/Chart Thread/

You know what to do.

Remember, GIVE RECS!

Nice taste man, try out Jawbox - For Your Own Special Sweetheart

wire-pink flag

Ana Tijoux-Vengo
Chvrches-The Bones of What You Believe
Japanese Breakfast- Psychopomp

Nice taste user, I don't have a pic of albums like you guys, but I love the smiths, the cure, joy division, and I kinda like some newer stuff like spooky black, the Japanese house, and some early 1975 EPs (I know fuck me, right?) anyway any recs?

Husker Du, Zen Arcade
Weighing Souls with Sand - The Angelic Process, but only if you're a dronefag
The Dynospectrum, s/t
No clue how you haven't listened to Forever Chagnes, or at least it's not on your chart.

(With 5 being average)




Don't know enough to judge well but from what I do know, 7.5/10

Really good charts!

I have listened to it, it's just not on my list.

I'd give Echo & the Bunnymen a try if you haven't yet. Also New Order & Morrissey's solo stuff

Kid Dakota - So Pretty

Oh shit, only just saw that we're only supposed to do recs. I'm shit at them but I'll try... For fun I'll rec an album from this year.

'68 - Two Parts Viper

Big Walnuts Yonder - s/t

Tunabunny - Pcp Presents Alice in Wonderland Jr.

Tough 'cause idk many of these but maybe Tiny Hazard - Greyland

Robedoor - New Age Sewage

Big fan of new order and morissey, I'll give Echo &a the bunny men a try, thanks

Just checked Tiny Hazard out, good shit. Thanks, user.

OP here, nah you don't have to only do recs

thanks tho :)

I'm not sure I can rec you anything. We have fairly different taste.

Doomsday is fucking baller though.

If you haven't heard Deadringer by RJD2 yet, listen to it. It's very good.

I Robot - Alan Parsons Project

I am literally 100% unqualified to rec you.

See above.

If you wanna get really obscure, there's a jazz album called "Thinking Big" that I think you may like. It's by Scott Robinson.

+1 for Kid Dakota. Such a good fuckin band they deserve all the recognition in the world.

Just checked I Robot out, thanks son.



He's here




Eat shit and fuck off old man

Vanessa and The O's - La Ballade D'O

For Against - Echelons

Amusement Parks on Fire - Amusement Parks on Fire



Boris - Flood

recc me some european alt rock

Kraftwerk-Tour de France
Stellastarr- Stellastarr
Von Bondies-Pawn Shoppe Heart

Andre you fucker

I know this is you






I just went through my foobar and collage'd some albums. Pl0x recommend me
I haven't been able to listen to much music because i have some shit wrong with my ears, and am waiting on a fucking appointment. It sucks beyond belief/


Teenage Bigfoot-2 Lit 2 Quit
Ebonee Webb-Disco Otomisan
Chvrches-Every Open Eye







It came from Beneath the Sink!

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Nose

Bleached - Ride Your Heart
Colleen Green - I Want to Grow Up
Massenger - S/T
Summer Cannibals have some great songs, like Emergency and Something New, but I don't love either of their albums



Consider the Lobster

The Arctic Incident

I have made a critical error. Next time there won't be any mistakes.

No Boundaries: Transnational Latino Gangs and American Law Enforcement

Post-2010 recs preferred.

>people still like Franz
What? Anyway,
Metro Area - s/t; it sounds a lot like the disco/house style of a couple records on your chart
Kashiwa Daisuke - Program Music I; a lotta nifty piano akin to Nujabes, electronic music rhythms, builds/structural changes like Boris
>SFTB at #1
>goddamn Fas the GOAT DsO album
My man!
Sun City Girls - 330,003 Crossdressers From Beyond The Rig Veda; crazy colorful collage sorta like SFTB but sounds nothing like it, too
Windir - Arntor; you got Ulver, Bathory, Negura Bunget, Burzum and you don't have this? hell also have:
Nokturnal Mortum - Voice Of Steel
Brothers Sandole - Modern Music From Philadelphia; Dennis Sandole is a beast on guitar and it's good guitar oriented jazz there's a DL for it in the archives since it is tough to find
Cardiacs - Sing To God; sorta whacky like some of the experimental guys in your chart and also sorta post-punk like others in your chart
Huh, now that's not something one normally sees in a chart like this. Gotta rec 50 Tracks Of Tempa then.
Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport as well because it's droney, electronic, and psychedelic like various things on your chart
Too many repeated artist releases man. Keep that as low as possible so you get more different artists on a chart.
Basement - I Wish I Could Stay Here; aspects of poppy punk stuff and something like anberlin on it
Any of the Amorphous Androgynous mixes; they consist of a variety of upbeat psychedelic/funk tracks.

like this chart a lot. check out pacific by haruomi hosono, less surf, more tropical
let's go eleki-bush - Takeshi Terauchi & Blue Jeans
spacemen 3

I don't know your guys list so well, I know a few of the albums but I don't know enough from the lists to tell your personalities so I'm just going to become

> Luv (sic) hex

ayyy, my bud just went to japan and picked that one up for me at toweer records, I love that the second disc has a better version of parts 3 and 4 . Part 6 will always be my favorite going back

> Fen
> cryptopsy
> midnigth oddesy
> gsybe

Going to recomend the split between baise ma hache and autarcie, as well as enslaved all the way up, they went black metal, to psychedelic black metal, to progressive black metal and each era had great stuff in it's own way

Naughty Boy

Forgot to note, the left side is my essential/influential albums, the right row is my recent cravings

For all of my shoegaze and rap, I am extremely fond of older UK dubstep. I just can't find full albums for Coki, Mala, or DMZ anywhere. Red Eye on vinyl is really fucking expensive. Thanks man.
Lucky fucker. I'd take a trip to Japan just to not get fucked on importing for luv(sic) hex. My personal favorite is Part 3. Nujabes at his best beats wise, and Shing02 on top tier with his lyrics. I still prefer the originals to the remixes but both are amazing.

Nujabes was equally great on all his albums I tohught, but Shing02 was best on 400 [rl] I thought, his split with shimp beans was great to (not saying luv sic was bad for him, it was great)

>Basement - I Wish I Could Stay Here
Just checked it out, thanks

Imo all of his best beats were to be found on the second half of Modal Soul and luv(sic) hexalogy. And yeah that's fair, but there's something great about Shing02 in luv(sic) specifically. I think he was best on Parts 2 and 4 though.

2 was good, 5 is my favorite because it just hits home so hard

5 is fucking amazing, I'll give you that. 5/6 are great but I'm fond of part 3 (Original version) because I started with Modal Soul, so it brings me back to late night drives and midnights spent comfy jamming to Nujabes and playing Quake.

What's the album in the bottom right corner of your top 10? Great taste btw. Would hang out with and talk about improvisation.


Good recs, (you)


delet this

Haken - The Mountain

Nokturnal Mortum - Гoлoc cтaлi

Goodie Mob - Soul Food

fi want to be your friend

add me on discord pham, muatra#2717

You should check out Chic

forgot to post chart

Looking for some longer heavy psych like Bardo but anything is welcome!

Check out Nation of Ulysses- Play Pretty for Baby
Love all the shoegaze!
Th' Faith Healers- Lido
Ecstasy of St Theresa- Pigment EPBoredoms
S/O for Teen Idles!
Girl Band- Holding Hands with Jamie

Comus - First Utterance
Sugar - Copper Blue
Once and Future Band - s/t
The Toasters - Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down
Eternal Tapestry - Night Gallery
can't think of any recs, just wanted to compliment you on your fucking nice as shit chart

Thanks! Nightlife EP by Yuragi which you'll see on my chart is pretty damn good.