Why do people hate this dude so much?

Especially post-hipster leftist types. Sure his music isn't great but theres far worse. I don't get it. Is it just a fun meme to bully him?

ginger cunt

He's a decent musician, honestly might be Sup Forumscore if it wasn't as popular.

>B-b-but Galway Girl...
If he wants to be popular that's up to him, I'd prefer money over "integrity".

why do people say stuff like this about gingers and no other hair colour
is it a form of racism?

I think the dude has a nice enough voice
I don't really care much for his music and
desu I just don't like his face

it's not that he's bad

it's just that he's not good, and you hear him all the fucking time, and it's extremely hard to escape him

he's developing that hide-the-pain-harold stare
give him a few years and he'll be all the way there

yes m8. the ginger race must be exterminated.

Because he's popular.

bit severe tbqh

Gingers are disgusting

Why do people like that dude so much is the real question

brer, we need to find a way to use them as solar panels. reckon we can get a good year's worth of london's power before they're all gone.

He's rather bland but very popular. That's the formula for hipster hate. Same thing for everyone from John Denver to Coldplay.

His music is mysogynist.

Being a famous entertainer is only pain. Anybody who says otherwise is not looking out for you.

His music and voice are really bad, so there's that.

t. famous entertainer
i'll try to remember that


To lefists, he represents white privilege, feeling his mediocre music does not warrant popularity.

Same people who also dramatically overrate and embelish the value of shit like Solange, Blood Orange, FKA Twigs and other flacid nu-R&B

These types love being vivious towards essy white targets, its an easy virtue signal that has no repercussions.

He's a hypocrite; he said that he wouldn't make music about girls and his hits are pretty obviously love songs but just not so blatant as to make him seem like one.

oh fuck off you 'enlightened' faggot. I don't even like those artists you listed but it's blatantly clear their working within their respective genre in a more engaging way than Sheeran is.

that wall eye


Sing, Don't, and Castle on the Hill are great Pop songs

But the rest of his singles are either really boring or just plain bad and corny

Because I hate when his music comes on the radio

i watched an interview he did on mtv, the lad is fucking dense normie, also he is legit ugly as fuck.