Why is she so cute and adorable?

Why is she so cute and adorable?

Bet you wish you were her TAMPON BOY


Brandon, if you post in this thread your mother will die.

brandon is sleeping brah

life is hard

I want laurens mentraul meat in my mouth

would lauren say "I lobe senpai"into a tape recorder for me
I bet it would make her giggle


Someone explain to me who Brandon is. I've always seen him on the site but I've ignored him up until that one thread a few days ago.

overweight depressed NEET obsessed with lavren

so basically... standard Sup Forums user

i want to fuck her so much but i bet a million dollars she's terrible in bed, she's the lights out/missionary/bra on/never moaning corpse kind of girl

You fucked it up

>lights out/missionary/bra on/never moaning corpse kind of girl
That's pretty hot desu

Is there a story? Why does he matter?


Fighting with you as you unzip her pants

Because she looks like a 12 year old boy

made me laugh out loud in real life desu


no it's fucking not, you necrophiliac.

A nigga will take what he can get, pussy is pussy


Would smash both tb h

And that is your answer to the question you bloody muppet.

What was the question

The OP, you moron.


Ah my bad lads, I thought this was a shitposting thread

Scottish genetics

because she looks like a child and you are sexually attracted to children

i had a gf liek her and she was a premature babbie
also and