I used to taste sounds when I was little but I grew out of it. I wish I could still do that. Is there a name for it?

I used to taste sounds when I was little but I grew out of it. I wish I could still do that. Is there a name for it?

I wonder what this album tastes like.


>I used to taste sounds when I was little but I grew out of it. I wish I could still do that

Mushrooms or LSD can help you with that.

Is that what it's called?

I'm way too afraid of drugs like those. Never tried. Still, open to it.

I can see the color and smell the aroma of the album

what's the foulest smelling album you've listened to?

perfume, cigarettes and lollypops.


Yeah, synesthesia came naturally for me too when i was a child and for years i was unable to feel that again.
Until, as said, i started taking lsd regularly for a couple of months. Bur i nearly killed myself after that, so i guess don't do it.

it's called imminent stroke

pic related

It's really comfy to listen to; yet the sounds smell like the streets of Manchester, which Frankly, smell like absolute horrid

what about the best smelling album?

>Is that what it's called?
Not him, but pretty sure synesthesia manifests in multiple forms, including different sounds having different "tastes". It's basically an odd interaction between your sense of sound and a couple of your other senses.

I wish I had it but I'm apart of the unlucky majority who don't. Never heard of anyone just growing out of it though.

Either pic related or Merry-weather Post Pavilion

to me this tastes like if you ate jelly with dusty crackers and smells like LA when it rains on a hot day

Mmm, reminds me of childhood.

Loveless would be like pop rocks

At what age did you grow out of tasting sounds, Sup Forums?

Is everybody in this thread trolling or just high?
I can't tell anymore.

I taste cheap vanilla ice cream. Like eating it in the backseat of a shitty Tercel with fuzzy seat covers that are flattened and worn out

you really have a different perception of this album

what happened?

I'd say the lingering taste of alcohol from the night prior while breathing in anesthesia

Yeah, it went away around the time I entered 2nd grade. I remember what certain words used to 'taste' like, though.

It tastes like cherry pie.

what do you guys think this album would taste like?



It's pretty much when 2 senses collide in certain situations, like seeing colours when you hear music, or tasting words

Is it a sign of autism?


oh fuck

Never interpreted Loveless particularly as psychedelic. It'd be tea with strawberry jam on toast

Totally serious. Apparently I had synesthesia as a kid. It's hard to explain.

Cherries, chocolate and cigarettes.

period blood

st anger tastes like crap.