Which Man of Spiders is the best?

Which Man of Spiders is the best?

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Objective ranking

Right to left

Middle is closest to comics

Tobey > Tom > Andrew


Comics are shit and people need to stop expecting movies to follow them exactly

>Fix your door? But you have not paid your rent. Who is this man before me who would make demands like this? You are brave man, Man of Spiders. This is admirable. But with braveness comes a certain naivety. You are young, you do not understand these things yet. I will fix your door.

T-bone Maguire, easily.

I rate Holland so low because he was in CW for 20 minutes while Tobey and Andrew had entire films to expand their performance. While those 20 minutes were cool I will need to wait for Homecoming to give a fair verdict.

>anyone but tob

No, he isn't. Spider-man isn't a dyel manlet with a 12-year-old's voice in the comics. People actually thought he was an adult when wore the costume even though he was 15. Unless you're talking about Ultimate Spider-man, but that's shit.

You know, prime Hershlag would have made a great Gwen Stacy.


Definitely not the one that uses a CGI suit

you could barely tell. Kinda impressive. Same with black panther, though with him they just smoothed out the wrinkles.

>you could barely tell. Kinda impressive.
>you could barely tell.
You are either a shill, an idiot or just a really moronic super fan

Enjoy watching your Spiderman/Avatar CGI adaption

The suit looked fucking awful.

It looked like they wrapped him in a giant Spider-man sticker

Left mid right

what is the purpose of a cgi suit
seems like a tremendous waste of time and resources

Maybe they wanted to film before they designed the suit

Toby Maguire

lol that's what you guys said about garfield when he came out too

We haven't seen enough of Holland's to make that judgment yet. That is the only answer.

To the shitty ones that are known to make Spider-Man be considered one of the heroes with the worst stories. Tobey is classic stan lee Spidey at its best minus the talking.

Tobey by a landslide.

Tom Holland's

Tobey wasn't even that good in my opinion. People just love to whine the contrary because Spiderman 2 was actually good against all the odds. That said Tobey wasn't even the best part of that movie. On top of that his performance in 3 was laughably terrible.

In the short time Holland rocked up in Civil War he showcased more of Spiderman's powers and characterization than what it took multiple films to achieve.

At least Garfield got the smarts, Gwen Stacy chemistry and had Spidey bants. It's a pity he looked like he was in his mid-20's when he was supposed to be in school.

toby does a better job of resembling 60's spiderman while in suit, though his peter parker is a little more shy/gay than original peter parker who was just an autistic nerd.

garfields does a better job of resembling 90's peter parker, who is less of a nerd, and more confident, quippy, and more hip; in a lot of ways 90s parker is a completely different person than 60s parker.

middle guy is kind of like, a REALLY good rendition of miles' spiderman. he's basically white miles.

Cast your vote


Tom Holland looks more genuine, looks more of a teenager, at least is no Michael Cera

Garfield also doesn't look like a real person, something is off about his face.

Tobey was top tier comfy you cunt

Is free country

is not rent-free country

Tom was the cutest Man of Spiders


His Peter was just some fucking sperglord who got superpowers. He didn't even have to make his own webshooters.


Andrew Garfield and his 10/10 30 year old twink ass

Ah, mediocre

His one good asset

you're mediocre

>The mannequins have nicer asses than he does


But you're wrong, he has a lovely perky little ass. Perfect for slapping and squeezing.


spider man suit
spider man/peter parker


The only correct answer

Right there

Yes, yes, well done Tom, well done, HOWEVER

>that FAS
>this is considered attractive in bongistan

Face it, Tom is perfect. Garfield can't compete.

But user, he is attractive. Very attractive.

looks like a bobble head. why didn't he lift, at least?

I wish Toby was younger for the first Spiderman. Would have been perfect.

He's got a great body though.

>you could barely tell
I could tell instantly the moment he appeared in his suit in Civil War. Almost as bad as RDJ's head on the suit

>Almost as bad as RDJ's head on the suit
but that was actually his head in a practical suit...

>that fucking Press out
three reds Peter

The guy in the middle has a face that looks just like the mask! Its uncanny, Id have to vote for him he was born for the role.

They should do a Spider-Man 4 with Tobey playing an older, grizzled, hardened, brutal Spidey hell-bent on purging the filth from his streets.

>people posting anything but the raimi spiderman

that's a child's body

So this guy? I'd watch it.

He's ripped