Cast a Metal Gear Solid film

Cast a Metal Gear Solid film.

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There will never be a Metal Gear Solid film. They agreed with john Carpenter's production company that they wouldn't be sued over the Snake character as long as Snake stayed in the video-game universe far away from the Snake of the Silver Screen.

Still there's a possibility.Regardless of this, just create your dream cast man.Have some fun.

Idris Elba

It was already based on a cast of Kojima's favourite 80's/90's action stars.

Solid Snake - Kurt Russell
Big Boss- Sean Connery
Liquid Snake - Sean Bean
Revolver Ocelot - Lee Van Cleefe
Colonel - The colonel from rambo

what about that french metal gear movie?

Chris and Liam Hemsworth as Liquid and Solid.

Tilda Swinton as The Boss

I don't know about the rest.

>Cast as Meryl

how this would be cast today:
Solid - jew or channing tadum
Merryl - wouldn't even be white
Otacon - actually probably a jew
Liquid - Tom Hardy
Ocelot - Evil White Man
Raven - big nig
Wolf - probably a white or jewish woman, race mixing propaganda added to plot
Mantis - the guy who was quicksilver

I'll give you this. At least you picked brothers. People always want to cast two men who are wildly different in age and appearance. At least you got fucking brothers.

Zack and Cody as solid and liquid.

I'll give you Chris as Liquid, really not sure about Liam.

Cheaper to cast a relative unknown than someone huge

Snake and Vulcan Raven.

Cringing at anyone thinking the Hemsworth would make good Snakes or let alone thinking Chris "Box Office Poison" Hemsworth or Liam "Direct to DVD" Hemsworth would be cast to begin with

>Directed by

The costume design would be fantastic

Hey, you have something to say to me, faggot? Thought you could leave your little post without replying to me?

C'mon, talk to me man-to-man, big guy.

There can only be one Boss, Snake

this is actually perfect they're both tall and manly n shiet even if their faces aren't what i thought snakes looked like


Clint Eastwood as revolver ocelot.

He looks so much like the Solid Snake inside my head.

Solid Snake-Christian Bale
Liquid Snake-Mads Mikkelsen
Colonel-Martin Sheen

this desu

Kojima as Huey

Solid and Liquid.

Or Liquid and Solid.

Which one is Morgan again?

Jesus christ not this again

Emma Stone as Meryl, but only if she bulks up and doesn't stay as a thin frog.

Someone shoop a bandanna on this man and tell me he doesn't look like Snake.

Aww yes!

Ana De Armas as some hot lady. Dunno which but lets shoehorn her in there somewhere.

but i thought there was already one with kurt russell

Paz. That's all I was thinking of when watching Knock Knock

Mei Ling, we'll make her look more Chinese, somehow.

No one is good looking enough to play Snake

Scott Eastwood

What a man.

Cringe. Horrible choice too.

Look at this guy.

Put a bandana on him.

>Tilda Swinton as The Boss
yes please

Vernon Wells as Revolver Ocelot.

>you will never be a rich executive she wants to sleep with to get a role


Fair enough
Clint would have been perfect though

Max von Sydow if we can take forty years off of him.

Chris as Liquid and Scott as Solid would be pretty good desu. They look brotherly enough that it would be believable.

Snek: Bradley Cooper
Liquid Snake: Christian Bale
Colonel Campbell: Heisenberg from reddit bad
Revolver Ocelot: Gary "quick paycheck" Oldman
Psycho Mantis: Doug Jones
Sniper Wolf: Belçim Bilgin Erdogan
Vulcan Raven: Jason Momoa
DARPA: Chiwetel Ejiofor
Otacon: Sam Rockwell
Mei Ling: Kristin Kreuk
Naomi: Jessica Chastain
Natasha: Emily Blunt
Meryl: Jennifer Lawrence

=Sniper wolf


He's ugly, a no name, and in his 50s. No.

Karl certainly has the charisma and grit to pull it off

>Jennifer Lawrence

Jesus. Also thats a really horrible list anyways

Do I have to?

What people dont get is that the story is built to fit a video game, the foxhound unit works because it offers boss fights and segments the story well for a video game format if it were a movie it would need a whole different style of pacing. Just look at Scott Pilgrim

9/10. Karl is good.

He just looks like David Hayter, so at that point you might as well just get the guy you know can do the voice too

It would draw the normies to the theater.

David who? You didn't say that name user, right? I am the voice of Metal Gear games.

Kill yourself.

Meh, he looks softer than Urban


Such wasted potential. He had, like, 6 lines the whole game.

And no, the tapes don't count.

Wait, what was I saying? I don't know anyone named David.

I could actually see Gal Gadot pulling it off if she got her hair cut right and dyed a greenish-blonde.

She's got the weird coarse accent and slender physique for it.

She's way too young

Karl Urban as Solid
Jaime Lannister as Liquid
Cillian Murphy as Otacon
Gary Oldman as Revolver Ocelot
Gemma Arterton as Meryl
Gillian Jacobs as Sniper Wolf

He's around the right age, too.


this would be good

What gay twink porn star will be playing Raiden?

I hated his voice. It made Snake sound like a mumbling alcoholic. It sounded low energy.

he is the Bad Boss that we deserve

why do you think they picked him?

>Gary Oldman as Revolver Ocelot
shame he's not younger, he would have made a perfect Huey for flashbacks movies

only one is suited for the job

Sean Bean? The guy who played Ned in Game of thrones?
I don't really see Liquid Snake being based on him

So I'm guessing you have no idea what Goldeneye is? Makes sense.

Btw underage is not allowed, pls gtfo

Hugh Jackman as Big Boss/Naked Snake.
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Volgin.
Scarlett Johansson as Eva.
Some new hotshot actor as young Ocelot. (these young actors are always unknown, like the new Flash, the new Spiderman, etc)
Chloe Moretz as The Boss

Robert Downey Jr as Sokolov.

i really really hope you never ever go near a casting decision in your life.

I think you should kill yourself.

>Chloe Moretz as The Boss
>Robert Downey Jr as Sokolov
I know you're trolling

Solid/Liquid/Naked Snake - Karl Urban
Bis Boss/Solidus Snake - Kurt Russell
Colonel Campbell - Peter Weller
Gray Fox - Norman Reedus
Psycho Mantis - Jackie Haley
Ocelot - Ron Perlman
Otacon - Tom Hiddleston

she wouldn't be a bad Naomi just based on appearance.

It just couldn't work plot-wise. It'd have to be a 1-1 plot to the games, because just take the characters and the general idea of conspiracies and write whole new stories.

How advance has dubbing becoming in the last decade or so. Because no one can voice Snake other than David Hayter.

I.. wow yeah that's pretty good

>Arnold Schwarzenegger as Volgin.

This guy as solid snake


Solid / Liquid Snake: Colin Mochrie
Colonel: Drew Carey
Revolver Ocelot: Ryan Styles
The DARPA chief: Wayne Brady

fuck off

jesus christ

Can you fuck off with your gaymes back to Sup Forums, manchild?

Kief the Chief should have played Snake from the start.

You're a couple of years too late for that complaint
What else did you expect when Sup Forums and Sup Forums had the same shitposting mod?

Some black comedian plays all characters, and one of them is a fat woman.

lmao everyone plays video games you bitter nerd

Although Metal Gear Cutscene is basically a movie anyway

You mean Eddy Murphy?

That's not even true.

They were working on one until Kojima got sacked but I bet they'll try again

Yeah, because John Carpenter has a copyright on the word "snake" right, you fucking retard?