What are some good artists and songs that are legitimately funny?

What are some good artists and songs that are legitimately funny?

I Don't mean novelty acts like Weird Al, joke bands like Gwar, cringey or 'LOL so random' humor like Zappa or Ween, or edgy shock humor like grind/loll-core or Afroman

I'm looking for honestly good, mature music that is also funny as hell

Pic very much related:

>These shabby shoes I'm wearin' all the time
>Are full of holes and nails
>And brother if I stepped on a worn out dime
>I bet a nickel I could tell you if it was heads or tails

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Swamp Dogg

Your request is a little bit too specific honestly, but Johnny Cash's A Boy Named Sue would probably fit the bill, and it's the same genre. Also Hank might be my favorite artist of all time, so props for that

some of the more over the top aphex twin tracks make me half laugh sometimes

Will Oldham is sneaky funny

Foetus. Everything he's ever written.

Randy Newman youtube.com/watch?v=o80BB0qZoVM

Too specific? There's got to be a lot out there, even after eliminating the cheap pops

Yeah, exactly. Thirlwell is one of my favorites

Longmont potion castle

Whoever did that fucking four chords song. The song itself is a bit annoying now that I've heard it a lot but the album it's on has got some funny tracks, though most only work for the first listen.

Ween, despite what you said

Tom Lehrer is LITERALLY the PERFECT fit for what you want.

Check out We Will All Go Together

Also poisoning pigeons

>LOL so random' humor like Zappa or Ween

What did he mean by this?


Maybe The Dead Milkmen? They're one of my favourite bands.

The Bonzo Dog Band but they're heavily influenced by Zappa.

That guy who did I Don't Want A Pickle. Think it was Arlo Guthrie

>A shark and a dog, now you're laughing/ The dog licks the shark, dry in your photographing/And I lick you dry until you're laughing/My finger is in your behind

actual Will Oldham lyrics

>lol so random humor

The Jazz Discharge Party Hats genuinely made me laugh out loud. Zappa can be funny as fuck.

Also OP, Charlie Daniels is your man.

>Easy Rider

Tom Waits' Nighthawks at the Diner

A lot of Haydn is funny

I don't think this is what op is looking for but it's honestly some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.

Try 10cc


>cringey or 'LOL so random' humor like Zappa
And this is why people hate him, most likely our of spite. He actually had something to say. And let's also not pretend we're talking about rapping skits.

Out of*

I love Tom Lehrer he was a standard on Dr Demento's radio show (why doesn't mu ever talk about him? Dude had the largest private music library after all, p much the god of record collectors) when I was young

He was pretty much a novelty act though, just more adult than Weird Al, say.

Masochism Tango is my favorite, hell I even sang that karaoke before

I don't hate Zappa, he seemed like an honestly cool dude and was very technically gifted.

But I fucking hate his music (and most of his fanatical pretentious fanboys). Between his guitar wankery and dumb humor (AhAHAHA YELLOW SNOW SO FUNNY! SHAKE YOUR BOOTY, GET IT? AHAHAHA) fuckin hate it

I'm not talking about him as a person, as I've implied in my previous post. Pierre Boulez of all people took him seriously and conducted his classical music works. Maybe you should give him another chance. But don't bother, you got it, it's all poop jokes and rap skits are truly the pinnacle of music with a sense of humor and.

I really like the lyricism found in a lot of Barenaked Ladies songs

Can't believe no one has mentioned John Prine

Noel Gallagher.
He is a wank, but he's a funny wank.
Know I'm not suppose to mention GWAR, but DAvid Brockie used to give some of the best interviews.

They Might Be Giants are hilarious
>hurr durr they're kids music

listen to freak out it'll probably change your mind

Illegal Smile - John Prine