ITT post guilty pleasure albums

ITT post guilty pleasure albums

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Green Day is so normie it hurts though.
You gotta post something that'll make normies AND Sup Forums laugh at you.



user, I'm sorry.

Has there ever been a Kidz Bop song that has surpassed the original?

Most single every one

Yeah cool buddy work on your fucking English.
Tech support-ass.


woah a mad

woah durka durka me poopoo in your driveway
*spontaneously combusts*




Are you a teenager? That's honestly the only way you could think that's funny.

any of hammerfall's first five albums

this is the best one btw

No bully pls


I am enjoying the fuck out of it

doesn't /metal/ hate this album


no bully

You really should be bullied for that.



This fucking album is seriously underrated, their best album ever and its not so that of a pop punk that others can listen to it

only if you delete american idiot, holiday and boulevard of broken dream

shut up matt

Yeah Matt seriously, shut up.

>not deleting Wake Me Up When September Ends


>deleting the only worthwhile songs of the sorry excuse of an album

what about jesus of suburbia? thats probably the best track on the album

Xd xd I'm so can relate to this

those songs were played to death back in the day hearing them now makes me really angry

I actually consider these good albums

indeed. Jesus of Suburbia and Give me Novacine are the best songs on the album

>not cringey middle-school tier lyrics that makes you angry

when all i had was music channels on TV they played nothing but Green Day when the album first came out, it was shit same thing with MCRs and Paramore, Kerrang runined so much music for me

This is their best album I'll fight anyone who disagrees

>Both normies and Sup Forums will laugh at you
I think it's probably because it's country and a female singer that isn't Taylor Swift that makes it such an easy target.

This isn't 2005 anymore. Every normie will make fun of you for listening to that cring ass shit


>crack my ribs and repair this broken heart
Pure cringe

i fucking love coldplay's first two albums without any shame.

Homecoming is best song

More of an alt-rock album desu

>This isn't 2005 anymore
Tell that to my coworkers.

Letterbomb and Jesus of Suburbia are the only good songs on that album

desu americain idiot was a fucking staple of early 2000s alt culture, every 15 year old i knew at the time owned it.

Thank you

I still give this a listen every once in a while. At least the woman knows her harpsichord and violin.

Damn son, that is some cultured as fuck taste on that album you've got there.


This shouldn't be a guilty pleasure, it's easily their best album

the ultimate summerfag album

But thats good

>what is homecoming

not him but i'm dying over how absurd he's posting


Nope Enema is their best album ever, fucking pleb

I like 30 seconds to mars albums! fact!!!

American Idiot is a genuinely good album, only gets hated on online forums because "hurr durr lyrics are intelligible and sound is decently recorded so it's not tr00 punx"

It reminds me of the good memories I had watching shitty pk videos.

woah a mad

this is just a good album

i dont know if this was worth the effort you put into making this

I'm guilty as well from a fever you can't sweat out

These are considered good

Randy Newman. I don't know if I should feel guilty for enjoying him, just never hear anyone ever talk about him so assume most don't like him.


dude that album is fuckin amazing how is that a guilty pleasure

Still Better than Grimes


/metal/ hates everything
don't ever listen to what /metal/ has to say unless you're already a /metal/ poster


it's like a god damn greatest hits, before they kept going and ultimately became a parody of themselves

The wholebidea of guilty pleasure is stupid, if you enjoy something you enjoy it. What others think shouldnt matter