the worst memes Sup Forums has tried to push

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You mean Sup Forums

stop pushing that meme

Rap is good.

You haven't even listened to the song.


i bet you haven't either, pal



What is this?

what's the difference?

>two drummers

OP here, I've heard it upwards of ten times already.

Its received a lot of media attention without the help of Sup Forums.

Music sounds like a less funky Rage Against The Machine. Nothing brand new or special about the band. The Band has been around for a while without making any waves. If the band wanted some attention they got it.

They remind me of Atari Teenage Riots forced political jargon they spew out.

I almost fell for it, too

Genuinely think the song is not that terrible

spamming loveless

Is this the most succesful Sup Forums meme

the brain meme started in /rym/

>tfw I made a shop of this and nobody saved it

metal as a genre

Fucking this
Maybe the worst forced meme ever

true. the message is ham-fisted as it gets but it's pretty head-bobbing

I've seen the 2 drummers meme much more than that, even if they never use it correctly.


Not even the best IM album

is that the OG meme?

*fuck off*

nah, I just picked the first one I found in my folder

The brain meme became what it is now on /lit/ with whom-posting. At first it wasn't a brain; rather, it was a black guy with glowing eyes, taken from some other website. I don't have it saved, though.

damn just noticed the horse got a spiky dong

Hey this is pretty good. Not cringe at all


Two drummers was in a sum41 video, we fucking made it with that one dood

/mental retardation

Sounds like you just got knocked the fuck out, nazi punk.

>ITT - Masterpiece math rock albums

literally anything post-2013

not a single shred of humor from this board except shugazi

all of them

meme rap like lum

the beginning of the end right here
