

Pretty solid with some real stand outs but its nothing really special some of it feels like straight rejects from other albums

Like listening to Reznor daydreaming. It's comfy and creepy at places.


34 Ghosts IV is a banger and seems like the inspiration for deadmau5 - somewhere up in here

That's the point

Used to play TF2 with this on in the background years ago, the first ambient music I'd ever heard was on this album

it's shit, when it comes to NIN just listen to TDS and then move on


This is a "list goes on" opinion.

The Downward Spiral is overrated and Trent has progressed and developed further.

There is literally a recording or Reznor snoring on this album.

>"interesting thumbnail, looks kinda minimalist, like andrew lee or something. i wonder what it is"
>highlight over it to make it larger
>nine inch nails
Alright, then

What are you trying to achieve with this post?

>Trent has progressed and developed further
He went from an edgy teenager to an edgy manchild?

How am I supposed to see this admonishment if I've hidden the thread?


Good, but not something that I come back to often.

The Social Network is more interesting as an electronic/ambient piece

what's wrong with art being edgy?

Don't listen to him, he just uses edgy as a copout because he's insecure.

I'm just interested to know if he can articulate himself

I like it. It's ambient-ish enough to be a background noise but dynamic enough for active listening without having a mood for it.
Feels like a bunch of musical sketches though.

Imagine being this retarded

This t b h