...What happened to the fluffy thread?

...What happened to the fluffy thread?
Why is kill?



it didnt hit cap or anything.

its like the mods deleted it

Mods went full autist, I think.


Stupid hugboxers.

that is standard operation mode for the mods.



Nah, most of our stuff was pretty tame. I think it's just their usual sperging.

lol, if this stuff gets banned from Sup Forums i wonder if they'll give us our own board







It won't get banned from /b, and there's no way we're getting our own board here. We're a pretty small group.


That pit is a little too deep. Takes out the fun of torturing the poor little bastard.

Sorry, meant this:

fluffy threads are one of the only good kinds of threads. most of the other threads have something to do with penises


yeah but both those posts were me, so i knew what you meant.
i think the pit is ok. you dont want it too shallow or he will get out in only a few months. besides, just knowing he is there is enough

I guess I just enjoy more interactive kinds of torture.

i think the booru should be better.
you cant search by artist and it is otherwise not intuitive. i probably just dont know how to use it right, but i prefer to get my fluffy fix from Sup Forums

torture is nice, but sometimes it's just nice to see a fluffy die on the inside.

I even occasionally like stuff that isnt abuse.
i like some hugbox to cleanse the palette and some sadbox to give me an appetite.
i think this counts as sadbox.


Or get ahead for once in their miserable existence.

Shit, we cant be the odd ones out!





Hugboxers wet dream

You guys do realise that you're deeply mentally disturbed for liking this stuff right?

Where the fuck did your parents go so wrong?

Get help. Seriously. Not even memeing.

fuck you. fluffies exist to suffer.
hmm. i guess loli threads involve dicks sometimes too.

omg i need to organize my folder

Wat am dummeh hoomin tawkin 'bout?
Pawents am bestest pawents!
*sings* Mummah wub babbeh, babbeh wub mummah *sing sing*



No, fuck you, edgelord scum. You should be put in an institution, you know that?

Pweeach, *chirp chirp*

i can be as mentally disturbed as i want. if i get disturbed enough i can probably even get a disability award from my government.

i think you're missing the point. they are fluffy ponies.
they exist to feel pain.

Hehe dummeh humin nee bestest huggies fow not be su angwy *wuv wuv wuv*

O shit feminist fluffy!


bretty much.
fluffies have comparable intelligence to feminists.


maybe we subconsciously dont want fluffy threads, so we like when fluffies are killed because our primitive brains think that it will bring an end to them being killed.

im not an edgelord.
to be 100% literal, fluffies were created to be tortured. this whole concept was a way to piss off mlp fagets.
to be not as literal, fluffy ponies deserve to be tortured until they bleed out through their eyes


>pet's Fluffy


I Agree user edgelord scum

yeah i agree that user is pretty Edgy

im not an edgelord.
on any given day i only wear two accessories with spikes on them.
i dont even wear eyeliner everyday

You might be right to say that they were created for torture, but they sure as hell don't deserve it.


sounds like something a edgelord would say


stahp. i just want to hurt fluffies. i like actual animals, but i think that fluffies exist only to be sponges for our hatred.

Well they were created as a toy, so in most head cannons the consensus is that they are not real animals and are not protected by laws.

yes they do.
an edgelord would use cliche metaphors.
>inb4 "i'm not an edgelord" is cliche

oopsie, i forgot a picture.

The best

>I like animals but hate fluffies

See, I never know how to interpret these statements. There's the possibility that this is a lie meant to deflect criticism. OTOH, it could be genuine, in which case a whole host of factors could apply (autism, perhaps?).

anyone got the beginning of this comic

i dont think that that one is clear enough.
"wan die" is better... or is that just a text story?

Same artist, diferent story

i might be autistic. public school didnt even try to detect it when i went/still.
also i have this thing where i lose control and hurt small cute things, but that hasnt happened for years

No they don't. I feel amazed at how I have to explain to someone that something created to be a pet that will unconditionally love you and is simultaneously relatively harmless doesn't deserve brutal torture straight out of the Middle Ages.

>inb4 hellgremlin or overpopulation interpretations

forgot a picture again. and now im typing with one hand and its taking like 4 times as long

Damn, that's some unexpected sadbox in my abuse.

Blow off choffer. My parents are great, and i was raised in a good home. Idk why i like this shit. Can you explain why?

you're just not making any sense. did you just have a stroke?
Fluffies deserve to be tortured

i would consider that abuse. his herd is abusing him.
forgot pic again.no i do not have full story for this pic.

It's like I'm talking to an alien. By your same logic, kittens and bahies would be fair game too.

I feel amazed that I have to explain to some one that those thins are fictional characters and no one actually suffers.


Eat cock.

So savage!

Look, alright, i can see that you're not getting it. Ill try to break it down for you.
fluffies are pathetic furballs.
kittens are different, they are kittens.
while one may make the comparison between babies and kittens and see a greater resemblance to fluffies from either than each other, they did not take into account that fluffies live to be tortured.
when a kitten is born it has instinct that will develop it into a hunter.
when a baby is born, it has instinct that can go several ways. if the baby is white he will try to live a good life. if the baby is black he will try to steal. if the baby is jewish he will lie about the holocaust. if the baby is female, then in 14 years it will want some dick.
a fluffy has instinct too. they can express themselves in a structured way based on their instinct.
so empirically, fluffies are cute, helpless, and innocent; while kittens and babies can never fully be all three things at once.

How long do you think it will be before someone goes and kills a real animal or even a human?

It's a slippery slope user. A lot of serial killers started by torturing animals.

I honestly suggest that the people who enjoy this kind of stuff get professional help.

If a cartoon on the internet pushes some one to do that that person has issues, this is the same logic used on video games causing violence.

people have been killing animals and other people since the the world began, four thousand years ago.

Fluffies aren't real.

You're the one not getting it man. You're beyond whatever help I could give you.
It's almost assured that one person in the fandom is going to end up revealed as a murderer. It's a matter of time at this rate.

torturing animals is repulsive. torturing fluffies is a art

I mean most video games don't encourage gratuitous violence or torturing helpless animals for pleasure.

This is more like a sexual fetish. How many of you get off to this kind of stuff?

Liking this stuff ironically or to be edgy is one thing, but genuinely being aroused or entertained by torture (real or fictional) is a sign that there's something wrong user.


Animals look and act nothing like fluffies do.

Part of the appeal of fluffies is that fluffies were made to be as innocent and as cute as possible to sell to kids, and so it's satisfying to shatter their worldview by abusing them.

Yes and? Does that mean we should just turn a blind eye to it?

Dunno man, in my case I actually find sorry for them when they suffer or are abused, yet it still entertains me and I keep coming baack ehre for some rason.

I find the torture ones boring, I like the ones weher they get themselves killed due to their own stupidity, cant say I speak for the rest f the fandom.


>it's satisfying to shatter their worldview by abusing them.
Do you realise how insane you sound when you make statements like that?

Assuming that you're not trolling, you're pretty fucked in the head. You realise that right?