Remember when you were in college and everyone at the bar/club would go wild when taylor swift you belong with me came...

Remember when you were in college and everyone at the bar/club would go wild when taylor swift you belong with me came on. Fuck man I miss those days. Best time of my life desu senpai.

holy hell Cracky is disgusting

Kill yourself my man

I'm in college right now.


Nice! Big tip for you my brother. What I used to do is not drink before parties and always carry around a 40oz of vodka and pour it down random girls throats and also bring cocaine with you. You will get bitches. Trust.

u like taylor swiftr??

I've never been invited to party. I've never been invited to hang-out period.

The only time someone voluntarily interacted with me is when I was sitting outside one night and a drunk approached me out of pity.

No. Lately been listening to punk, noise, and synth stuff.

Kill your self my man. Why the fuck are you even going to college. It's the last chance you will get in life to wild out and have it be socially acceptable. You wanna turn out like Michael Jackson you stupid faggot? Here's a tip then my man. Go to residence and wander the halls on weekends. Or go to areas you know people live off campus and walk into house parties. We never had issues doing either. People are welcoming as long as you go to the school.

Nobody stops partying until their mid to late twenties when it starts to be a problem and its too late to make somethingof yourself fampai

>just walk into parties filled with people you don't know and be yourself man!
I don't know why I'm even talking to you. You are completely blind to anyone and anything outside your shallow sphere of existence.

Fuck we stopped a year or two after college. Now we all have our own places and a party for us is fucking cooking dinner for Each other and playing a board game lmao. MY LIFE IS FUCKING OVER HAHAHAHA

You sound like a boring person tbqh

you being stuck in your own empty sphere is the reason no one talks to you
if dying alone sounds fun then carry on I guess

Are you fucking retarded. The best part of college was meeting new people. Like I said kill yourself you autistic fuck.

typical white frat kid who peaked early in life and spends the rest of his life watching stadium sports and going prematurely bald


>you were in college and everyone at the bar/club would go wild
h-ha yeah i s-sure do

Wow, you should consider suicide. What a boring ass life.


how does it feel being a brainlet?

Who parties when everyone is married? My few single friends do and they are depressed as fuck hahahaha

>I criticize a normie for being boring
>I am a normie

I'm not sure if you are capable of reading comprehension.

same. parties just seem shit now, like we'll have a few drinks down at the bar, then go see some music or play some board games, but no one throws wild parties anymore cause we'd have to clean up/going that hard now ruins your whole weekend. my friend and I used to gobble up any drug we could find for years, now I don't even really smoke weed anymore.

Yeah same. I don't know how I managed to get through school every day was parry time. Monday and Tuesday were chill everything else was fucked.

Why would you get married so young? What a waste of time.

I guarantee your married friends are more miserable.


How old were you when you stopped?

>is 27
>been with fiancé for 5-6 years
cause i'm financially stable and we both have parents and this is how you're supposed to do this i guess.

around 23-24. as i got older other people did to, and well generally the ones who still wanted to party were either annoying as fuck, emotionally stunted child-adults, or those other people who have a great, do-nothing job where they can afford to fly down to vegas on a tuesday night and blow $1000 on gambling and drinking.
people my age who still party go to clubs and shit, fuck those and like everything they're about.

Im 24 and am starting to realize the same people who were the cool crowd in my late teens and early twenties are the most boring human beings in my life now. Most of my friends who i only did drugs wwithor played video games and nothing else are slowly being phased out.

I dont see how clubbing regularly is any better, though.

>not a party person
>oh shlpurg fphlurg he must be autistic!1!11!

never understood this neanderthal mindset.

>still in college
>college has ~1000 students total
>town just got a gas station
>user is talking about bars and clubs where "everyone" goes
>town barely has a pub, let alone a bar/club
>I still live in the boonies

So no, I don't remember that.

Also 23ish when I met my girlfriend. We still went out those first years a bit. But as people coupled up you party less and less. That's life though lads.

You fucked up lol

>tfw everyone stops partying and lets their roastie wife/gf drag them into a boring shit life

Complacency gets everyone eventually, especially the office types. People who party the hardest early in life burn out the fastest. By their late twenties theyre spiritually and emotionally spent and probably wont do much for the rest of their lives except play video games, watch sports, and try to cope with the bad habits they've integrated into their identity.

You're supposed to go to college in a big exciting city, love it, then go back to your shithole town with a ton of debt and long for the days you could actually go out and do things.