/bb/ - Big Brother

>I fucking hate showmances, please kill me now edition

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/
Veto: Christmas
HoH Nominations: The House and FT's

Most Likely Going Home: FT's

Other urls found in this thread:


Bridgette is so ugly

what took you so long

sure, user

Big ass head and finna no neck

>tfw not a feedster nor amerifat so have nothing to discuss
meh this season has been so shit there's barely anything to discuss so that's cool. I still "participate" in /bb/ by lurking for feed highlights and shit. You now realize this post was just a shitpost for a bump

wish I could watch live episodes at least. is there a way from eu?

yes now stop being an annoying faggot

Just wait till the digital season. Guaranteed to be better. Especially if we have a winner that was in a showmance

We have a bit of a dilemma
>Production shows Nat's bitchiness on the show, causing James to get sympathy from cat ladies landing him an easy AFP
>Production gives Nat a good edit and she gets an easy AFP

Doesn't matter. Just like Corey getting the care package, production will just rig it. Nat/James/Nicole top 3 AFP is all but confirmed at this point

I don't even care anymore just start the fall season

Bridgette is the love of my life


Just go on to hamsterwatch and look for a link to tv streams on the left




Guys I'm crying right now.

Just looking at her picture makes me feel something strange inside. I guess you could call it "love". I'm in love with Bridgette Dunning. I've lost interest in all girls, besides her. Girls who are considered "hot" by the general male population don't cut it for me anymore.

Bridgette really is all I think about all day, every day. I really do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how I'll never be with her. If only she knew I existed in this life, if only she knew my deep profound love for her. I know that will never happen though. That is the thought that makes me so sad when I look at her. I'll never be with her, but I'll continue to love her until the day I die.



If you care about anything other than game play you are a cat lady


this season is very floater and showmance friendly, if you not a floater, you will get evicted by everyone. theres almost no gameplay in this season.

cry more waifufag

it's just a paul fag trying to get us to like paul

floater is a good strategic game play.

>Paul saying he would get in yale or harvard law
>he didn't cuz he doesn't want an office job

true paul stories

too bad a game full of campers isnt entertaining.

james is a strategic floater
paul is a social floater
bridgette was told to be a floater by frank
natalie uses james to float
nicole floats

this season is hard to be entertained

natalie still giving excuses to freindzone james

don't forget to feed your cats

paul hinting hard to evict natalie

No u

out of all of them he's the one that wants to get James out the most

>Don't work with Nicole and Corey or I'll never speak with you again


work with vic in hopes i get to see her bleached butthole

lol they think the blowup doll drone said to evict natalie

they think that natalie knew the message said on the drone

>Paul said James and Natalie know that they are going so they are trying for America's Favorite by asking to save the other

>paulie gets stuck in jury with another girl

dumb frog poster you're in the wrong thread

You come at the king, you best not miss

post more pics of the black girl

>12 IP's
>40 replies
>14 images
>thread dies every night without bridgetbros bumping it
>3 girls
>2 trannies

most pathetic general on Sup Forums desu senpaitachi

>Paulie trying so hard not to cry every time he's on camera.

Only reason to keep watching at this point

to many cat lad(ie)s took over. Come to sucks and enjoy real meemers

At least it's not capeshit

Not our fault all the good HG's left because they dared to not be floaters

She's a bitch


> Paulie/Zakiyah
> James/Natalie
> Corey/Nicole
> Frank/Bridgette (Sort of)

>thread dies every night without bridgetbros bumping it

After final 7 that happens ever season.

>paulie wanted to bring z to the final four

is james the most cucked in the history of the show?

pretty much

Can women get cucked? Diane BB5 got tossed like trash by Drew at the final four, and then he turned out to be gay.

that guy and meg from last year

yes but only when they are very young and naive

Nat and matty

Erika got played like a bitch by boogie in BB7.

>james ruins another blindside
jesus christ

>Earlier, Natalie told James that she'll never talk to him again if he teams up with Corey and Nicole after she leaves.

now she talks about how great he will be working with nicole and corey

I hope Victor wins. This fucking season deserves a twice evicted houseguest to get the $500k.

michelle stole something


as of now, who's the one going home

as of right now, natalie

could change again

I hope Victor wins for said reason.
I also hope Corey or James wins just to see the butthurt from Reddit and Twitter (and here, maybe)

look at this dumb nigger that doesn't know how to read the OP

fuck you

>people only caring that meech stole stuff
>didn't care when dan did it because it was mischievous

Have any of em fucked yet? If not get back to me when they do. Otherwise i don't give a fuck.

Watch the ni-bombs friendo

Who's watching fleabag

fuck off

Yeah cuz Moo is a fat, dumb skank

natalie damage controlling ONCE AGAIN for michelle

>Natalie still defending reddit

i know how to read the OP type thing, i just wanted an up to the minute type thing

>angry cat lady posting
you have to go back

I don't watch this garbage but I want to know who is this black queen

zakiyah everette

go back to your blacked threads

>choosing the inferior woman






>"Coming Soon"


sounds like corey will make it to final 2

lol they believe that michelle is dans cousin



I like that Nicole knew immediately it was a lie and told the others but James still believes it

james believes anything natalie says

>Sun 2:43 PM BBT Nicole says definitely meech is related dan because she got three questions in there and she could only remember two of them the crying one and whats its like to be hoh and she couldnt remember the other one. she came out smiling. she said frankie always got asked about his sister but couldnt remember his question. she wonders what dan thinks of meechs gameplay

nicory are the two dumbest fucks to ever make it this far

she believes it now

Anyone got a link to Bridgette's sister's instagram?

who the joker rooting for?
you know, the people who sent the drone?

How don't you know how to use the Internet

/fit/ forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/pages/ratebbhg.php

how dont you know how to speak best english for entire village

>reddit stole nicole's makeup on her way out

how does she get away with it?