/daily/ - Hivemind Edition

The point of these threads is to encourage people to look for new and interesting music. We do this by listening to and ideally discussing albums we've never heard before. Many of us already listen to new music daily, these people are in it to venture "out of their comfort zone" by listening to albums they otherwise wouldn't have, or just to have a good time.

>make charts

>listen to tunes

>listenalong schedules, OP pics, etc.

Previously, on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:


alright then, if that's what you wanna say.

Someone have the link for the listenalong playlist? The one in last thread didn't work.

Why did you make this?

fresh oc

Look at all these trip fags


Ha mirror


hello fuckers
major tune



Two threads back

Good-afternoon /daily/, how are you guys doing? Tried the following;

>Flotation Toy Warning - The Machine That Made Us. This reminds me of the Mountain Goats to some extent with the story-like lyrics and gentle orchestration, really love how the tracks unfold through repetition to become more potent over time, really exacerbates the quality of this record.
>Shabazz Palaces - Quazarz: Born on a Gangster Star. Mostly syncopated beats with not a whole lot going on, kinda reminds me of Jenny Death in some respects though wasn't quite as compelling, still need to give this and Vs. Jealous Machines more listens though.
>Shabazz Palaces - Quazarz Vs. The Jealous Machines. Far more well rounded and fresher in every aspects, SS Quintessance had some pretty fantastic lines and the album felt more concrete as a whole, also loved the cynical take on the hip-hop industry in 30 Clip Extension (as I perceived it at least).
>Waxahatchee - Out In The Storm. Thankfully Crutchfield's voice wasn't half as nasally as it were on Cerulean Salt which is a big bonus on her part, the sound is also far more fuller to the extent where I'd argue this to be more indie pop with the odd section of reverb than folk-rock. Still it quite bugs me that she can't write a single song that doesn't pertain to relationships, though I do quite Sparks Fly - nonetheless a front-loaded record whose pacing reminds me very much of CHVRCHE's Bones of What You Believe (the last three tracks essentially being filler).

That OGRE YOU ASSHOLE s/t is God-tier by the way, absolutely love it.

I need to give this a listen, absolutely love Deluxe. How do you describe the music anyhow? Everything on it sounds like it was recorded in a tin can and the guitar isn't like usual, it seems to stop midway through every note and bleet over the bass. Punchy af, fucking love Earrings too.

i just love how omni make really dancey/rhythmic lo-fi guitar pop w cool guitar parts n catchy vocal melodies/fun lyrics

Best & worst of the 2nd half:

>Emilie Simon • s/t
Post-Vespertine pop with an annoying cutesy voice. Yuk.

>Richard Pinhas • Metatron
Aggressive drone-y Ambient, with hypnotic guitars endlessly swirling under influences (Krautrock & Frippertronics). Be ready for 130 minutes of dark Progressive Drone noodling backed by adventurous Tribal drumbeats.

>Florent Marchet • Rio Baril
Good lyrics (it's a concept-album about a small-town) and subtle arrangements: 'Village Green Preservation Society' x 'Nouvelle chanson française'. youtube.com/watch?v=YK5jACkw8DA

>Mr. Oizo • Lambs Anger
Too many fillers weights down a lot this collection of weird Electro House spiced by demented samples. Stick to his best-of 'Wrong Cops' (grat movie BTW).

>HF Tiéfaine • Suppléments de mensonge
Lush chords by Les Valentins, rockist approach and the romanticism of HFT's lyrics slightly toned down: "Suppléments…" sounds like "Scandale melancolique" a lot. It's another good entry-level into his older catalog, but it could have ditched one third of the album, and have a stronge ~40-minute LP.

>Mendelson • s/t
What a dreadful chore: the desperate lyrics, the flat voice, the bleak guitars, the heavy Doom compositions droning in the background, the pretentiousness (triple-album lengthing 138mn)!! Let's blame Diabologum and Serge Thessot-Gay for that.

>PNL • Le monde Chico
Based French Cloud Rap!

>Les Halles • Transient
Pleasant Neo-New Age/Ambient.

OK chart overall, with some good surprises. Another French chart incoming.

Pls add Noir Désir - Des Visages Des Figures

I love 'Des Visages…' for years, truly their most ambitious release (and I think it's already quite popular afterall). I'll pick only recent releases for the next chart.

Ah sick, good

>Miles Davis - Live-Evil (1971)

I've spent a bit of time with this one over the years and it's still hard to pin down exactly what it's all about. It's the live follow-up to Bitches Brew, but it all feels in a different spirit than the serious mysticism of its predecessor, like they were just having fun with this release, which isn't to say it doesn't some great playing.

In a lot of ways it feels like a caricature of the electric Miles sound--it's way funkier than Bitches Brew, but only in some perverse definition of what funk is with jittering stop-starts all throughout, and it has that whooping sound he gets such a kick out of on nearly every track. Most of the tracks here also follow quite a similar formula with funky proto-On the Corner-style compositions that unravel into a breakdown that's just a little bit too hard to move to half-way through. All with chaotic bits thrown in-between, which I happen to appreciate the most here--this live and improvised tension on "Funky Tonk", for example, where the band toys with the audience for an organized/chaotic 20-odd minutes, hinting at connecting musically but staying just out of reach of a singular sound.

Again, I think they're just having fun here. Listen to how Keith Jarrett, who steals the show beside Miles, play an apparently broken Rhodes with an intensity I don't know I've ever heard from him. It was an odd time in history where Can, Miles' electric band, and the Grateful Dead--three of the best live, improvised acts--were independently making similar vivacious music.

Holy shit, I remember my French teacher telling the class about them (the whopping three students including myself) and saying that they are really good. No idea what they are actually like though, and I barely scraped a grade in that class anyhow.

>The Gladiators - Trenchtown Mix Up (1976)

I can't say I've fully bought into the enormous hype of this album. Sure, it's never less than perfectly pleasant and upbeat and the good-for-the-soul variety of music, which is all this may need outside of political implications, but I also don't feel this quite has the soul-bearing vocal performances of its peers--none of the boldly emotional melodies of The Mighty Diamonds or Max Romeo or Burning Spear. I know, not fair to compare against the best of the best, and I want to believe, but I think this is just fine.


Des Visages Des Figures is good: it alternates Rock songs, Chanson (one cover of Léo Ferré), folk-Bluesy midtempos, Spoken Word and more experimental stuff (feat. Brigitte Fontaine and Akosh Szelevényi).

I'd heard of few of this dude's songs before but damn I didn't realize all of them were the same thing.

some of the most fun music I've heard in a while

So far this is the sheet.

You're up for next week, you know how it goes. Have something ready for Saturday, or a bit earlier if you want to. I can give you the template or you can just post the release next week and I'll make something.

now listen to wowee zowee its even better and more fun and wild

Right on, I've got some ideas...what do we want, folks? You can post the template and I'll make it soon


do something energetic!

we need somethin straightforward to counteract jimmy joozz's Big Meme

Thank you
Ok noted
No memes no problem

Pavement is very bad.

Nah they good
Also pic related
Also Minor Threat 3.5+ so you're secured for round three of the essentials tourney

>not liking musique concrete

not true btw

Going to listen to Grouper for the first time, trying to do it at night too

Which order should I listen to these in

Haha lol lmao that's a good one

no they're not


they have made a handful of worthwhile songs. Otherwise it's just a boring indie-ironyfest.

If you want it to get dreamier as you listen, put alien observer last and Ruins first. Dragging a dead deer didn't really capture the magic of either of those albums, so maybe put it in the middle

Or you could make it cinematic by putting dead deer first, alien second, and Ruins last

hello fuckers

also wrong. people way overstate the irony in pavement's music, he has fun lyrics but they tend to be more sincere than ironic

also """indie""" music, especially of the lo-fi variety, is seldom good ever so it's no surprise I don't care for pavement either.

pavement are just weezer but cooler desu

i find someone who likes other 90s indie disliking pavement this much kinda weird, seems like you've let a personal experience ruin them for you or something

pavement are just weezer but actually good


pavement are significantly better than weezer but i still cant really get into them

blue album is still a great pop album, if only they hadnt ruined their own legacy

Hey, I'm back
Finally saw Neubauten live, so that was cool
How is everyone doing?
I'm glad the listenalong is still going so well

Didn't hear that much new stuff from this year while I was gone, but here's the chart
I think I'm gonna start with getting back to that
So everyone shoot me your aoty charts and lists if you want

oh god rym blackout?

Oh, and I kinda want to explore the nww list some more
blue means already heard something

what's good?

anxus quam and Ghedaliq are nice
also what part of germany do you live in? cause i'm moving there soon and wanted to see if we could meet to a show or something

arzachel is decent spacey krautrock
archaia is alright as well, it's prog electronic kinda zeuhl sounding

thanks for the recs, I'll check these out!
>also what part of germany do you live in?
bavaria, so southern, very close to Trans
>cause i'm moving there soon and wanted to see if we could meet to a show or something
that's cool, why are you moving?

I just watched Whiplash for the first time yesterday and I can't understand how it received so much praise. It basically justified physical and mental abuse, miss me with that shit.

Paging rodriguez

Anywhere I can download albums made by sky空 ? Their bandcamp seems to be wiped clean.


it didnt really justify it, the ending wasn't exactly happy

Huh? How was the ending not happy? He plays a triumphant drum solo and Fletcher is ultimately proud of him.

it's been a while since i watched it but even though it was a triumphant solo i didn't feel like it was exactly happy or endorsing a teacher treating their students like that, i felt like they would both still pretty miserable afterwards, they just came together for that brief moment.

maybe i'm misremembering or reading too much into it tho

btw it did say fletcher helped him become great but i don't think it said that was a good thing, people can become great at something from abuse

The scene in the jazz club where Fletcher explains why he pushes students so hard (to discover "the next Charlie Parker"), but ignores the fact that he destroys others' passion for music and sometimes their mental health in the process is a terrible reason imo

i don't get what you're saying though, it's clear in the movie fletcher is an absolute villain, he caused someone to kill themselves. it's just not black and white with his methods since he did motivate Andrew in the end but it still wasn't justified.

Reading up a bit, the director says that's the case as well, he believes people need motivation just not from a monster like fletcher

this is clicking
holy shit guys this is awesome

I've made it to the front page lads. Typos and all.

congrats NERD

Correct the typos, it updates doesn't it?

I get your point. Maybe I'm just dumb (likely the case) but from simply watching the movie it wasn't completely apparent to me that Fletcher was ultimately supposed to be a villain. What he does is very cruel but his personal justifications + the happy ending makes it seem like the viewer is supposed to put aside the bad because of the good that came out of it

congratulations, cunt! you did it, you won the tourney

Yay I'm not alone

what an achievement
idk what it is man, but these loops are kind of beautiful. this is like vaporwave pushed to the extreme.

favorite tracks? 2, 6, 7, 9, and the final track are mine

Hey, nice. Isn't there a RYM front page Cool Kid's Club or somethin

Was until fish and I joined

It takes a few listens for sure, but once it clicks it's pretty addictive

I can't pick a favorite, every track is pretty essential to the whole

yeah i agree with this all the tracks are honestly great. i do like 9 the best tho.
yeah im about to listen again, im probably bumping this way up to a 4.
i feel like its just such a polarizing first listen, and it doesnt always get the chance it deserves. i bet itll get more praise in a year or two.

yeah that's true when I think about it

3 is the only track that still manages to irritate me at points which is why I asked, but in the whole package it all works out

true patricians

what a surprise

i dont get this comment
do you mean i suck up to sdc, that gfr sucks, or that sdc is super cool and wins all the tourneys

(all three are true btw)

Listening again, track 11 is the only one I feel sounds out of place

You should host a tourney with just you three. Would be funny

since I'm so bored lately, here's my 2nd French chart for the month: only female artists from the last 6 months

whats a french women chart without eliane radigue

eliane radigue, france gall, edith piaf, the list goes on

whats a daily chart without poseurcore

daily thread*
but either way u right

dean blunt and inga copeland black is beautiful

please resume posting under your trip, stick.

oops forgot my trip

well we've made it we're here we finally did it you guys its all happening now


please send me thru yer entries whenever

im a genius i havent even heard that sanfona record
gimme a few to look for that oddly specific time restriction

kairon;irse - ujubasajuba

its risque but we will see

wait fuck that's 51:04

51.03 actually

Updates on the 84 tourneys everyone started last month?

I abandoned mine as expected

ethy won accel's
borzoi won mine
cunt won yamir
stick, aqam, tuco, borzoi, and lamb all crashed and burned with theirs
who am i missing