/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Duck Walk Edition

How do I start learning guitar?

Suggested Practice Routine:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

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Rate my rig fags.

Just got the supro the other day. It's perfect for gigging with

As long as they get the job done.

Your guitar is so sparkly. I wasn't expecting that kind of language, lol.

more like drunk spacewalk

yeah for sure
the tele doesnt atm tho

>theyre pretty ok guitars.
let me comment them
strats my first guitar. really cheap model, its a beginner guitar, but a decent one at it, its well built decent fretjob etc. body is basswood 7 pieces. tuners are surprisingly decent. i was looking for a good strat after i bought the LP so i decided to upgrade it because muh my first guitar. turns out it sounded cheap even with new bridge, block and pups. so i replaced the pickups for some heavy ones, like overwound texas specials, now it sounds ok. i swapped the neck with the tele when i upgraded it.

les paul's all nato wood. the body is 3 pieces i think. decent grover tuners. refreted it with big Dunlop 6000s. pickups are super distortion and 59. wired 50s wiring and with split pushpull. waiting for a new nut to use her again because the a string is really low.

tele is the last one i bought. previous owner had it relic the neck, gfs pickups, and this repaint. i dont really like these overwound pickups. its waiting for new saddles to get back to use because these really cut the strings no matter how much or how ell i sand them, and theyre zinc anyway.


>one meme arrow will green the whole ctrl v

learn kids
this is how pros do a bass solo

>Sparkle guitar
If you weren't such a prissy bitch I'd say it looks decent minus that huge silver dildo.

Not an argument

certainly not a good quote job either LOL

>Being assmad about gear that someone else uses
Just play what you play, and let them play what they play. Don't be such a cunt.

Bought this Washburn Idol tele today for $65. Just wanted a second guitar that had single coils. Probably the ugliest guitar I've ever played, but it's light and after setting it up is super fun to play.

when john lennon does this rythm thing with the pinky, does he play the full 7th chord? does he mute notes with the pinky?

like a power chord with the pinky two frets up

Fuck off retards. His guitar and amp is better than 95% of the garbage posted here.

yes of course

>it sparkle hehehehe what GIRL!!!
>me no have sparkle!!!
actually you right now

>power chord with the pinky two frets up
5 7 9 x x x
If you're talking about that shape, it's a sus2 chord, no 7th interval. Helps to think of it as just a power chord with an added 9 on top. Don't know what you mean about the pinky muting, might help if you give an example

i meant
5 7 x x x x
5 9 x x x x
5 10 x x x
i suppose thats the 7 chord youre talkin about

>His babby combo amp is better than 95% of the "garbage" posted here
You mean your amp is a decent clean amp with no outstanding features whatsoever aside from being denim blue and looking like a middle-aged father would buy it so he doesn't wake his child up at night practicing his Van Halen licks.

That's a standard blues shuffle. Still not quite sure what you're asking. There's a minor 7th interval on the last one but it's not a full chord with only two notes

I don't. It's not the first amplifier I'd want to use, but his amplifier isn't bad and looks like one of the ~$1,200 Supros. As already said, fuck off retard. My favorite amplifiers, keeping away from boutiques, would be a Twin Reverb for anything crystal clean and an old plexi-era Marshall, with a JCM 800 being a rare exception for rude sounds.

Don't try to play like it isn't your amp, stop whining about your shit money management skills.
Paying over $900 for an amp is absolutely absurd, especially a shitty little 2x12 combo.

full set up

Funnily enough, I don't even use any amplifiers, only pirated Amplitube. Buying amplifiers seems like such a waste of time and money, and then getting the microphones and isolating it, carrying it all around if you move or whatever, who gives a shit anymore.

pretty sure theyre referring to the use of third person pronouns as opposed to the gender

>Samefa/gg/™ tearing apart his own post

Congrats! You bought the Hannah Montana guitar in black.

It would have to stay in tune to be any good.


>phone posting

What's your favorite John Frusciante song mine's Anne with Ramparts at second

>can't afford amplifiers
>wastes $1,200 on a combo amp
I can't tell, which retarded are you?

Not bad/10
Might wanna consider swapping that lame Digitech Grunge for something else though.

8/10 well memed

can you guess which amps are these

>"can't afford"
>I didn't say that anywhere
Here is your (You). Be sure to fap while reading this for an extra euphoria dose.

I like it. If you your CPU has a high single thread speed and you use monitors with an interface, it works perfectly and I get everything I want.

everybody should like kiss

Wow I got a deal then. And actually, it has the Red Shit Finish ^tm

got it for free so i mess around with it. it is an utter garbage pedal for bass. had to turn down all of the settings so that it doesn't blow out my amp.
i'm considering giving it away to my local shop so someone else can appreciate it.
the fuzz pedal is all i need for distortion, but i really want add a swollen pickle

Sounds like a solid addition.

>get your les paul
>plug it directly into your tube amp
>tune with just your phone
>dont ever worry about pedals bullshit

This but dean custom 550fr

>with emgs
isnt it made to be used with pedals and chorus?

>Les Paul

>'05 Gibson es339 Custom Shop
>Blues Jr. tweed
>ditto looper
>JHS unicorn
>boss super OD


this is for real players. go back to playing your floyd through your baby pedals kid

Les Pauls are ugly as shit.

Sound decent but I'm an SG man all the way.

Hey you dumb fucking assblasted cunt answer my god damn question you prick

I've been wanting to really play on a SG lately. I know the necks are smaller so that's partially my draw, because I don't have buckethead or hendrix sized hands. What's your experience with them?

[spoiler]I don't play Floyds either but LPs are heavy as shit and don't sound all that good desu

>tfw wasted 5 years of my life not doing warmup exercises

52nd for kiss alive! is best album ever

No. Hi gain enough thru my amp that i dont need shitty pedals. I like to hear the notes i do. Especially going fast.

what, ?

I can't choose just one of his songs. I love some of the guitar on Under The Bridge. I think it's perfect. For his own songs, there a lot that are really neat but I only like parts, like some things on the empyrean and to record water for only ten days. I don't listen to it very much and I think his lead playing is like slam-poetry tier, not interesting or thought out, no punch to it, as if he throws all of his style out of the window. I get what he's trying to do, but I think it rarely shows


the slide up 0:30 and the BUM, BUUUH... It's perfect. I fucking love it. When I first heard that song and the guitar, I played it over and over every day for like two years. Nobody seems to relate, though.

then when he breaks out at 1:48

god then 2:07 to 2:12, it's like mellow funk.

I recorded myself playing it like 3 years ago. I think it sounds like shit now and I mess everything up.

I've spent the last two years playing Eric Johnson, specifically his live improvisation, not really messing with Frusciante, because he doesn't have a whole lot to mess with unless you bother to watch his live funk stuff, which I don't want to do.

>he didnt practice for 2+hours
Would have got your warmup in the first 30 mins.

i did play all day every day for like 3 years

ops clicked post

...but didnt do any exercises. was focused in playing songs licks and looking like someone else

heres a little diddly I threw together just to get back into the swing of things. It's been a while since I've played. And sorry for the noise. I literally stuffed a rockband microphone into the body of my guitar and eqd it the best I could.


Sorry for not getting to your post yet I'll look at the links and respond now

Personally I really like his solo work and listen to a lot of it but I agree with you about his live performance. I mean I think he had/has the skill to play really good improv but he never planned it out too well, maybe he was too easily satisfied with whatever came out of improv.

I don't know whether they were made on the spot or planned but the dual guitar solos in Anne are absolutely amazing and the one that was his (I remember hearing the other part was Omar playing) is his best solo imo.

How do you play this guitar riff?

How do I make good melodies?

Listen to shoegaze then make shoegaze

Hum it out before you ever touch a guitar.

shit that's a great idea

use lydian



I'm working my way through justinguitar, it's been quite a good resource but I'm wondering if it's considered to fall short in any major aspects?

I've only skimmed the content but it seems to not teach how to read music?

Why would you need to read music when tabs exist?

My smile is a RIFLE

What are some good acoustic songs to learn if I want to entertain normies?


but really though Go To Sleep and There There by Radiohead seem to impress just anyone who doesn't play guitar and they're piss easy

I'd go with fingerstyle

There's this really neat song I have in mind called Capricho Arabe by Francisco Tárrega it's tricky but rather impressive

Then again if you're asking for help impressing normies you're probably not good enough to play it

What kind of picks do you guys use? I usually only use relatively thick picks, or if my room is as cluttered as it usually is, a coin, but I've been trying to experiment with flimsier ones and...how the fuck do the guys who play with these do this?

Nothing Else Matters

T. Proud fedora wearer

yellow tortex master race reporting for duty

jazz 3 cucks get out

>not having a precise enough touch for jazz 3
You're probably one of those people who needs a pick guard.

???? Not even that user.... Umm we dont need pickguards.. Guitars do...

>... to protect their guitar(s) [implied].
Jazz III users tend not to scratch up their finishes with errant pick strokes.

How fucked am I Sup Forums
I compulsively bought a 1978 musicmaster for 800. I then later found out it's a student model guitar that is 3/4 the shape of a normal guitar. But I looked more into it and the year mine was made they put Mustang bodies and a bigger headstock. And the scale length of mine is 24 inches. That's only 3/4 a quarter of an inch smaller than a Less Paul. How much of a difference is that 3/4 th of an inch feel? Also anyone have experience returning shit on reverb dot com?

its gonna feel like a squire bullet. but who cares. hows the tone?

i have 1 alice and bunch of dunlops. idk about sizes but i rather have it thin as possible. better for strumming. the one im using is alice 0.81mm

imagine by john lenon.
abit tricky for beginners but its easy pussy

That's probably the best suggestion yet. I'm not a beginner, but I'm not really great either. I would describe myself as intermediate, even though everyone's going to have a different idea of what that is.

most Beatles songs are pretty easy, especially in their early years, and are instantly recognizable, they're perfect for you unless your crowds has an irrational dislike for "old" stuff.

I dunno. It's still being shipped


>>And when i get my.pc imma tripfag you out of existence.
.......aaaaaaaaand filtered! Thanks.

I have to say its cute you're this upset though.

this sad shit right here

a better effort but still underwhelming

acoustic folk hipster here. sup?

i'm imrpoving a lot on my rhythm and i want to take it to the next level.
how do i use percussive rhythm while strumming?
i've tried to tap my knuckle on the scratch plate on the upbeats in the 16th note rhythm, but it doesn't sound right.

aren't there enough one band man faggots beating on their acoustics like fucking retards? here's an idea: why not try doing something original for the first time in your entire miserable life?

i'm so sorry for doing things that i derive pleasure and satisfaction with user. come jam sometime.

aren't there enough shitposting faggots beating on their dick like fucking retards? here's an idea: why not try doing something original for the first time in your entire miserable life?

>i'm so sorry for doing things that i derive pleasure and satisfaction with
you ever thought about it when someone calls you a "fucking idiot"? it's not a commentary on your impressive intellectual prowess user

also, it'd serve everybody better if you didn't start crying like a bitch when you ask stupid questions and get appropriate replies

look into blues, real old school blues.


oof ow oh ow ooff my feelings