Why do people pretend to like this shitty format of audio? I don't understand this trend at all

Why do people pretend to like this shitty format of audio? I don't understand this trend at all.

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also, some stuff was released solely on cassette

underage dipshit redditors who have no idea what tape music is or actual lofi pop

go back to baby's ableton youtube lessons

edgy suburban white teens have to add some inconvenience in their life to complain about

OP here. Go fuck yourself, if you're talking about a reel to reel tape, then that's a whole other animal. Cassettes are mastered poorly compared to reel to reel tapes you fucking twat.

I don't collect them but I think they look good. I can't explain why really aside that I grew up with it. It's a collecting format anyway. I don't think anyone buys their music only on cassettes to show off.

superficial remark, MOST cassettes aren't manufactured to the same snuff as reel to reel.

They have a slight edge for autograph hounds especially at festivals and especially considering how many CDs are digipaks nowadays. I could probably bring a lot more cassette covers in my pants pockets than I could with CDs again especially if theyre digipak.

Otherwise I too am utterly baffled. I always assumed it was to mess with the tape sound but apparently people don't do that.

Nah dude, cassettes are just cute as hell.

hey OP

you're a fucking retard

people say vinyl is better than digital

a good tape player will play a tape as crystal clear as possible and have its own unique aesthetic quality

fuck your pathetic life asshole

Nah what?

And no they're not.

>Why do music fans collect music related stuff?

Really? That's a thread subject?

it's a nice physical form that you don't have to be careful with like you do with CD's and Vinyls

That's really it though, it's a neat collectible. There isn't an argument that they sound better like there is for Vinyls.

They have a ghetto appeal to them if you're strictly talking about old rap records, for example, I would buy and listen to Illmatic on cassette in order to enhance the gritty 1994 project atmosphere of the album. I couldn't tell you how it appeals to non-old school rap fans though, maybe it's showing the subconscious desire for what they perceive as a simpler time

Oh I'm not saying YOU find them cute, I'm saying I find them cute. I think you got confused here man.

No you said they are cute. They are objectively not cute. If you find them cute then to each their own.

Festival autograph seekers will have a clear advantage with cassettes. That is the literal only actual advantage to them. Everything else is just totally made up in someone's mind.

shut up shit for breath

i'm making you up like a barbie doll before i fuck you up the ass with a hammer

Not gonna happen tough guy.

Cry more about it.

>lofi pop
spotted the fag/women/redditor, probaly all three. don't post on my board again, go back to wanking off to the jazzmaster you can bearly play with more effects than guitar signal.

eat shit fucko

Stay mad you dumb fuck.

Look at this thing and tell me objectively why this isn't appealing design wise.

Fuck your thread

Tell me how it's any more appealing than the loathsome 8 track.

CD digipaks are objectively cutest.

>your thread
Maybe you'd be more comfortable at Reddit where you can bitch and moan because of who said something instead of just what was actually said.

The best part about cassettes were the cases, I thought they tended to be pretty stylish compared to big honkin' vinyls and flat ol' CD cases. Otherwise, no benefit.

kys digital clown

I can't believe you're into that sick shit. Why do they need 3 folds when you could have just two? Do they like wasting paper? Plus it's flimsy, it's ruined if it touches water and you can't see what cd it is when you put it in your collection because it's too thin to write anything on the side.

Nah I'm good here beating the living shit out of your stupid thread


>Festival autograph seekers will have a clear advantage with cassettes.
they're cute, if you don't think so that's YOUR problem, get it now?

you just can't see it, sorry not sorry

They don't need to have 3 folds. They can have two or whatever. Lots of configurations. Cute! Oh it's absolutely delicate. It's dainty even. Cute!


records were cool in the 2000s
cassette is the next logical step


90s revival when? It's the only reason I haven't killed myself yet. I want to listen to Street Sharks inspired techno-grunge.

Some of us find beauty in imperfections. A few years back, I was driving a car that still had a tape deck and I would listen to a bunch of 80s cassettes I found at Goodwill. I had a lot of fun with the Beastie Boys' License to ill, but my favorite was probably my copy of Van Halen's 5150. The sound was all warbly, but that was just part of the experience. It's like all those little sonic imperfections become a reminder that the music is coming to me over the decades.

just kys

No I just said only after the 90s revival so make it happen if you want me to go sooner.

fuck you, digipak.

there will never be a 90's revival

every hundred years it resets

you're a fucking idiot

LMAO your post is so stupid I don't know whether to call you a fag or stop masturbating which is what I'm currently doing right now

I'm making him up as barbie before I tie him up and fuck him up the ass with a half strung guitar neck

If you wanna get really triggered then check out Pixies - Indie Cindy which actually won the grammy for packaging.


Cunt, don't bring up race.

because actual mixtapes are guaranteed pussy

throw together a sixty minute tape vaguely catered to a woman's tastes and wait for her panties to drop

I own tons of black metal tapes mastered poorly so I don't really care about the format

Cassettes can be mastered however you like because they are record-able media. That's what makes them good, the fact that people can make record on them themselves. Making an actual mixtape kicks ass

I've had some tapes that sound just as good if not better than CDs

>why do people pretend
>I don't understand it





FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do like the durability of the tape. It doesn't really run the same risks of being scratched or damaged like more circular media often seems to. Also it's pretty important aesthetically, especially for genres like black metal and dungeon synth

CDs are fucking barf. Shit aesthetic, shit collectible


It's the cheapest way for musicians to produce anything physical that isn't a CD.


>being this triggered
I think you're the real faggot for letting an opinion on a shitty audio format bother you. Faggot.

>I don't know what type 4 cassettes are
>I don't know what ANRS is
>I have never owned a three head deck

Yeah if you listen to a 30 year old cassette stored in a hot/cold car on a dual deck commercial player its going to sound like shit.

But most modern/quality shit will be mastered and dubbed to type 4 chromium-oxide tape and played over a deck with a demagnetized designated playback head.

I work for a radio station, the majority of stuff we play is on cassette because:

1. vinyl ages poorly
2. digital is unreliable, if you computer goes down your entire station could go down and the dead air fine the FCC levies is like $1000 per minute of dead air
3. CDs only have a self life of 15-20 years (no, really: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_disc#Integrity)
4. Its just cheaper

The majority of anti-tape arguments are basically down to people not taking care of their cassettes/decks or not bothering to look into proper use of noise reduction or demagnetization.

Plus for the vast majority of music, what you hear on a magnetic tape is going to closest to what the engineer heard in the studio considering ~70 years of music was done exclusively on tape. Even a lot of modern studios are returning to the medium.


I can get them for 25 cents at the Salvation Army


Dirt cheap and sounds better than CDs




they fear mortality. see