I am a grave digger bored at work. Ama

I am a grave digger bored at work. Ama.

Shitty pic cause my first pic was too large.

do you fuck the corpses


How much does it pay?

Do you dig your job or is it a drag?

Do you brutally beat your meat and then tsunami your litres of cum in the hole before the body is buried so that in your mind deep down you know their souls will be swimming around in cum for an eternity ?


Youngest corpse you dug?

Weirdest requests for graves/burials? seen any fucked up funerals? (Either in general, mistake or mishap)

Do you go around in the middle of the night licking the grave stones pretending the corpses below are your children?


Probably this:
It is what I want when I die

where do you work


1780 a month, net
Slow days are nice, sat here doing nothing for over an hour.
Kids, never really checkbthe age.

Other day there was one with bagpipes, that was nice

I should mention i just do it one month in the summer every year cos i am a student.

Ask more q's i am bored.

whats the reqs. to become a gravedigger/yardtender? Do they make you to take a heavy psychology test?

Did you encounter some grave robbers?

God i whish that were me.
For real this is like my dream job

Not at all, helps if you know some gardening stuff.

Its not lije you have opportunities if you are cray like that. Plus dead stuff is smelly.
Who would rob a grave? Family takes all jewellery and stuff.

Describe your usual daily routine.

I fantasized being a gravedigger for a while now. Thing is I dont think they too much in the EU. I will definitely check it out if I get bored out of being a web-developer.