How stupid are you to actually think the Sex Pistols were "manufactured"...

How stupid are you to actually think the Sex Pistols were "manufactured"? Sure McLaren managed the band and helped with funding but pretty much all of them were oddballs
before starting it.

Steve and Paul would commit burglaries throughout most of their adolescence and Johnny was already wearing torn clothes with green hair and squatting in abandoned buildings before he'd even met the rest of the band.

It has been stated that McLaren just about shitted himself every time they caused a stir in the media. Always thinking they'd blown their chances to get big.

Whether that be from the Grundy incident or them getting into fist fights with the audience. Malcolm being the egocentric he was made it all seem as though it was all apart of his master plan but the idiot couldn't even control the band properly which is exactly why they fell apart in 1978.

So again how were they "manufactured"? If anything bands like The Clash were manufactured since they were all middle class art school yuppies posing as the working class.


You fucking rotter.

Because punk is just gay. It's about acting like a dick and then playing the victim when someone clocks you out.

Maybe nowadays punk is like that but you have to realize that punk rock died a long time ago. Everyone who claims they are a punk band now are simply riding on the coattails of a movement that made sense in its time period but people aren't so easily offended in this day and age therefore going out of your way to offend is just pointless.

Malcolm McLaren was a cunt who took credit for everything. McLaren was no more controlling or "manufacturing" than any other manager. The Beatles image was manufactured by Epstein, as was the image of The Who, as was the image of the Stones, as was the image of any band. The only difference between him and most others is that he had to have the attention on himself.

>people aren't so easily offended in this day and age

I'm a part of the so called "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.

Sup Forums detected

The "alt-right" are more easily offended than anyone

It's kinda manifactured, admit it.
Johnny Rotten outside of Sex Pistols would appear to us as a clueless idiot, yet under McLaren's guidance he became the coolest man of the '70s
Look at pic related: it is aesthetically perfect. Sure McLaren did not create it, but he assembled it in the most glorious manner.

Also without that success, Rotten would have never recorded those neat PIL's albums.

tldr: McLaren was a piece of shit but his contribution was real and historically relevant (although it was not based on artistic or ethical principles)

Good thing Sup Forums isn't the alt-right, then.

What movement is that? Playing instruments really shittily and then being hostile to people who say "what the fuck is this shit? Do you think you're Ornette Coleman or something?:

Forgot the pic
God, I wish I could look like 1977 Johnny Rotten, he is basically the magnification of everything I deemed cool as a middle schooler.

Who gives a fuck about the Sex Pistols when First Issue, Metal Box, and Flowers of Romance exist?

>First Issue, Metal Box, and Flowers of Romance

You got to be kidding me, those albums were trash how the fuck do they even represent the UK punk scene.

Because you can still care about a good band when superior bands exist?

They don't. Punk is for adolescents.

Early PiL was the greatest band of all time. It's a shame that people lumped them in post punk scene with trash like joy division, bauhaus and siouxie.

I suppose you're right in the regard that many are quick to call you a racist/sexist/homophobe but back then they were just playing abrasive music that didn't really attack anyone in particular. People were just more uptight back then. Today you'd have to spew absolute hatred towards specific groups of people in order to offend.

You're probably right in that sense but people always make it out to be that the members were all squeaky clean kids who were playing dress up in order to sell Malcolm's clothes.

I absolutely love PiL but I still think the Sex Pistols were one of the greatest bands.

Reminder that Joe Strummer was almost 25 when he started imitating the wardrobe of a group of teenagers

Reminder that Joe Strummer was middle class as fuck

Really? Because his lyrics are all about working class and shit, why do white people do this baka

The same reason people do it nowadays, they want to feel like they've had to struggle through life to get where they are even though it's been handed to them. Joe Strummers father was a foreign service diplomat for christ sake.

stop taking everything literally you fucking autist. they weren't manufactured they were selected and cynically marketed

lol, I've never looked at it this way.

>It's a shame that people lumped them in post punk scene with trash like siouxie
please kill yourself. if you like pil but don't like john mcgeoch you're pretending

Honestly, if an artist tries to prove how working class and how hard their upbringing was and all that, the chance are they were born with a silver spoon or two in their mouth. The musicians with truly poor backgrounds rarely bring it up, for the most part. Obviously there are exceptions, but for the most part.

Maybe he actually believed in it.
As far as I know he lowered their royalities multiple times in order to make their cds more affordable, and even as a generational icon he did not die as an exceedingly rich man (he left 1m$ in his will).

I'm pretty sure he was a benevolent figure.

Only conspiracy/"in the know" types think shit like this. They're always trying to push agendas about "industry plants" or what have you because they desperately need to feel like they're not victims of some elaborate Illuminati-New World Order-Bilderbutt ruse and that life isn't as boring as it seems.

At first I used to get angry at people like you, but now I just feel bad.

I just cannot even imagine what it's like meandering around a world where you truly believe there's no mystery, nothing sacred, and everything mundane and passively connected, rather than completely, actively and deeply.

Maybe your life is boring. Maybe you're boring.

LOL, triggered much? Jesus, people not sharing your particular brand of mental illness doesn't mask enough then 'boring' by default, you freethinking teen you

I get him as long as he talks about bands. As soon as I listen to Chabrier, Ravel and Milaud I start getting your whole experience.

Who's triggered? You're the one who can't even approach the topic like an adult. You have to throw around insults and names.

Are you implying there's no Bilderberg organization? I'm not mentally ill for asking questions about that. You're dull for passively accepting it.

>middle class

Nah. Upper class. His father was a diplomat.

Go back to /x/

>implying I don't know more about music than anyone currently posting.

My visit is a blessing

Scrutiny is a fine seasoning to your everyday logic and thinking, but one must be careful not to leave the cap unscrewed.

>The musicians with truly poor backgrounds rarely bring it up
bullshit, you took it too far. it's always there, just not as explicit

Do you know how to read? He clearly said RARELY.

Yeah, that's what I mean. You look at someone like that or listen to someone like that talk and you know where they're from, they don't have to try and prove it or remind you of it. The one's who have to try and prove it in a posing manner or who always go on about it or whatever are the ones who are putting on a show.

because its a dumb way to look at things

>it's always there
fuck off

wrong choice of words then, because it's certainly not rare

Why? Isn't it weird that 25yo Strummer, who had the pretense of being a serious artist, copied the style of British teenagers? It is a truly weird spchoice that casta a completely different shadow on his character.

You would bless further by leaving

well, i suppose first you should find me every available picture of joe strummer at 24, 23, and 22 and we'll take it from there

>mad Clashfag

Not him, but he went from looking like this in the 101ers to looking how he did in the Clash within a couple of years. I don't blame him though as the winds of popular culture had changed and he needed to adapt to have any success. Any of the Pub Rockers that didn't more or less all died off.

>why do white people do this

You don't know the first thing about rap if you think this is something only whites do.

If anything, whites like Strummer or Springsteen identify with lower class and tell those stories in their songs, while blacks like Tupac actively claim to be much more disenfranchised than they really are for street cred

Pic posted is TRUE working class punk.
They along with Sham 69, Angelic Upstarts, and The Cockney Rejects all came from working class backgrounds.

Sure The Sex Pistols were working class but they were nothing more than living mannequins that were manufactured into a rock band so Malcolm McClaren could sell clothes. Bands like Cocksparrer and the other bands I mentioned never forgot where they came from whereas John Lydon immigrated to the U.S. and Paul Cook and Steve Jones are no session musicians. (Who knows what the fuck Glen Matlock is doing with himself these days)


Not him, but Joe was a random lad before '77. Here's a pic dated 1976

This is Joe Strummer when he played with the The 101ers from 1974 to 1976. 1976 being the year they conveniently played a gig with the Sex Pistols. The guy is a sham and just jumped on the "punk" bandwagon despite being older than most of the other punks.

oi m8s i was was just takin a piss
no need to gang up on me like that
hey now

Bruce Springsteen af desu

I'm part of what some would call the new millennial left and it IS punk as fuck!

It feels like an actual musical protest movement very much like the folk music counter-culture of the late 1950s-mid 1960s Before Bob Dylan sold out and a reaction against the racist/xenophobic/theocratic/homophobic culture that dominates the U.S. political landscape and college campuses today!

Pic very much related, sadly enough.

Useful idiot or straight up shill?

Just a daily reminder of what punk has turned into.

I'll bet both your parents still listen to The Decline of Western Civilization soundtrack and think they're "With it".

New copy pasta.

The alt-right is mostly based on 19th-20th century antisemitic/racial realist rethoric. It is shocking how close are most of the arguments and infographics you'll find on Sup Forums to what you would have found in antisemitic magazine in the 1890s. Even the word cuck was overused by antisemites and KKK members in early 20th century, they used so much that well into the '80s it was still fully associated with racist conservatives.

You're as radical as my grampa.

I'm getting a useful idiot vibe.


>a reaction against the racist/xenophobic/theocratic/homophobic culture that dominates the U.S. political landscape and college campuses today!

You've got to be a little more subtle Schlomo.

Did your mum buy that for you in the supermarket? I don't see what a popular album from 40 years ago getting mentioned in a garbage comic has to do with the state of punk. Yes, people who liked punk are old now. Yes, the Ramones are no longer edgy or underground, and have over time become a popular cultural touchstone. Who gives a shit?

What makes you assume I'm Jewish?
Actually, what makes you think?

Obviously you do or you wouldn't have bothered to reply to the post.

And no, my mother didn't buy it for me at the super market(You must be British since you said "Mum" and referred to the grocery store as a "Super Market" and the stores in the U.S. don't sell comic books anymore, and haven't down so in quite a while)

I actually got this at Comic-Con over the weekend.

Do people laugh at you when you walk down the street wearing a worn out God Save the Queen t-shirt because A) It no longer means anything, and is nothing more than just a piece of 40+ year old British Rock music history and B) You're somebody's 55 year old grand dad?

It's a stupid woman user.

Whether she is a shill or a private citizen is a coin flip.

No. It wasn't.

Is Lil Pump in the vein of the Pistols?


>not recognizing it's stale pasta

genuinely good post, op


Is this sarcasm?