
What did he mean by this?

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Nazis are the good guys XD

user, what are you doing man?

>alright, who should we get to star in our new picture about neo-nazis?
>I know, we'll get the most intimidating man in all of Hollywood
>That's right, HARRY POTTER!

Jews are racist.

I don't think Idris Elba would have fit in the role

I think the point was to highlight how much a weak skinny guy would fit in with Neo-Nazis.

HA! he said nigger

I wonder how many takes the director had him do.

6,000,000 times, goy.

more like

>what star can we get that is white and has a large demographic of young white females

I like that this jew director not trying to hide on what dog he has in this fight.

I love the movie simply because they wasted millions of dollars just to have harry potter call someone a nigger and it was fantastic.

After seeing The Purge 3 which infuriated me to no end, I think Imperium was sort like a breath of laughing gas.

Hollywood working hard to create the next generation of BLACKED women?

you know it

Fucking keked my ass off


Isn't he Jewish?

Jews are white.
They're just whites with much higher IQs, hence why they aren't as violent and hateful as other whites.

This. Asians are also high IQ white because they are not black and albino niggers are white because they have white skin

>Jews are white.

non whites cant tell the difference

dan's probably in on it too

I feel badly for Radcliffe. He did a really, really good job with the role and sold it hard. Any time I see the movie mentioned it's just people memeing out about HARRY POTTER IS A NAZI LOLLLLLLLL

>Jews are white.

yeah, despite the tepid direction it was a strong performance and film overall

he is a very powerful wizard

>I don't think Idris Elba would have fit in the role
just because he is black or what? racist much?

>not violent and hateful
tell that to the palestinians

Who are also scum btw