ITT: we establish once and for all what is reddit

Here are my suggestions. If you disagree, explain why. If you don't understand why these films/TV shows are 'reddit', you are almost certainly reddit yourself.

Please add to the list if you can, it's very obviously incomplete.

Mods don't interfere, this is on topic and will almost certainly be more interesting than 90% of the shitty memeposting threads you decide to ignore.

>pretty much any normie comedy you can think of
>Mr Robot
>Game of Thrones
>Breaking Bad post S2

>Fight Club
>ANY Tarantino film whatsoever
>ANY Lynch film whatsoever
>Almost every action film you can name, especially those starring the following actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones, Bruce Willis, you probably get the picture.

The following films, while sadly enjoyed by redditors also, are undeniably kino:

>ANY James Cameron film (literally kill yourself if you disagree)
>ANY Ridley Scott film
>James Bond movies
>Lord of the Rings
>most Kubrick films

Avatar and titanic aren't kino, they are shit movies that only plebs enjoy

This thread is reddit. baka desu

using the word kino unironically is the definition of reddit

kill yourself

This post was . Fuck off go back.

Sup Forums is reddit

literally réddit: the thread

Anyone who uses the word is kino an autist who doesn't know how to discuss tv or film intelligently. End your worthless life now you piece of shit

ITT: stop liking what i don't like
Too bad your parents were pro-life

Please either contribute to the thread or stop spamming it and breaking rules, triggered redditors.

reddit is a site much like Sup Forums where you can have discussions about anything with likeminded people.

This is the most reddit thread on 4chinz.

>It's a getting triggered by Fight Club episode

reddit have two sides to their film taste. One is completely new with film and what it has to offer (jee, TDK sure has the best intro ever), the other is rifling through their Dad's video collection, talking about all the obvious old films one can name. They're not very adventurous with film and neither is Sup Forums and obscurity isn't being adventurous, that's just being a hipster. Being adventurous is trying a film that doesn't automatically appeal to you, trying to broaden your horizons.

BTW I'm not really up with this autistic lingo you use and since this is a good place to ask I'll ask - what the fuck is "kino"?

I hope everyone in this thread dies a painful death

Ah I see the autist is mad, no one cares about your stupid ass thread, and I wouldn't be surprised you liked the same movies Reddit liked, most users here are actually plebs/wannabe film buffs

objectively reddit: the post thread (literally)

Mr robot, game of thrones, dr who, walking dead, stranger things. All reddit

>no one cares about your stupid ass thread
>posts in it

Automatically invalidates everything else you typed.

Kill yourself, triggered redditor.

There divisions here:
Kino, cinema, film, movie, and flick
It's fucking stupid, just a bunch idiots trying sound like film geniuses, they have use buzzwords to make up for the fact that they can't discuss film intelligently. Honestly Sup Forums is just bad as Reddit in its own way

>If you disagree, explain why. If you don't understand why these films/TV shows are 'reddit', you are almost certainly reddit yourself.

So you want me to explain why Mr. Robot isn't reddit but when doing so I'm reddit?

Nice logic pleb.

Mr.Robot is most definitely not reddit. I'm sure some redditors love it but the show is too autistic for redditors to actually appreciate all the homages and autistic tech talk. The show encapsulates the essence of a true Sup Forums oldfag. It's literally Sup Forums: the show.

Let me point out the obvious reasons:
>MC is autistic /r9k/
>tech talk /sci/
>fsociety Sup Forums /x/
>trannies Sup Forums /lgbt/
>homages to other shows and films Sup Forums

Mr. Robot is a plebfilter.

> Abatap
> Kino
Also, an entire genre cannot be `reddit`.

IMO reddit designation is about middlebrow films, fans of which think they are special for "getting".

Also I can't believe you didn't include Primer

Sup Forums is obsessed with stranger things though

Mr. Reddit is the redditest thing that ever reddit
Reddit yourself redditor

This thread is reddit af

Still haven't really explained what "kino" is. I recognise cinema though that's where you see films, not the medium. I recognise film and movie and flick (girly name for film) but not kino.
Seen it being used with superhero films and that's all I know about it.

>actually taking 'kino' seriously

DEFINITION of a redditard.

Fucking hell, this place gets even worse by the month.

dr.who got and strange shit have their own generals, your list is literally 50% of what Sup Forums talks about (other 50% being capeshit)

>Stranger Things
take that back,faggot.

This has to be b8

Unironically using the word "hipster"

well well well, if it isn't reddit


I forgot. Uh, patrician, m'lord.

Autistic fuck...

Why do you keep making this thread everyday?

reddit containment generals don't represent Sup Forums

Flick - Guardians of the Galaxy
Movie - The Avengers
Film - Man of Steel
Cinemá - The Dark Knight
Kino - Batman vs. Superman

Spotted the plebbiters.

The reason Reddit sucks is because they circlejerk the same movies all the time. There's a huge recency bias there, everything is either the best or worst thing ever, and no one there has seen foreign movies. They just talk about shitty mainstream blockbusters

Sup Forums sucks it's just a bunch people thinking they are superior because they don't like something popular or critically acclaimed. No one here know how to discuss films/tv intelligently. They have to resort to using buzzwords such as meme show/movie, kino, pleb, and patrician. There's no good discussion, just shitposting

Since this thread has clearly been invaded by butthurt/false-flagging redditors, I'll add a few more things to the list to keep discussion going:

>ANY capeshit Batman vs Superman is debatable.
>Dr Who
>ANYTHING that has a daily general (half of the board's problems would be solved if these people were banned)
>ANY film that relies on some ebin tweest half-way through to keep the audience engaged

this is what i wanted to say but i'll just upvote yo instead

>There's no good discussion, just shitposting
>Implying that's a bad thing

Le autistic hacker is just like me Reddit
I love a mr. Reddit
Anxious but a good guy if people only gave him a chance
Can't wait to discuss the next twist of mr. Reddit on Reddit

Don't forget that a common tactic of redditards is to react to being called out be labeling their accuser 'reddit. This thread is an excellent example.

If a poster calls you 'reddit' with no other qualification, they are almost certainly false-flagging redditors.

Well sometimes is undeniably funny, other times it's just fucking retarded

Calling it reddit doesn't make it so. Give me three reasons why it's reddit and I'll reconsider. I gave five reasons why it's Sup Forums.

With the exception of TDK I haven't watched any of those films and what's with the accented e on cinema? This is a really poor explanation of what "kino" is.
I know what film and movie mean and since cinema having an accented e is so pretentious I take that to mean it's better than film in which case you are so wrong about TDK.

If you watch shows like Mr. Reddit, Game of Reddit, Walking Reddit, Mad Reddit, Stranger Reddit, etc.
You ARE reddit.

Mr robot is both Sup Forums and Reddit the show. It's full of dumb edgy faggots thinking they geniuses, because they're talking about How corrupt society is and shit. It's pseudo intellectualism at its finest, something a stupid teenager would write.

>let fish face anxious hackerman
>le noble hacker muslim
>le evil bad swedish naziman
>le twists we can discuss the meaning of for days
>le so deep, you really have to think about all the layers
>le trans
>le church is evil

should I go on?

you guys think if reddit weren't around we would call each other something a bit more creative? even cuck is more creative than "reddit"


>true kino according to OP

>let fish face anxious hackerman
>le evil bad swedish naziman
>le twists we can discuss the meaning of for days
>le so deep, you really have to think about all the layers
>le trans

Those are all Sup Forums. Sorry buddy. Maybe you should go back.

>movies are reddit
you're missing the whole point, kiddo

Nothing is or isn't reddit, it's the reasons behind it. Take LotR for example. Reddit creams over shit like "I am le no man xdd" and ships Frodo and Sam where they dont get the true meaning between broship (mainly because Jew controlled society does everything it can to destroy companionship and tribalism) or not being a cuck and self sacrifice.

reddit is circlejerking over the things that make you look "well adjusted" in the eyes of society. Hence why their point system is pure cancer.

Might as well count sopranos and the wire as Reddit shows since they circlejerk them as much as breaking bad and game of thrones. I mean Sup Forums isn't superior for liking sopranos, it's what you would call a normie show also.

Either way, both sites are dogshit


mr robot is just reddit, sorry kiddo

what? shut up retard

Sopreddit and Wireddit, yes.

>t. been here all summer

Something that is pretty pleb, yet people think it's deep.

Futurama, Bioshock Infinite, Reddick & Memey, etc

Sup Forums is even shittier than Reddit, but at least they don't have a some bullshit point system, it's just a bunch of karma whoring there.

>>let fish face anxious hackerman

>mfw the MC is literally Pepe.

>Sup Forums is even shittier than Reddit

Exactly what a redditard who can't spot the difference would say.

You can leave now.

I'm not Denying that mr robot is Reddit the show

>hating on Dr. Who

DOWNVOTED baka desu

Doctor who is shit

Anything popular is reddit.

Reddit is reddit desu

So sopranos and wire would also fall under Reddit category then

Kino is just a meme

Soprano's is reddit. Deal with it.


Memes are reddit.

In all seriousness though, saying something is reddit is essentially saying you have no actual real criticism of something yet you know you don't like reddit and you're not intelligent enough to form a proper criticism.

the definition of reddit is the big Lebowski. there is nothing more reddit than this movie and there will probably never be

>Any community that pretends to be made up of idiots will sooner or later attract real idiots.

idiots are reddit

No they aren't, redditard.

Clearly. Memes have some logic to them though... what's the logic behind this one?

t. Reddit

Bug guys aren't reddit

i think it began with the distinction between flicks and movies, and someone once added the category kino with a list of obscure foreign flicks. kino means cinema in german and other languages


Why is Mr Robot reddit?

You're a faggot.

Reddit used to mean normiefood.
Now reddit just means "something I don't like".

People calling things reddit are usually redditors themselves.

People ITT who are not reddit:
The rest of you have to go back.

trying to define, categorize, and police the use of memes is reddit

kill yourself op

*gifts reddit gold*

you're contradicting yourself you memeing retard

Faggots are reddit tbqh

that's fucking stupid. Sup Forums is sometimes really just reddit without the upvotes and downvotes sometimes.

Learn to read faggot. The keyword you missed was USUALLY.


Sup Forums is only obsessed with the two 12-year old leads. Reddit unironically loves the show with zero feelings of pederasty.

watching things for the plot is reddit af tho

That's why TND is the ultimate redditfilter.

The underwater scenes were shades of Malle

TFA is the most reddit film to ever exist.

>Desperate for (you)s: the thread

Because OP knows it's guaranteed to get responses.