Hey this is pretty good

hey this is pretty good

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You back the fuck off.
There's only one indie RPG soundtrack that is worthy of being called Sup Forumscore.

this soundtrack is better than Undertale's, but why can't we have both? Undertale has some really good shit

>muh chiptune melody

Undertale is sensational

The only (and I mean only) reason people on Sup Forums hate it is because of affiliation to tumblr

Don't let the internet form your opinions for you

>quoting IGN

undertale is really not that good a game

Excellent soundtrack.

love this one


this shit is so fucking good. got me into LRD

asgore is the best song

I like Undertale but IGN is fucking trash

napstablook theme would like a word

this tbqh

grow up

haha look how cool and edgy this guy is, he dislikes a thing hahaha

idk how you can't, at the very least, respect that soundtrack for how it's all composed if you know anything about music at all

i'm not even one of those people who's super autistic about undertale it's just very well done

I only began to dislike undertale after I played Earthbound and realised that it did everything better decades before, including the soundtrack

I love this album with the MGS composer and pianist from Etrian Odyssey.

ASGORE best song