Bloom is the best Beach House record

Bloom is the best Beach House record

I agree, actually. Teen Dream is second best.


If I liked bloom the most, thought teen dream was pretty good but wasn't massively into depression cherry, where do I go next with Beach House

It's so hard to decide between the two, but I gotta go with Thank Your Lucky Stars

I think it's their worst desu

Devotion has been my favorite recently

this is just plain wrong, user. it's either depression cherry, teen dream, or bloom.

Fantano pls

oops, that was meant for

lol never in a million years, fags.

devotion > teen dream > s/t > tyls > bloom > cd

why were their last two albums underrated? just cause it sounds not much different than their previous work? so what?

Thank Your Lucky Stars

Fantano hates TYLS and DC the most

Everyone is bored with the sound even though the songwriting itself in the last two albums is fantastic.

Correct opinion

I think Teen Dream has some bad singing on it.

Depression Cherry > TYLS > Bloom > S/T > Devotion > Teen Dream (never got the hype for this album)

is their b-side compilation that just came out any good

oh gosh, not this generic sounding pos


>Beach House

ya whatever


This thread is yikes

Teen Dream>Bloom>Depression Cherry>S/T>Devotion>TYLS

I agree, by far.

I agree.

Teen Dream = Bloom > Devotion > ST >= TYLS = Depression Cherry

Depression Cherry is my personal favorite, but I think you're right.


Teen Dream > Bloom = Depression Cherry > Devotion > s/t > TYLS

TYLS. Teen Dream is really overrated

"Let's make a remake of Heaven or Las Vegas six times in a row but with male vocals" the band.

When the guitar comes in on Wishes

I would agree if I didn't get the urge to skip Wishes and On The Sea every time they come up.

For me, Depression Cherry > Bloom > Teen Dream = TYLS > Devotion > s/t

All of them are fucking boring


>Male vocals

To all of you that say that Thank Your Lucky Stars is bad, listen to the three last songs on that album.