No rekt thread? You bunch of faggots

No rekt thread? You bunch of faggots.
Starting with OC from China (of course)

Other urls found in this thread:

Da fook was he hauling?


What's all that shit coming out of the cab?





Is everything in china can kill you?


"would you like an antennae?"
*not paying attention* "sure why not"
"alright, here you go"
"Ow, mother fucker what did you do"
"if you dont like it give it back asshole"

Everything yeah

Oh the fucking irony


how fucking unlucky do you have to be

I am so confused

fucking file name


These guys should get the darwin award

Truck had "steel products" and the van had "paper and paints."

That's what the Chinese media is saying, so you just know it's bullshit and a lie.

is this some kind of suicide method? never seen\heard of it before





>from yesterday


Brain farts?


It's suicide not stupidity you fucking nunce.

stop posting chinese movie bullshit to start a rekt thread. bumped. faggot.

thank U user, I was here to see that vid

Looking for this clip with this Chinese guy who runs over a family

guys please im moving to china, no mo china rekt

what's the opposite of kek?
that's what this is





wait what the hell is going on here medically


Basically, he puffs himself up to look larger and frighten off potential predators.

Nerve gas.




looks like a rupture to the sinus passage caused a split between the airflow and his face. Very interesting.

I wont throw cigs in holes anymore


Awesome. I love it when people get what they deserve. karma doesn't exist.

lmfao that guy that retrieved the tire "don't worry, i caught the suspect"


Not puppers fault, guy's board caught the fence pipe the last second. You could say it's because the guy saw the dog hopping up, but why would you not be prepared for that?


> puts dog on pipe
> no helmet
> fucking with dog by tapping it's fence
100% deserved


did he died?


Fuck Rekt

Gay Niggers Are Best Niggers

Has anyone got anything on swiss chainsaw attack that happened few days ago?

Pic related, it's the arrested suspect.

Looks like when the truck blows up in the beginning of the Cowboy Bebop movie.

Did he park in a handicap parking spot?

how much of a fucking pussy can you fucking be?

What a piece of shit. Did he get caught?

why do you faggots keep posting the soundless webm? this isnt even two years old and you cucks have lost the audio already?

oh look, mlp cat-loving traptard detected.


a nigger pussy apparently

Oh shit, that explains it.

Yay happy ending.

How. Fucking. Unlucky.

>being this new.

Lithium batteries.



Hi summerfriend
This is a friendly reminder:

That's why we got you fucking piece of trash.

I agree with you but
Go back to facebook you mong.

fucking gingers


a lousy shot


No tendies, no mercy

wow, a whole new context


wait a fucking minute

>G I N G E R S
>N I G G E R S

o i forgot i wasn't on /gif/
went there for rekd or gore but there wasnt a single thread smh

Fucking niggers



hahaha, he actually thought the elevator was waiting for him.

Jobs done




What happened?

Did he make it? lol
not sure if the dude running from the middle was the guy crawling at the end (bottom right)

Lol, at Central too... Fucking bogans are lost and should be back in Penriff. Wrong fucking platform to go home too.


some sort of fire. burns invisible. super hot though