What do kids in high school nowadays listen to?

What do kids in high school nowadays listen to?

probably death grips


grindie (mixture of grime and indie)

Top 40 pop. A few odd outliers include neopsychedelia and punk in a load of varieties (including hardcore pop punk). EDM is a thing, and oddly enough funk carioca was decently popular.

Source - was in high school until 6 months ago, sis still is.

Chas & Dave.



K-Pop is almost epidemic accprding to my sister.

prolly tylo be chillin

Rawk is ded, no kids listen to that shit anymore.

There's some guitar music that kids still listen to, but nobody bumps shit like Pantera or GNR anymore.

Chamber folk pop, stadium indie, most rap

EDM, top 40, and maybe Nirvana and Pink Floyd if they feel like a special snowflake.

the only accurate answer

Sup Forumscore desu

The artists on /mu aren't as well known to high school children in the UK

soundcloud rap, trap, kodak

Nah, that's a specific demographic

tujamo and dua lipa

Only no-life NEETs and the occasional daddy issues feminist listen to Grimes.

I'm sure you're just asking what's popular, which would make everyone else here right with popular pop songs and rap.

People in every age group are generally still really diverse, as in what makes the majority is only the majority because they make up a larger percentage than any other. As in, say 20% of highschoolers listen to what's popular nowadays, that leaves 80% to listen to everything else. That goes for other age demographics too.

grime and/or indie, and the weird ones who listen to twenty one pilots and some metal and one guy who likes aphex twin

people basically cycle through the biggest song atm. This past year was
>bad and boujee
>mask off
mostly. Some people thought they were obscure for liking chance. I graduated though so now I can find more diverse tastes

If they like Mac demarco they probably know Temples and Whitney


Knowing Stormzy and Wiley doesn't mean they'd also have heard of thug or gucci (a UK mac fan could have Stormzy as their ethnic choice but not have knowledge of us trap)

A lil peep fan probably knows most trap and rap artists and is probably younger than the mac and lana fans (and even death grips who are growing up)

That whole Gen Xer tough guy attitude doesn't really translate onto today's kids, if a young guy in a band today said some of the things that Henry Rollins or Thurston Moore used to say in interviews, he'd get punched in the face.


People outside of Chicago know Whitney? When the fuck did that happen?

They sold out medium sized venues in Europe afaik , they lost the momentum because as usual because no-one will take up the lead

It's so random out there

Can relate, some songwriter bloke started with me when I said that small time songwriters don't use their own lives as material or inspiration any more and they're all softies. What makes it funnier is that I was saying this to his bird and he was just there pacing back and forth getting angry, but couldn't bring himself to throw a single punch and ran off in a huff on his own, so I was right.

Chicago? What? I woke up

Lots of chance the rapper and kendrick this year


Either the Top 40 stuff or entry level indie stuff with a few emo/metalheads/punks here and there well at least that's how it is in my highschool

I feel like these threads exist only to show how out of touch and antisocial Sup Forums's userbase is during the summer.

Fuck if I know.

Sup Forumscore

Gen Z is REALLY odd musically speaking (Elementary School, High School, Early College...). Their parents are the Gen X, which could mean a lot of different people and different influences. From post-punk to IDM, really, it's a lot of different "popular" music all at once. They're also the first generation in a good while to truly start reaching an adolescence in a world where rock never quite was a huge thing. And they're also the first few to be born in a world where the internet is ubiquituous, which means they can get a lot of different music with a lot more ease than anyone else. I can't really say what will come out of it, but I don't doubt we'll have interesting stuff.

Another big thing that is already showing is an almost nostalgic return to a percieved safetyness. Just look at every lo-fi chill hip hop beat video ever, there's genuinely a desire to be in a world where you can go about and not have many worries expressed in it.

Indie pop, trap, 90s hip hop, any musician/band whose shirts are sold at Target, Hamilton, Death Grips, The 1975, Glass Animals, etc are all pretty popular in my town.

am currently in high school, they listen to drake, trap shit, despacito and other latin cancer, and some of them who think they are special listen to nirvana, pink floyd, gorillaz, beatles and led zeppelin. there are also some metalheads here and there

Xxxtentacion, Twenty One Pilots, Death Grips

pretty fucking much

forgot to mention EDM, dubstep and eminem

death grips
not even joking

Two things are happening in the UK

1. There is definitely a 14-16 y.o. group that is identifiable, there has been a collation

2. There is a growing disaffected middle class (huge numbers) that should understand the same communication

There's "you're new wave" waiting for a bolt of lightening


There's a solid split between rap fags who listen to entry tier rappers like Kendrick, pop fags who just listen to top 40, and indie fags who consider 21 pilots and mac demarco deep and inspirational

Honestly the "rock is dead" meme needs to die. It's nowhere near the dominant cultural force it was but it isn't like hip hop has completely taken over either, at least where I am (which is basically almost all white kids).

Popular EDM, weakly top 40 songs, popular rap with a lot of swearing, old rock like Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses (for the kind of special snowflakes), metalcore and post-hardcore (for the edgy ones).

>punched in the face

By who? The interviewer?
Not likely.

In reality if some wanna be edgy musician says something controversial in an interview they'll just get denounced as a racist / sexist / homophone / unPC whatever online all out of proportion to whatever was said and no one will book them.

I'm expecting a counterculture that's gonna scare a lot of people

Its happening with Brexit / Trump / alt right, its just not happening in music because the dissatisfied middle class has been locked out of making its own for so long they just don't do it anymore (excepting - maybe - new country in the US)

Middle / working class kids just don't seem to be creating art that reflects their concerns and voting patterns, not sure if they just aren't or are so thoroughly ignored by liberal, coastal, tastemakers you just never hear it

Fucking tell me about it. The Manchester music scene is a fucking wasteland but no one talks about it because muh Oasis and muh Stone Roses.

I'd say i'm working class because of family income, my parents tried breaking into the middle class through teaching but my dad's been through about 10 jobs in the past 8 years and my mum is on minimum wage in a nursery. I won't go further into the situation cause obviously.

I don't even think it's that the voice of the youth is being strangled, it's just they all haven't spoken and made that leap yet, either cause they're too young or too embroiled in social media. I was saying something earlier on today to someone, that people have forgotten that strength and integrity as an songwriter or musician comes from within yourself and being comfortable listening to yourself and not from surrounding yourself with friends. It's bizarre no one gets this when it's popular to call people fake and snakes and all that

>falling for the "alt-right is the new punk" meme

The real right wing populist base of support still lies solidly within working and middle class rural white conservatives roughly 40 and up. Outside of the internet the alt right is not a discernable movement beyond typical teenage edgelords, which is almost certain to change when they hit college and are either radicalized by SJWs, become shut in NEETs, or go full chad and drop politics entirely.

Like yesterday I saw a 14-year old kid riding on his bike while blasting Revolution Is My Name on his portable speaker set, and I am from the Netherlands, not Texas

>Their parents are the Gen X, which could mean a lot of different people and different influences
And...? Most Millenials have Gen Xer or late boomer parents.

for my school it must have been like at least 40% of people who only listen to hip hop and for them it's only the top artists like Drake and Kanye. school's 60% asian so a huge chunk also exclusively listen to jpop and anime osts. i'd say about 10-20% of the school listened to indie and rock, with the majority of those being art hoes. there was this one autistic Sup Forumstard in school my friends made fun of for having school shooter tier music taste, we looked at his phone and all the music was Slipknot, post-80s Metallica, and a bunch of fps soundtracks like Doom and Serious Sam. a lot people tried to become musicians aswell, mostly really shitty edm and rap soundclouds that went nowhere

>They're also the first generation in a good while to truly start reaching an adolescence in a world where rock never quite was a huge thing
A good while? You'd have to go back to the Kennedy years for a time when guitar music really wasn't a thing. That's over 50 years.

Nah I fucking hate the alt right, and I think he's just referencing them to describe the general sentiment. You can't deny people voted for Brexit n the UK or Trump in the US just for the sake of changing something even if they don't follow politics. Politics is interesting but I'm not very political.

And yeah people do get radicalised very easily these days and it's a tragedy cause you've basically lost the person past that point

>jettisons out of thread


Even here in Finland, the Mecca of metal, the scene is dwindling and kids aren't into metal much anymore. I saw Black Sabbath on the final tour and most of the audience were 25 and up, there were even a few 60 year olds. Also some 10 year olds there with their parents.


I was waiting for this responce. The 'alt right is the new punk' meme is a meme because it does have a grain of truth to it - the alt-right sees itself as a protest to a fucked up dominant political and cultural system, just like punk did in the 80s and both use satire and shock tactics.

Im in a very rural, conservative North Dakota working class town and decades removed from high school. Judging from their t shirts, bumper stickers and trucks the kids here are pretty typical white working class Trump types, but I hear a lot of trap playing along with the new country from those trucks.

I doubt its any different from when I was in high school; 90% of kids listen to whatever radio / MTV / cmt forces in their earholes and those are the visible ones. The kids listening to and creating new music arr much less visible. Thing is, in years past eventually the music those kids were into would bubble into more mainstream (or less underground) consciousness and I ser no evidence of that anymore

Cool kids nowadays listen to Flatbush Zombies, Travis $cott and Gucci Mane, and yeah I am white middleclass and european

in my school kids either listen to trap or shitty top 40. ive literally met no one who listens to anything posted here besides like Kendrick but that doesn't really count

playboi carti
lil uzi vert
lil pump
ski mask the slump god
and probly like wavves or some shit

What's the significance of them playing trap music, what are you saying?

how is kendrick entry level if he is the GOAT

But "people" tends to skew towards older generations that are fed up with neolib bullshit, not younger generations becoming "redpilled". While I personally don't see Gen Z being as batshit insane with the far left cultural progressivism I also don't see them swinging all the way to the right.


>funk carioca
lost my sides amigo

can confirm

>Nirvana and Pink Floyd
Most of the kids I knew who did only knew teen spirit, come as you are, wish you were here, and maybe some dsotm stuff. I'm not saying you need to know all the deep cuts but damn, diversify nigga

I do agree that culturally a lot of entertainment art forms are stagnating because they've moved away from what you could call "struggle innovation". They've stopped drawing on their own experiences and either look to the past for reference or follow the current bland generic trends for popularity.

I think that's why rap music is so popular now, it's one of the few popular genres that still keeps that philosophy close to heart, even if a lot of it is very FUCK WHITEY. I thought that queers would create a similar subculture but most LGBTQUERTY music is still stuck on the "remixing old music == innovation" meme, so while you see a lot of gay punk and gay EDM you don't really see any completely new music genres spring up from those subcultures.

I think that the alt-right could make its own music, but because it's primarily based on the internet (rural class trucker-type kids are still high on Reagan era rugged sentimental conservatism and self-starter businessmen vibes) most of that art comes in the form of, well, memes, aka derivative art taken to its final form.

There's the same proportion of SJWs and meathead flag waving conservatives in every generation. Did you think all baby boomers were antiwar hippies?

Baby boomers skewed right from the beginning, hippies just got more airtime. And while leftfags and rightycucks may stay in similar proportion through the years they often change in nature, at least on the fringes. Baby Boomer DUDE WEED AND SEX LMAO type are distinct from Gen X'er intellectual FUCK BUSH AND FUCK YOU types are distinct from Gen Y (Millennial) FUCK DRUMPH YASS QUEEN SLAAAY types. Whatever type of autism Gen Z takes I suspect would look different from its predecessors.

I'm talking about my sort of age bracket which is like 18-21, which is a weird one cause it's on the threshold, some people are looking back to be millennial and narcissistic, some people are looking forward and trying to find themselves a bit more. It's a weird one, I don't mean to sound like I subscribe to an ideology or party - my karma runs over your dogma - but i think alt-right is being used to describe something else which isn't political and can include all people and I kind of saw it in Jay Z's new video for 4:44 if you've seen that. It's that particular view on humanity and suffering and mortality that's sort of amoral and godless but it needs a name so badly

18, just graduated high school in an upperclass suburb
Aside from weirdos listening to Sup Forumscore or tumblrcore, Popular kids listen to trap.
It really makes me nervous desu. The most popular kid in my grade got expelled after he was raided dealing in thousands of dollars of Xanax. You have wonder- if trap music wasn't "cool", would a guy like him, who lived in a nice part of a nice town, who had loaded parents, have thrown his life away like he did?

Really high schools these days are off the rails. The amount of pills in your local highschool being munched per day would horrify people who graduated 5 years ago. My classmates were out of their minds.

I meant to say existential

Trap and Mumble Rap is one group. Then there's people who listen to top 40 pop music (mostly females). Some kids listen to """"""""""indie"""""""""" music like 21 Pilots and P!ATD, as well as entry level classic rock. The rest is either metalheads, Sup Forumscore listeners, Hip hop snobs, and a few kids with good taste

>rural class trucker-type kids are still high on Reagan era rugged sentimental conservatism and self-starter businessmen vibes
Those are the guys who listen to buttcountry like Florida-Georgia Line.

The most embarrasing people I knew listened to Sup Forumscore.
I knew one Death Grips fan, he was a massive closet case.
I wish this was a joke

lil uzi vert and that one edm song called "faded" that you hear on youtube a lot. that's it

I don't see what you're getting at. The Altright is just an extension of typical millenial mindsets, just mixed with a sort of misplaced nostalgia for classical masculine western values.
The whole point is "nothing should be off limits to me, do what you want because it's there for the taking", which is directly at odds with a lot of more traditional conservative values like "muh honor" and "muh discipline", which they appreciate the aesthetics of but rarely live up to the actual reality of.

WhenI tried to talk about music with my cousin, who is in the British equivalent of High School, he said he listens to grime and rap. I want to connect with him more because he's really my only male cousin, so when he asked me if I wanted to listen I said sure.

It's just words, he doesn't even listen to good lyrical rap or grime, it's just someone saying "shut up".

Im really disappointed there is no rural 'struggle music' or anything being created by kids speaking more to their daily lives and issues the way rap or punk/oi did.

There was the whole hick hop thing (like Jawja Boys) that was horrible but really refreshingly unique to trailer park / rural working poor

In the past music was just something you did with friends on the porch, in church or at a barn dance. Then it became friends in a garage practicing for a party or a park show or whatever. But now I think the whole idea of music as something anyone can do with and for their buddies has been lost.

I mean do kids even get drunk at bonfires and butcher their favorite songs (maybe with a guitar, maybe not) together? Me and some friends still do, but were old, and some of my younger friends (all white) freestyle when we drink but I don't see any small town all ages Grange / community center shows like I used

William F. Buckley drove the alt righters out of the conservative movement back in the 60s, at that time they were John Birchers and Ayn Rand fags.

>nothing should be off limits to me, do what you want because it's there for the taking

Yeahyeahyeahyeah, that's it, totally. But it's marred by political wannabes when that mantra can apply to anyone of any colour or class or creed, anyone. It's just generally being a free spirit and eating the forbidden fruit, whatever that means to you

I think a lot of punk and rock in the 90's sprung up from the collective shittiness of rural shithole America, though that all sort of died out by the time the 00's came around and suburban angst and urban detachment became hip.

I'd call it "cultural nihilism" but I suspect that it'd be considered the same as cultural marxism (the most autistic phrase ever invented). In any case I think that applies way more to Gen Y than it does Gen Z, which still has yet to discover its own cultural identity.

Soundcloud top 100 trending. Usually rap. Anyone who's completely normie listens to chainsmokers. That's just a generalization though. Kids usually listen to almost as wide a range of music as their parents do

Hmm, yeah cheers man

One year out of high school. The majority listened to whatever pop crap was in at the time. Then there was a growing group of "DJs" who liked EDM. There were also a good amount of country fans. Mostly just the kids with rich parents who bought then ridiculously large trucks and they acted like they live in the country and not the suburb. I'm the weirdo that listens to videogame music and 90s alternative rock and grunge. (Lots of Smashing Pumpkins).

I went to the Tera Melos, Chon, Covet, and Little Tybee show in baltimore.

Everyone that was there for Chon was in high school...

>You have wonder- if trap music wasn't "cool", would a guy like him, who lived in a nice part of a nice town, who had loaded parents, have thrown his life away like he did?
No. This is the same "logic" that accused Marilyn Manson of causing Columbine and video games for causing the Sandy Hook shooting.

>as their ethnic choice
i kek'd because it's true

Well I listened to video game music while I was in high school. I stopped about my senior year when I realized how nerdy it truly was.

What state are you in because i don't know anyone our age who admits to liking country...


Midwest/south. I know a lot of people who like country. Even knew someone who equally listened to rap and country. I'm also seeing a bunch of people who are denouncing "New country" and going on about how classic country is so much better.