Objective Beach Boys vocal rankings

Brian = Carl > Bruce > Dennis > Al > Blondie > Mike

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The Beach Boys were a complete body. Brian was the brain with his creativity, Dennis was the heart, forever young, Carl and Al were the arms and hands that played those guitars and not to mention their beautiful voices. Mike was the asshole.

Brian>Carl>Dennis>Al>Mike>Bruce>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>David Marks

And Bruce was the Legs keeping things together

brian was nothing without Mike's velveteen nasal bass

Shit those digits

>hates Mike Love
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this?


How can rate Bruce that low?


>Mike Love
>A bad singer


Brian > Carl > Al > Dennis > Mike > Bruce

>Bruce that low

He ain't that good of a singer.

Better than Mikes!

Close except:


I think having them equal is fair, considering how near identical they sounded. It's just Carl had a soothing voice while Brian was more abrasive. A matter of preference, really.

Carl > Brian > Mike > Dennis > Bruce > Al

best beach boy coming thru

Favorite lead vocal from each?

Brian: Don't talk
Carl: I can hear music
Mike: That's Not Me
Al: honkin' down the highway
Dennis: Wouldn't It Be Nice to Live Again
Bruce: Deirdre

Brian: Wouldn't it be nice or Let him run wild
Carl: this whole world
Mike: California girls
Al: Help me rhonda
Dennis: Miss america
Bruce: Also Deirdre

brian - dont worry baby
carl - god only knows
mike - meant for you
al - help me rhonda
dennis - in the back of my mind
bruce - disney girls

me:I'm gonna have to amend my post.
Carl: Good vibrations or This whole world (toss-up)
Dennis: Meant for you

Don't Talk is so god damn underrated

>Mike was the asshole.
Thanks reddit. Mike totally redeemed himself with his vocal on When I Grow Up. Actually he was stellar on the whole Today album