"Trolling the trollers" is a useless tactic to try and win...

"Trolling the trollers" is a useless tactic to try and win. Everything he posts is just adding more fuel for the trollers to troll him back with.

He's literally providing us with ammunition to use against him yet he acts like he's winning the battle.

Other urls found in this thread:


He is that desperate.

>tweetimg some stupid insult or criticism at a celebrity
>winning a "battle"

Whatever floats your boat, cheeto fingers


You are pathetic.

hey tim

stop acting like that fad kid I bulled in middle school

Yes, *us*, since every fucking dot and tittle this guy writes is posted on here for us to laugh at.

What film?

Providing who? Literally no one gives a shit about the stupid shit you're talking about.


The Cuck.

you're not us, Sup Forumseddit fucking scum


>this is a 40 year old married father

Oh and inb4 2 or 3 Timfags sit and lurk this thread responding to every post they see trying to say this isn't pathetic as fuck

He's cool, he's hip, he's 45


Tim sure knows how to trigger the alt-rightist Sup Forums cucks

Should I know who this man is?

yeah he's the guy who Sam Hyde tries to copy

Wait, was this tweet supposed to be bantz or something?

I feel like Tim was smug while posting this, but I don't understand how changing the word "cunt" to "cuck" is a significant change in content.

The fact that this upsets you enough to make a thread about it shows that he's actually winning, chief.

>he thinks HE'S winning the battle
>but lads,
>it's really US boys who's is winning the battle i say

cue you know you've got to 'em when they mention Sup Forums and ''triggered''

>he acts like he's winning the battle.

as someone who's removed from this whole thing, i can tell you that yes, tim is winning. he's pissing you all off repeatedly and you can tell he doesn't care about anything but pissing you guys off.

He cares about nothing else, yes. We care about dozens of other things. How is he winning?

He is winning the battle. You know who he is and what he does. He's never heard of you because you're irrelevant.

Oh I see, nobody in their right mind would give a shit then.


>I don't understand

That much is obvious. Stick to reading on this messageboard.

Whats the story behind the Tim hate/drama?

Hi Tim

Should I know who that is?

if you're looking at it from that angle, just remember that tim is a very well off and famous man as well.

he can afford to take time off to troll people

>He cares about nothing else, yes
oh, the delusion

did u just come from reddit? sam hyde threads have been spammed here for the last month

What's with Tim?
I can never tell with him. He's always "in-character" somehow, he lives ironically. You can't tell if he's just pretending or not. Being ironic all the time feels really insecure in itself though.
I thought I heard recently that he said he was tired of being in character all the time. But now it just seems like he's another character. I guess it's kind of entertaining though whether or not it's genuine.

Hey tim, wife fuck any niggers lately?

Its the bugs bunny defense

hi Sam

Some cuck that appeared in a RLM video.

Being a liberal used to mean something. We all were liberals, it meant we wanted freedom and individual rights separate from the overpowering, tyrannical government. We wanted a new start in a new world, a better form of government, for all the people.

Now it's used as a buzzword by autists on an anime imageboard website to refer to that grossly monstrous left-wing fascist and controlled opposition movement that is no better or worse than authoritarian neoconservatism.

do... do you think we like your kind around here?
do you think you fit in?
you stick out like a sore thumb.
back to redit scum


ok Sam

>o that grossly monstrous left-wing fascist and controlled opposition movement that is no better or worse than authoritarian neoconservatism.

the people are you describing describe themselves as liberals

Sup Forums didnt start that

That doesn't tell me anything. Blacked threads are spammed here day in day out for the last 2 or 3 years and the niggas all look the same to me still.

Same guy you replied to. Yes I am angry that they call themselves that, and I'm aware of that fact, but that doesn't mean we should call them what they're not.

The more we refer to them as they are, the closer we'll get to ratting them out and ending this madness. Hopefully, since that seems like fantasy sadly.

Yeah and when they describe themselves a multisexual otherkin that's becomes part of your vernacular and excuses your misuse of it?

He seems to be offending 4chin pretty bad desu given the number of threads that are made screaming about it.


you know who sam hyde is quit pretending already lol

Really made me think desu

I thought Tim would smarter than to even engage at all with stupid shit like this.

He's a liberal fagot whose decided that he's going to take on the "alt-right" any chance he gets. That means Sup Forums.

no it doesn't.
Sup Forums isn't even alt-right it's 50% satirists, 25% alt right, and 25% edgy redditors

>The fact that this upsets you enough to make a thread about it shows that he's actually winning, chief.
the anger towards him is a small part of a larger anger against the rich and the elite in the US. so if the anger ends up hurting them in the end they aren't really winning, are they?

100% autistic

>yeah he's the guy who Sam Hyde tries to copy
no at all
you should see his early stuff
or even better, his stand up!

it's the internet so it's impossible to tell if he's acting angry or is actually angry.
what do you have against autism?

what's with redditors and always picking internet fights and acting like brave rebels who are part of some internet militia?
>we must fight le sjw
>we must fight le mods! muh freeze peach
fuck off you dumb basement nigger.

>the anger towards him is a small part of a larger anger against the rich and the elite in the US.
you are jesting

No. I don't.

hi Sam


Who the fuck is us? Do you literally have nothing better to do with your time then engage in petty internet fights? Why not at least watch some quality kino instead?

He does talk about Sup Forums like it's one thing so it's easy to get caught up in this us vs them thing.

gets good at 4:37
ask mel gibson

>the battle
Jesus Christ you cringey faggot

lmao I don't even remember how this feud started