This kind of thread

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If you honestly think STGSTV is just noise, you really have bad ears, and should refrain from commenting on auditive matters until your death

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more like

>MPP pleb
You're so wrong. It's not as easy as "accessible = pleb"


Sure. But, compared to the other AnCo albums, it is pleb

>implying MPP is accessible
Make your normie friends listen to it and come back with results

CHZ was half a decade ago

>baiting this hard


pretty sure my normie friends has already listened to it

All AnCo albums are plebeian

normies all know about animal collective. they just don't like it because it's not good

fight me

what is philistine?

normies don't buy full albums. tell me if any AnCo SONG has reached the Hot 100.

my girls was everywhere in 2009

it was not.

If you have to ask, then you are one

keep telling yourself that
you obviously wasnt here when it's got released

>not their best album

it's one of their worst and plebbest

Yes it was, that's how I found them when I was only 14

lol look at these underages thinking animal collective are mainstream

this is wrong

II is an amazing album, and Up On the Sun is definitely among their best

Okay, but as someone that's listened to every thing they've put out, it totally isn't.
You probably thought Painting With was a good album.

they are

>Okay, but as someone that's listened to every thing they've put out, it totally isn't.
your taste is bad
>You probably thought Painting With was a good album.
not really, it's just as bad as Feels

more like


not a single song by them has ever charted.

actually correct

ITT: plebs who believe they are patrician for liking anco

32nd post best post


Merriweather is literally their only good album

My Girls was on the hot charts of the radiostations, this song was big as fuck, especially considering what kind of music they used to do in the past. they're basically the biggest sell-outs of this century so far
Summertime Clothes was also popular, it's got some radioplay



>being this much of a normie

Yeah, it is. It's the only time they seemed to really give a shit about songwriting and as a result they produced something that's actually enjoyable to listen to.

pleb detected

even if your a complete fucking normie you can also find "songwriting" in sung tongs, feels and strawberry jam

Yeah, and it's not good. Their noise stuff was also bad for the record.


You're a normie with a shit taste who can't get into Animal Collective

Animal Collective is less normie than Xiu Xiu then