There is no such thing as a perfect albu-

There is no such thing as a perfect albu-


>Those skits

Still one of the best of 2016 though.


Siegfried is song of the century

Nights is fucking terrible.



What is so special about this album?? When people describe it, it sounds like something I'd love. Art pop is pretty much my favorite genre. I can't get into this though. It's so ungodly boring. What am I missing that y'all are hearing?

>What am I missing that y'all are hearing
Good taste

You're not gonna get anyone into the album by being a pretentious cunt.

nothing, it's 6/10 on a good day

Relatable and emotional lyrics, nice song structures, fantastic and consistent mood. I didn't like it at first either, but then at some point it just clicked.

This last winter I was walking through my small town in the dead of night, there was some snow falling and a light layer of it covering the ground. I had my headphones in and I decided to give Blonde another shot. As the instrumental of Ivy filled my ears something just clicked. The album felt right. The album progressed as I walked and I found myself standing and appreciating my environment and the music. Then Facebook Story played and I kinda scratched my head a little bit (even though I relate to the story).

But something amazing happened after that. When Close to You came on, I found myself tearing up. Not too much, mind you, but there was at least one tear. Music never does that to me.

It's an album that speaks to the soul, at least for me. It's not gonna click with everyone.

Close to You is too short.

Also, Self Control is one of the best tracks.

Most of the people who rate this album highly so highly are 18 year olds who only just left their high school rap metal phase so listening to real music gives them a rock hard cock

The album is decent though, but if you've listened to any considerable amount of music it's only decent

>tfw didn't listen to rap or metal in high school
>tfw listened to video game OSTs almost exclusively

There isn't a reaction image painful enough for this feeling. I didn't even start paying attention to music or trying to grow my tastes until I got into college.

I thought Frank's vocals shined on this, but Channel Orange is just so much goddamn more fun to listen to.

I think the lyrics may actually be what I'm missing. I never really related to them strongly. Then again, lyrics are rarely a draw for me. I may give it another spin at some point though. Like I said, the weirdest thing is that people's descriptions make it sound exactly like something I'd love (like your description).
>The album is decent though, but if you've listened to any considerable amount of music it's only decent
Yeah, I don't dislike it. It's just a 6.5-7 in my mind. I can see it's well executed, but I don't hear a masterpiece. I guess this album is to a lot of people what MBDTF was to me in high school, if you describe it that way.

Case in point

Frank is the bridge artist for people with shit taste

>The album is decent though, but if you've listened to any considerable amount of music it's only decent
i've listened to a considerable amount of music and still think its great...

>18 year olds
>high school rap metal phase
>rap metal
what fucking planet do you live on?

>says I have shit taste based on my teenage taste
This would have been more than 5 years ago. Nice meme though.

When a post hits to close to home


Mood and lyrics. It's doesn't have any "bangers" really, like Pyramids etc., but it has great atmosphere and emotion.

Pretty Sweet, Self Control, White Ferrari, Solo, all amazing.

Nights is overrated but still great.

It took a while for it to click with me as well, thought it was boring, but after a few listens it wasn't long becoming one of my favorite albums of 2016.

This is clearly inaccurate given the critical acclaim the album has achieved. You could just say you don't like it yourself and elaborate on why, you don't have to come up with some lazy generalization.