Are there any albums like Remain In Light, especially the first 4-5 songs

Are there any albums like Remain In Light, especially the first 4-5 songs.

Fela Kuti



Remain in Light is shit, Talking Heads '77 is a great album but sadly also their only good album


RIL > Food > Fear > 77

Cliche, and not even that true
Talking heads are pretty good, but i agree ril is mediocre. Msabaf is their best, 77 is close

How does it feel being so wrong? Everything up to Speaking in Tongues is solid.

shit taste

Unironically Graceland by Paul Simon

Good boy

MSABAF is definitely their second best but there's a lot on there I don't care for
They started out fun and upbeat, their downer shit is trash and they stop trying to make complex music instead just making weird music

Get the fuck out of here scaruffi, you're not welcome here

I don't even know who that faggot is, I usually stick to Sup Forums but just wanted to pop in and say you nerds have terrible fucking opinions

77 isn't very good- I'd go as far as saying that even True Stories is better.


>I usually stick to Sup Forums

I have better taste than you nerdos, I've seen your top 100s and they're always shit, too much radiohead, you all pick the worst ELO albums, etc.

Elo is as bad as radiohead

King Crimson - Discipline
Byrne / Eno - My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
also seconding fela, listen to Expensive Shit

Well there are good ELO albums but they always get overlooked, Radiohead has some good albums too but they aren't that fucking good

>I usually stick to Sup Forums

Fear > 77 > RiL > Food
fite me

at this point pol is less cancerous than mu. the fuckin board is full of boring normies that like the smiths, weezer, radiohead, mac demarco, grimes, kendrick lamar and other shitty accessible music

King Crimson - Discipline is very similar, but more guitar-based.

>I usually stick to Sup Forums

Aight guys, I'll prove user's point because you guys never have anything worth a damn being discussed here. I don't come here often so maybe one or two of these get discussed from time to time but here's a die-hard Stormftronters top 5 albums:
1. The Gun Club - Miami
2. Talking Heads - Talking Heads '77
3. Yes - Tales From Topographic Oceans
4. Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime
5. Devo - Q&A
and since these change frequently for me I'll give some honorable mentions
ELO - On the Third Day
Beck - Mutations
Iggy Pop - Lust for Life
NoMeansNo - 0+2=1 (to be fair I have seen this discussed here which was neat)
Parquet Courts - Light Up Gold
Replacements - Hootenanny
T. Rex - Electric Warrior
This Heat - Deceit
Wipers - Youth of America

Pretty much everything Jagatara put out. Check out their debut, Nanban Torai. Their entire discog is great and exactly what you're looking for though.

Most of these albums are shit and talked about pretty often on Sup Forums.

>talked about pretty often on Sup Forums.
Really? I've been poking around the top 100 threads when they pop up and will see Devo on their sometimes and have seen threads about NoMeansNo but haven't seen the others. I might stick around for a while but thinking any of those albums are shit scares me considering what I know you guys think are good albums

Iggy Pop, Talking Heads, Yes, and Beck are pretty much universally loved on Sup Forums

I just can't get in to the other TH albums outside of '77. Do you guys ever discuss On the Third Day or Eldorado, whenever I see ELO being discussed it's a shit album. What about The Gun Club or Minutement/fIREHOSE

>I usually don't stick to pol

I'm Sup Forums / /k/ and I shitpost on Sup Forums occasionally. I want to like Sup Forums but as I've mentioned 3 times over your tastes are frequently terrible

>I usually stick to Sup Forums

What makes Sup Forums so liberal? Blacks and jews are destroying your hobby (check out modern music), why not join us?

Because I'm not a racist shitheel.

>ignores reality because he's afraid of being called a racist

Remain In Light > Stop Making Sense > More Songs About Buildings and Food > Fear Of Music > 77

Alternative facts are not reality.