Would you watch an all-female Predator movie?

Would you watch an all-female Predator movie?

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sup fammalamalam

just had creamed chicken earlier

it was tasty

women operators make me laugh

if it has emily blunt as the lead


>a single bronze medal for boxing
How do you explain your country's appalling performance at Rio, Finnpai? Burundi and Mongolia got more medals than you guys.

oh yeah. oh FUCK yeah female predators

Don't need to:

so even the predator would be female?

I ate the cold remains of a rotissary chicken

We are like berries

Olympics were invented by the jews to shift focus fron cultural marxism

Is that the one where they spread mean rumors about the predator and talk about shoes?

Is this canon? I'd watch an all female predators if all the predators were also female.

>I ate the cold remains of a rotissary chicken
>We are like berries

>Olympics were invented by the jews to shift focus fron cultural marxism

I bet you sing a different joik when it's the Winter Games and you win all the reindeer-eating medals or whatever

>women getting killed onscreen

not going to happening in a mainstream movie.










It's made clear in the films that predators don't see women as a challenge.


what about MtF transsexuals, tho?








No, women don't belong around guns much less a battlefield.


All women have to offer men are their looks, truly pathetic.


that doesn't apply in "her" case, tho

How come?

only if they have a penis.

well, first she's clearly a male

second, not much "looks" going on for her


I don't care if it's a tranny or a female, they both have the women looks, the former is probably even worse since it's a male willingly trading his manhood for vapid womanhood thus accepting he's an inferior male who's only good for being an eye candy for other men. Disgusting and pathetic, good thing most of these abominations kill themselves early on.

Does tranny still have a dick?

won't argue with that, user

it's rather disturbing indeed

I'm in if thats going to be the predator. Also the predator has to rape earth men and molest some of the female cast,look jews if you want my shekels thats the only way you'll be getting them,so get to work.

judging by her manly appearance, I'd say her testosterone-makers still intact

could you stop posting that pig disgusting nigger lover,I'm going to vomit.

what happened to her career?

She didn't have a career she just did a bunch of quick shoots and fucked off back to Poland. For the best probably. I have her entire body of work, it's the jem of my porn folder,even holds up over time.


she's into azns, bro

only if they get raped

That's why she makes nigger "music",because she's into Asians? Also yellow fever isn't any better.

only if there's a female predator

what a shame, she was sucha talented girl

was all her stuff legal? she looked awfully young

all girls like that kind of music nowadays, grandpa

chill out

would you watch a movie where the Predator hunts pedos?

How about a movie about a loli-predator that gets stuck on earth and has to fend of pedos?


Nobody wants your tranny spam. Please stop.


WTF Is wrong with me!?!?!?!

Only if it includes a moral lesson about overcoming the Patriarchy

Yes. It wouldnt matter to me. So long as it wasn't a remake or a reboot but a whole new story with new characters. Settings and maybe some xenomorph action as well.

Hell yeah !

If it was an sjw pandering remake designed to reboot a franchise because Muh equality. Like ghost justers.

It could go and fuck itself.

if there was a nude scene or three

>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

my waifu could beat up predator ez

4 sequels later we still haven't gotten a film even close to the first Predator.
As long as it's a good film, I don't care if it is all female; and if it will be bad, it's just another bad Predator sequel.

first AvP wasn't that bad

no, women aren't badass, unless they were beating up female asians and a fought a female predator.

It was watchable, but far from a good Predator or Alien movie.


Maybe, but only because I love predator so much. I would go more Kill Bill esqe female assassins guild than mercenaries


Maybe if it was lore. Like Female Predators have to hunt dangerous females

At that point just make Spawn