Whats the best episode of south park?

whats the best episode of south park?

it has to be Awesome-o right?

That one with Russel Crowe

I liked the one where the taco pooped ice cream

Kenny Dies. It was funny and touching.

The /cm/ fanservice one

"the biggest douche in the universe"
"the return of the fellowship of the ring to the two towers"

Chef's parents really made The Biggest Douche in the Universe.

The only recent episode of the last 2 or 3 years that i can remember getting some great laughs out of was Cock Magic.

But besides that, i really like the Toilet Paper episode, Lemmewinks, and the Lord of the Rings episode.

Out of my way plebs..

>Out of my way plebs..
picks the most overated episode

The death of Eric Cartman

Or the objectively funniest and most original episode with the best twist in SP history.
Also it's one of those which won't be outdated if you watch it years later

"butters very own episode"

gotta be at least top 5 if not number one

This comment will be outdated when you read it back ten minutes later


The List

1. All about mormons
2. Good times with weapons
3. Cancled
4. Scott tennoman
5. Make love not warcraft
6. Athiest chronicles
7. Death of eric cartman
8. Passion of the jew
9. Casabonita
10. Indiana jones remastered episode

Casa Bonita

Was it worth it?

Awesomeo cassabonita and the one were cartman thinks he dies are the dwfinitive cartmen trifecta episodes

Also the ine where Stan is red pilled on life and becomes an alcoholic (You're getting old?)

The Mr. Hanky episode where they recreate the 1992 Christmas card episode. Pure Meta-kino.

i repeat, "butters very own episode"


"freak strike"



the jewish aliens were hilarious

South Park is always edgy, neither of those episodes stands out in that regard.

> won't be outdated if you watch it years later
No one gives a shit about Radiohead anymore

It's Osama Bin Laden has farty pants, because in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack all america was waiting for was for South Park to do a Warners-tier cartoon gag with Bin Laden.

t. Douge

>Butters mom finds out her husband is fucking dudes so she snaps and tries to kill butters and they cover up the murder by teaming up with other notories lying murderers like oj Simpson

> somehow not edgy

C'mon man are you even trying?


Meta episode done right tbqh

is that the one where one of the chicks dares stan to shove a twig in his dick hole?

I said it's always edgy. You somehow twist this into meaning that I said it isn't.
Go home, you're drunk.

that is the pleb episode

>not a single mention of woodland critter Christmas

Yeah, and Cartman watches Fat Abbot, which is even worse than Terrence & Philip.

Good times with weapons is the funniest one for sure. I couldn't stop laughing when they threw a ninja star in Butter's eye

Even for south park that ranks it the top three edgiest episodes only christmas critters and scott tennoman are worse

How about this. You name me 5 edgier episodes other than the ones I mentioned and I will concede the argument and buy you a cookie

Krazy Kripples is underrated

This in my top 10 fo show

Not him but he NAMBLA one, the one where Cartman starts the NSDAP over The Passion of The Christ, I'm sure there are 3 more

The entire last season.

Well since you mentioned two and mentioned two, I'll just mention one.
The one where a retarded kid is fucked in the ass by a shark, twice.

>forgetting Scott Tenorman Must Die


I saw this episode when it first aired and I distinctly remember thinking it was the first "jump the shark" moment for the show. The entire episode is literally that one joke. I stopped watching South Park shortly thereafter but it seems they've only extended their willingness to hammer a joke into the fucking ground (PC principal for instance).

My favorites not in any particular

>Good Times with Weapons
>Die Hippie, Die
>The Losing Edge
>Bloody Mary
>Make Love, Not Warcraft
>Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
>Conjoined Fetus Lady

Creme freche

And I just remembered the one with the Penis Rat

200 and the leaked uncensored 201

The Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer episode is GOAT for its Fightin' 'Round the World with Russel Crowe segments.

whatre you high?

hardly any episode in the last 5 years has been good

I'd say season 10 was last good season. It has been downhill ever since.

The one that had lasted like five episodes long, and had references from episode one up until that point

The one that I saw and dropped the show after because they probably wouldnt be able to top it is where stan starts drinking and begins hating life.

No love for Child Abduction Is Not Funny?

>Those Mr Lu Kim Loony Tunes segments
>The Ghost of Human Kindness being a child abductor
>The parents agreeing that Mongolians are worse than kidnappers

>Randy learned Mongolian in college

The passion of the christ ep wasn't edgy it was making a commentary on nerd mentality

One edgy sight gag isn't enough to dethrone a whole episode based on murder lying insanity and degenerate homosexuality

I will give u the nambla ep tho but that still ranks butters ep as the #4 edgiest episode so still pretty damn edgy

Whale whores

The one where Kenny stays with the militant agnostics
>We only drink Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper

No it's not, it's this

Ah yes. Mysterion was in it.

Probably my favourite musical segment outside of the movie

I like make it right and all the faith +1 songs

The WoW episode has always been one of my favorites. Mostly for the montage scene.



I guess that's why A Moon Shaped Pool was critically acclaimed by everyone and their mom, and sold nearly a million copies.

No one cares about them has beens, definitely. Old hacks, right?


I love how everyone mentions this is the episode were they went too far by having cartman indirectly kill this kid's parents but forget wendy shot her teacher into space


>have watched South Park since I was 15
>always thought it was hilarious
>rewatch classic seasons from time to time and always have good laughs
>now 22 and when I watch the show I just find the show preachy, repulsive and stupid
depression is a bitch. I'd do anything to go back as a teen and watching seasons 4-10 for the first time again

youre not wrong.

but its not all your fault either.

its hard to come up with good material for 20+ years.

that said the show isnt funny at all anymore. its just awful. i think their target demo is 13yr olds cuz that seems like the gist of the humor.

That's how it has always been. The show has a production cycle of like 10 days. It was never meant to be timeless and most of the humor is lost when you grow up.

This is a good list.

I'd like to add Chinpokomon as well.

Mister you better take your gay porn right out this bar.



Scott Tennerman Must Die is South Park KINO

But hands down best episode of all time is Make Love Not Warcraft.