How can one instrument ruin a decade like the 80s?

How can one instrument ruin a decade like the 80s?

it had to come eventually

some used it well anyway, just have to find the stuff that sounds good even though it's dated

which one of those synths do you think was around in the 80s, user?

Because fret wankers were getting boring.

huh, those are some weird looking guitars.

JX3P and the DX7


Plebs actually believe this.

Do you mean the dx7 or synths in general?

In general

onion discarded

Guitar ruined the entire 20th century

Idk, maybe because their utilization by commercial acts was uninspired. many "underground" acts of that era really knew how to use them IMP

It wasn't all bad, you got this bad boy right here

Just sold my DX7iiD literally 5 minutes ago.

How can one instrument ruin a decades of music like the minimoog?

I'm glad I'm on the right side of history. It must suck to be you.

Lol wut? How?

the better brand won, faggot

There isn't a more boring instrument than a moog

>new instrument is created
>people aren't good at using them at first

>he can't appreciate cheesy synths


>better brand
dude muh oscillators and ladder filter so phat xD

The whole idea of something being dated is stupid anyway. What's dated one year is classic the next.

yeah, your opinion isn't valid, sorry

What is jazz?

no one knows

jazz is what ruined music alltogether

No, serialism. But nice dubs.

do you not like tone rows, user?
