American South is still celebrating slavery

>American South is still celebrating slavery

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>Land of the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""free""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>he brags about being in a continent where this would get you arrested for hate speech

Good lads

We like to remind non-whites such as yourself of where you belong

hopefully the alabama wind chimes won't cause too much trouble over this

Based Dixie

i bet a black dude is holding that flag since they cropped it that way.

They are traitors. You can't call them Americans.

Proud of slavery and racism. The true American, ladies and gentlemen.

Everyone is racist, and black people (the Bantu) need strong and strict leadership or they revert to being animals and causing chaos, besides slaves had it better in America than they would have had as slaves in Africa or indeed in Latin America most of the time.

A good deal were educated and if freed actually made something for themselves, Even If they werent They got housing, food, days off, clothes, and could retire knowing they would be taken care of. More than most of their white contemporaries.
They were even given money, and sometimes were set free with some money in the wills of some owners. About 1/9 of blacks at the height of slavery were free men.

In Latin America they were either worked to death, killed, or let free when they were no longer useful/able to work. No chance of being educated, and extremely harsh treatment, they were treated like mules.

In Africa, well, you know what happens there, there are 3 times as many slaves in africa today, than all the slaves ever transported and sold in the history of the atlantic slave trade

That said, people should be at least able to get married and be with their children, it is not right that slave marriages had no standing and families could be split up. Not right at all.

shant be reading a word

>s-stop remembering the sacrifices of soldiers in wars, they were racist! in the 1800s!
the media could not stoop any lower

>Everyone is racist
not true, alt-righter

keep /brit/ in /brit/ you fucking brainlet

Isn't the flag bait though?
I've heard the south doesn't see it as a flag of slavery but of rebellion and not slavery. Is this true southern USicans?

lmao he seriously thinks i'll read all that shit he just spit lmfaooooo

It's a symbol of the South and it's culture, just the same as the saltire is a symbol of Scotland and its people or any regional or subnational flag. The only people that ascribe other meanings to it are the worst of the worst on either side of the political spectrum and they should be ignored.

This includes:
>symbol of TREASON, and RACISM, pls remove
as well as
>look at me gaiz, I'm a redneck too! Gas the kikes race war now!

It's a lot like our Eureka Rebellion flag. For many a symbol of anti-authoritarian ideals, for others a symbol of racism and monologues on prime time telly about how terrible people outside of cities are.

Thank you for clarification :D

It brought the South prosperity and trade, what's not to celebrate?


>an anti-colonial uprising of gold miners for universal male suffrage is somehow equivalent to a rebellion to maintain the right to keep slaves

I don't like it, but they have a right to celebrate it; that's the American way of life.

haha xD

>It's a symbol of the South and it's culture
It's a symbol of armed insurrection. Where's your rebel pride? Or are you some sort of dixiesplaining yankee?

t. Tennessean

yes, the culture of the American South, aka Dixie, something that has existed for hundreds of years and is known and recognised worldwide and perseveres to this day despite endless attempts at suppression and race baiting.

It can represent whatever abstract concept you wish to attach to it to your heart's content, it's still the flag of the South and not rural American conservatism. Sounds like you've been brainwashed to hell and back my friend.

>be dixie
>lose war

Euruka rebellion had progressive cause.

ah yes easily digestable gross oversimplifications for brainlets

Spics and niggers deserve to be slaves.

The flag didn't exist before the rebellion. Trying to claim that it's anything besides a banner for an armed insurrection is some SJW-tier cognitive dissonance.

It also brought them a war they lost

>muh states' rights
States' rights to own slaves. You can't sugar-coat it with revisionist pseudo-history.

Southerners are based nigger killers, can't get anymore American than that. Fuck off little man

>cultural symbols often have historical backgrounds in armed conflict
wow, really? Do you think the US flag is a symbol of the American Revolution and not of a people and a land too?

>rebellion to maintain the right to keep slaves
The civil war wasnt about slaves it just became about slaves, also the flag posted above was never used during the civil war, it was adopted afterwards

I can't tell you the number of hicks here in Minnesota that fly the confederate flag. I honestly don't care if someone flies it in the south, but it's just cringy and cliche to fly it here because "I'm a CUNTry boy!"

Are Europoors really all this fucking stupid when comes to Merican history? Even Howard Zinn admitted the war had fuck all to do with slavery

States' rights to resist federal encroachment. They should have just left it alone, we would have outlawed slavery by the 1890's anyway

Just a reminder that the North didn't fight to end slavery. They had multiple riots when Abe Lincoln freed the slaves

Howard Zinn is literally a revisionist.

Do some reading before spouting this crap. The North was by no means progressive, contained three slave holding states, and was not fighting to end slavery, but rather for their vision of an involuntary union of which members are locked into against their will. Hope Germany rolls Panzers into Bratislava if you ever try to break off from the EU because of migrant quotas so you can get a taste of that particular medicine. Or maybe the Czechs or the Hungarians might decide your secession was invalid? That would work as well.

I agree with you completely, I hate those people in ways I cannot fully describe, and I'm as Southern as they come.

That's why it's so surprising or else that wouldn't be an example

>the flag posted above was never used during the civil war, it was adopted afterwards
I know, this isn't about celebrating the flag, but about the Confederacy.

He's a fringe charlatan. No one takes him seriously.

Confederate states were the aggressors since they attacked federal forces first. Can't get anymore American than William T. Sherman.

Why did they secede? Because Americans elected an abolitionist president.

Not surprising since Mississippi still uses the confederate symbol in their flag lmao

Couldnt care less what a spic does, you'll probably be in the next liveleak beheading video anyway

Lincoln hated niggers and wanted to ship them all back to Africa.

Btw, I never said the North was progressive. I said Eureka rebellion in Australia had a progressive cause.

Ah yes, they shouldn't complain about slavery because slaves elsewhere were marginally worse off

The average 'chon intellectual

No they did not, he didn't even receive 40 percent of the votes

Lincloln outlawed slavery, the Confederacy fought to keep it.

Obviously, he would be considered racist by the standards of the 21st century.

>it also brought them a war

No, that would be the North with its abolitionist and protectionist rhetoric

it's not as simple as "southerners hated niggers." look at it from their perspective. their entire economy was based on agriculture and now some fucking northerner wants to tell you what to do. slavery was the best thing that could have happened to africans anyways. their descendants get to live in the first world instead of having aids

>Because Americans elected an abolitionist president.

Because the North elected an abolitionist president

We should go back to shooting Americans who refuse to fight in wars. We should go back to shooting Americans.

Slavery was good for plantation owners. You think poor whites who were selling their labour benefited from the competition that worked for free?

>poor whites couldn't work as field hands

So? It's not like being a field hand was the only job with low qualification required.

Honestly I think the slaves had more freedom than Americans do today. I don't think the FBI listened in on their conversations.

It was bad for the region as a whole. The South could produce and export agricultural products cheaply and that's why they were never forced to develop adavanced industrial capacity.


Or how would small, independent farmers compete with slave-owning oligarchs?

>why they were never forced to develop adavanced industrial capacity

Because they didn't need it. Not every place is great for industry. The South is hot, fertile and lacking in ores. Trying to make it into an industrial powerhouse would be insane when the north had much better conditions for it.


Who said anything about farming? Agriculture is hardly the only occupation out there, there is commerce, trades and craft, they could be overseers.


The Bantu people complain about everything, if they were in paradise they would still be complaining.
They are like children, they have no sense of the responsibility or the future, its dangerous to just let them loose for the most part, nobody wanted that, even the abolitionists wanted about 90% back off to africa to go get malaria and laze aobout