly picture of grimes on Sup Forums can never be considered defamation like two days ago. you are so immature and ignorant that you completely block out any information or stimulus that doesn't uphold your delusional view of the world. you are actually no different than pic related.

and since this comment is also going to be damaging to your fragile ego, i'm sure you'll conveniently repress this as well.

blindest is he who does not wish to see. and you user, are blinder than a bat.

>well before this one by like 30 minutes
Bad timing for your shitty trolling thread. You posted it too soon; the other one didn't even reach the bump limit at that time. You're not only dumb but you also brag about it.

>saying that a thread has no purpose to exist in that thread counts as contributing to their lack of purpose, even though you're at least trying to change something

If the thread is still active after the thread hits bump limit then it is breaking no rules at the time

This so much, this guys keeps repeating same comments and arguments day after day although being proven wrong on them so many times. This thing about defamation is an excellent example of that, he's still wrongly using it like a deluded autist.

END OF ARGUMENT. people are allowed to post ugly pics of grimes all thy want. they just can't have more than one thread about it at the same time.

"anti-trolling" grimesfags officially BTFO'd

But threads with ugly pics that were put after the previous general died have also been deleted with the same justification. I think the justification might just be fake

>of course the mods never delete those threads because they've very much decided to pick a side.
WTF are you talking about? They deleted plenty of side threads from both camps (haters and fans).


Geez when did people on Sup Forums become such pussies? This is becoming pretty lame.
They do criticize her music, it's usually rebuttal-ed with "WELL THEN user YOU DO NOT GET IT."

>have also been deleted with the same justification
that's because this thread was made as soon as the previous one hit bump limit. either those threads were made before the previous one hit bump limit, or after this one was made.

>using a retarded meme term like 'grimesfags' unironically
>expecting to be taken seriously

stop arguing. op said to be peaceful

i just hate her

You post a lot of crap whining like a crybaby. YOU ARE STILL WRONG. Period.

>he concentrates on 'grimesfag' part of my post because he can't refute the content of my post

you're pathetic, classic music faggot

just leave Sup Forums already


RIP crybaby user

You troll were BTFO by mods. Justice has been served. May your shitty thread burn in hell.

>getting offended over a decade old meme

I'd call you a newfag now, but you'd probably be very confused by the meaning of that term so I'll spare you this time.

>oh look, he repressed and ignored another thing that could potentially undermine his ego
blindest is he who does not wish to see. and you user, are blinder than a bat.

The most mature argument ever written on this site. I'll screencap this and print it and frame it.

>although being proven wrong on them so many times
Proven wrong by whom? You silly haters? HA HA HA HA HA HA!