What is your favorite accent?

What is your favorite accent?

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Kick rocks, dork.

Japanese and Korean accents are very cute


Fuckin' right on, buddy.


Not kidding. Best english accent by far

South african

High class british is music to my ears.



That seems really weird to me.

I mean I'm not self hater but I just can't see how anyone could think our accent is anything remarkable. Most people just think we sound like Americans but Americans are able to recognize our accent pretty easily


Italian or Russian.

It's because you people actually pronounce the "ou" sound. I'm not a linguist or anything, but the fact that you pronounce it, and the way you pronounce it, makes english sound like an actual language and not like someone dying trying to speak (brits) or someone dead trying to speak (burgers). Of course I'm not going to comment on meme english down under. Canadians have the most pleasing english accent there is. Everything else is understandable, but far from desireable.

Interesting. I knew we had our own ways of pronouncing some things but I didn't know it was any better than other how countries do it

The most noticeable difference between American and Canadian English that I know is how we say "Sorry". Americans say it like "Saw-ree", and we say it like "Sore-ee"

i liek slav
cuz im a slav
im a slav

As a foreigner, the "ou" is an obvious tell, but in general when you hear someone that sounds like an american but is actually pronouncing, it's a canadian. Best accent by far, and the most nice anglos by far. Not here tho, don't get me wrong leaf

Thanks, Chile

And I understand.

Np bro.

Australian and Irish are pleasant and comfortable to listen to. A thick German and Russian accent on a woman is very sexy. An Italian woman's accent is boner inducing.

Your flag disqualifies you in matters of taste. So nope


we're literally the slavest of slavs
what the else would we be

You are too europeized now. Eastern Slavs are the only Slavs who aren't cucked by the West and western culture, still maintaining our civilization. You have abdicated all this long time ago.