The lead character - who will be female...

>The lead character - who will be female, and likely either black or Hispanic - will be "on a journey that's going to teach her how to get along with others in the galaxy," Fuller's revealed. "For her to truly understand something that is alien, she has to first understand herself."

>And in a Trek first, the lead character will not be the ship's captain, but the Discovery's lieutenant commander - joined by an ensemble of roughly seven main characters.

>"When we introduce our protagonist, she is called Number One," Fuller revealed in late August - though we will learn our hero's name by the end of the first season.

>In casting the lead role, Fuller said he's seeking an actress who embodies "strength, sensitivity and an amusing neurosis that goes with exploring space, which is extraordinarily dangerous and has the potential to be terrifying."

So it's confirmed that the main character in the new Trek will be a woman, and likely black or hispanic.

I guarantee this show will flop if the female lead is black like pic related. However, it can be saved if she's a hot latino and there are so good main male characters (like the captain)

Thoughts, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pushing the progressive shit is decades old with Trek

I was hoping for something new, but nope, the same old.

>>"When we introduce our protagonist, she is called Number One," Fuller revealed in late August - though we will learn our hero's name by the end of the first season.

I get it. I understand why they'd do that. Symbolically and thematically.

It is also sounds really fucking dumb.

Who cares? When's Stargate coming back?

We've already had a black and a female protagonist. How long until we get the first trans, wheelchair bound, and mentally retarded captains?

You fucko,
Star Trek is LITERALLY one of the most liberal and pogressive franchises out there
If it fails it won't be because a black female lead

Back to your containment board

>A main character WILL be gay
This is fine, and fits with Star Trek. As long as it's not incredibly hamfisted and is just a sort of background detail rather than LOOK WE HAVE A GAY CHARACTER SERIOUSLY CHECK THIS SHIT OUT

>We could be in for a more graphic Trek, too - though we're not talking Hannibal levels of gore. Nor should you expect any bad language.
>"Because we're CBS All Access, we're not subject to network broadcast standards and practices," Fuller said in June 2016.
>"It will likely affect us more in terms of what we can do graphically, but Star Trek's not necessarily a universe where I want to hear a lot of profanity, either."
This sounds good.

>We'll be getting 13 episodes of "flexible" length - CBS likely opting for a shorter run to accommodate Fuller's other job on Starz's Neil Gaiman adaptation American Gods. Busy guy.
>Fuller also thinks a longer season would "fatigue the show", saying: "I would strongly recommend that we never do 26 episodes. Ideally I would like to do 10 episodes. I think that's a tighter story."
>Again, taking advantage of the streaming format, the show "won't be episodic" but will instead tell longer stories, like a novel.
Sounds good also. Had enough episodic monster of the week Trek

is there no hope

If it fails it's because if the MGTOW / Ghostbuster Fanbase / Computer Website Hackers

Star Trek is LIBERAL? Who knew!


Are there any example of media franchises with black female leads? Any examples of them being commercially successful?

Would network execs really take such a gamble? Especially considering how black females are the least desirable among all races.

Why are asians so discriminated against in the USA's media yet people only talk about blacks?

Her name will probably be Matumbe "Click Click" Matembe.

No one has a problem with Star Trek being Star Trek, aka liberla and utopian. I'm just worried that a black female lead simply cannot carry a show successfully. I think an asian or latino has a much better chance, commercially. What do you think?

This is the #1 show on Fox

Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder are also successful

Then again all three of those shows are soap opera fantasies about wealthy middle aged black women, not science fiction.

>We could be in for a more graphic Trek

Knowing Fuller this no doubt means more dick shots and man ass

This show will flop no one likes seeing niggers on the tv.

This industry is so fucking devoid of talent that I'm going to make a wild prediction:

Her name, as revealed in the last shots of the last episode, will be UHURA or SISKO

I don't know. Something to that effect.

Anti-SJWs are so retarded they complain about Star Trek now.

They wrote themselves an escape hatch though to save face. It's going to be set up like American Horror Story where all of the seasons are different people in different stories. If people dislike the black female captain, they'll have the option to just switch to something else to save face.

>Her name, as revealed in the last shots of the last episode, will be UHURA or SISKO

I think you're just another Sup Forumstard who needs to back to. his shitty board.

In a few years when roland emmerich shits out his reboot

List some media projects that have black female leads and are successful.

I'm not from Sup Forums and I have nothing against blacks, I'm just trying to get others opinions about whether they think a black female lead can carry a show, based on empirical evidence from other media sources

How to get away with Murder

Why not try it on Star Trek anyways? They had the first interracial kiss on tv after all.

>"When we introduce our protagonist, she is called Number One," Fuller revealed in late August - though we will learn our hero's name by the end of the first season.
that's fucking retarded, what a stupid gimmick. do they really think that will be captivating, that people will be tuning in just to find out her bloody name

hopefully they will cast a hispanic, i can't really think of any from the other shows besides Kahn and they get far less representation

It's telling how you say that as if those things make for less compelling or reality characters.

>We could be in for a more graphic Trek, too - though we're not talking Hannibal levels of gore. Nor should you expect any bad language.

Here are the three kinds of Sup Forumstards.

The Troll. He just wants to spread discontent
The Sup Forumstard in denial. He thinks he isn't Sup Forums even though everything he says belongs on Sup Forums
And the stormweenie. Self-explanatory.

Is this some kind of show about an actual black female Archer? Because I don't recall Archer being about a black female spy.

In current year yes. It means they got hired due to diversity reasons over actual acting ability.

A lot of overlap between the audience of Scandal and Star Trek?

a giant worm that ate little worms, i never got that.

were they cannibals?

don't worms eat dirt or decaying plants or some shit

You just have to go and label people, you're such a bigot.
Let's get serious about this.

What's wrong with Don Cheadle's skull?
And don't tell me "nothing".

or Khan, one could hope

What if we get lewd Starfleet Officers?

Mammals eat other mammals.

>the name gimmick
My cautious optimism has been replaced by preemptive disappointment

Well considering that women of color make up less than 1% of Star Trek's fanbase. Good luck with this.

Now we only need the other guy to comeback and say "I am not Sup Forums though" and you guys have made exactly the same posts again.

>Implying Sup Forumsyards give a fuck about this board

As long as she's a good actor. Hell, make her half alien while their at it.

This isn't photoshopped!

Look at his fucking skull!

Hey boys looks like we got ourselves a genuine nigger lover here. You guys know what we do to nigger lovers in these parts right?

What I wouldn't give to see a picture of what you look like.

I'm going to go out on a limb: pasty, balding, and bespectacled.

Why are they here 24/7 then?

Why do you care about a man's skull?

Unless they get the writing and actor right its going to be shit.

Alright. Getting boring now. You are so one note.

1 out of 3. Not bad.

I heard they were getting Laurence Fishburne's wife.

All I see from here is your obsession with it.

We already had a non linear captain whatever you just mentioned is backwards as fuark literally 2016 tier 2bh frampai

>less compelling or reality characters

Yeah, a mentally retarded starship captain sure would be compelling and realistic.

So the lead character starts out as the First Officer. Whoever they cast as the Captain better be prepared to be killed off soon.

As long as there's space lesbians I don't give a shit tbqh

Sup Forums is a Sup Forums board for the discussion of film and TV.Anons post here and the only thing about them you can discern is there taste or
lack thereof.In fact every reply you make could be aimed at somebody with more melanin content than you.I could care less about someones skin color as long as they have something interesting to say regarding the subject matter.You and your kind are boring.Kindly fuck off.

>>The lead character - who will be female, and likely either black or Hispanic - will be "on a journey that's going to teach her how to get along with others in the galaxy," Fuller's revealed. "For her to truly understand something that is alien, she has to first understand herself."

just from that I know the show is going to be fucking retarded. I don't blame the person who will be cast though she will probably take the shit for it's inevitable failure

I don't want gay characters because they would make the already intolerable "(character) gets a new boy/girlfriend" episodes slightly more annoying and common than they already were.

Khan was played by a white hispanic, then by a white Brit, but he was meant to be a Sikh Indian. Yes, it's weird.

But yes, Hispanics are the forgotten demographic.

Please no blacks. I am sick of their complaining. I am sick of how much roles they are gifted. I am sick of how they are always the protagonist. They haven't earned respect in this world so they just beg for it. And commit a shocking amount of crime.

I won't watch if she's black.

>I don't want

>I won't watch if she's black.

The best episodes of trek are episodic, monster of the week (or even worse, planet in peril of the week) episodes are shit, but that could be solved by slimming down the seasons like they're already doing so they can trim the fat.

Episodic Trek is best trek and fucking EVERYTHING is serialized now, I really don't want serialized trek, or sat the most keep it at DS9 levels of "serialized" where it's really not serialized at all, it's just that the universe doesn't completely reset to zero every time an episode ends.

a Sikh would be nice and lets face it if indians ever manage to figure out indoor plumbing they'll become a superpower

The fact they say "likely either black or hispanic" means they're doing it for the wrong reasons and this is going to bomb. I could respect if they said "likely black" because that means they either have a vision of a black female captain or they have a particular black actress in mind that would pull it off.

By saying "black or hispanic" that means they just particularly don't want a woman who is white and even worse, don't even have it narrowed down to one yet.

Exactly what I was thinking. It sort of implies that they would write a black and hispanic women exactly the same way. Like all minorities are the same shit. It is just important she isn't white.

This all sounds really promising. Looking forward to it.

what episode is tghat

This. The phrase means "anything but white" and "we haven't decided who to pander to yet"

> Captain starts off as a Kirk type.
> Crew dislikes his brash, cocky style but he's the Captain.
> Number One acts as a buffer between crew and Captain.
> Captain gets horribly killed while doing something reckless
> Number One gets promoted to Captain, makes speech about "how things are going to be different around here" now. Crew bursts into applause.

>Make television show
>Cast black leads
>Force viewers to pay monthly

The word for this is welfare.

>"on a journey that's going to teach her how to get along with others in the galaxy"

Get ready for the old captain to be an angry, oppressive war monger.


>captain of starfleet
>war monger

You almost sound non-retarded

>pay monthly
But it's on CBS

It wont hold. The problem with this casting is that it becomes the sole characteristic of their character. Take Sisko and Janeway for example. There is only 2 episodes where Sisko talks about being black and how difficult it was for black people. 2 fucking times. You know that this series will have something like that every episode if she's black

It's on CBS' paid streaming service. It won't be on free TV.

Right, it's not like a Starfleet admiral has ever tried to start some shit. Use your noggin. There was a captain, then they die. Their death is probably going to be caused by their own actions.

Who's forcing who to pay?

...CBS has that? I had no idea.
Guess I'll be watching for free a different way

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

>it's not like a Starfleet admiral has ever tried to start some shit

Yeah, in the retarded TNG films.

It will be a white girl, or at white-ish latina.

Just LMFAO @ the idea of Hollywood basing a blockbuster on a colored woman

You know damn well the sort of Captain user is talking about.


Do you even know what that word means?

>She won't be white. She'll be an interchangeable minority because they all act the same
Is that not offensive?


Guess who don't care about Gene's ideals?

a big budget production

Maybe he thinks it's about the next Star Trek movie
But if you look at Beyond's performance I'm not sure there will be a Star Trek 4

>Blockbuster, as applied to film, theatre, and sometimes also video games, denotes a very popular or successful, usually big budget production.

So you are retarded, right?

....and the old films.....and the new films....

>I guarantee this show will flop if the female lead is black like pic related. However, it can be saved if she's a hot latino and there are so good main male characters (like the captain)
What kills me about Star Trek is that they actually have had some very interesting and awesome female characters...then TNG ended and we ended up with a parade of "let's make the worst females ever" while managing to attempt to pander to a wide assed range of opposite views of women and failing at that task.

The last two Star Trek films features warmongering captains as villains.

Hit the road, Jack, and don't cha come back no mo no mo nO MO NO MO

The JJ Trek is terrible except for Beyond which is genuinely the best Trek film since the 80's. But yeah, I forgot about Admiral Blackman

>Please no blacks. I am sick of their complaining.
>Entire post is complaining


B-but on Twitter I search out all those people just so I can complain about them!

>except for Beyond which is genuinely the best Trek film since the 80's.
Undiscovered Country came out in 91 so no.

>It's telling how you say that as if those things make for less compelling or reality characters.
Nah homie, it's not that those characteristics reduce interest or reality in a character, it's just that those kinds of characters end up being done fucking terribly. Those aspects are used in place of characterization. It's like how if you hop on deviant art and look at the characters and see everyone who thinks that physical characteristics=interesting character ("muh heterochromia" for example).

It's almost almost a shitty gimmick.

So yeah, it's not the characteristics themselves that are the problem, it's that such are warning signs that you won't get a good character.

not really the same when he isn't touching the town he lives in

Honestly, I liked this more than UC but only barely. I also always forget it came out so late.

>The people with whom I am in ideological disagreement are a gestalt that uniformly exhibits the same behavior

Really made my synapses fire off in correspondence with one another and give rise to higher thought