ITT: Post an album and a fitting aesthetic to it

ITT: Post an album and a fitting aesthetic to it

>violently eating a very smoketasting pulled pork burger

(easy mode)
Being the only customer in a London McDonalds at 3:30AM.



> smell melon before buying it at the supermaket

>you ride a bike down an endless steep hill with no brakes and you can't stop feeling the biting wind in your face

>and then you just coast at the bottom

>Your mom is visiting her junkie boyfriend while you sit in his biker clubhouse listening to his friends talk, waiting to be taken home

>Hiking in a heavily wooded forest trail right at the peak of noon

You forgot to add
>while peaking on shrooms

>You're spending the last day of summer with your high school friends before you all go off to college. The loud music and alcohol almost make you forget how much you'll miss all this.

>watching old episodes of The Muppet Show and Sesame Street while tripping on acid

>when your pissed off at your mum because she made you clean the dishes while WWA was on so you missed it

No that's campfire headphase

>finding that really fucking weird pirate radio station that somehow plays a lot of different music and weird commercials for random crap

>getting lost in the Latino neighborhood just before nightfall with no idea of how to get back home, really hungry and with not much money in your pocket while listening to Yes

>furiously masurbating too anime trap porn

Forgot pic.

>lying in a boxcar drinking piss beer and writing poetry

>spending the night on the beach with a bunch of cute girls singing and playing the guitar

Little do they know it's their last night alive

This, and also spending a day at the beach with your teenage friends

>mourning a dead friend who you secretly had feelings for but never told anybody

>dirty buzzcut-having, patches and bullet belt-wearing, Jack-drinking pöser annihilatör