Land of the free

>land of the free
>has jails


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Are you 12?

no he is probably 42. a fucking leaf, what do you expect.

Canadians are the worst of all posters here on Sup Forums and probably on the whole internet.
Canada and Canadians are seen here as the smarter, the more educated, the prettier -generally the better America.
After browsing Sup Forums for some time I came to doubt these positive stereotypes.


More like
>has the highest incarceration rate

Freedom aint free.

Yeah we do have the largest prison population in the world. I aint gonna complain too hard though, I got on probation.

*private* jails.
While also allowing lobbying.
And common law means judges make laws.

Such freedom

Lmao shut the fuck up jamal mumbarak

>private laws
>private jails

Theres literally nothing wrong with putting poor people in jail.

if you imprison your criminals, they win

>Is land of the free
>That means you can do whatever you want
>Some people think this includes crime like murder and rape
>They do it, and by doing it they are taking the freedom of other people
>Jails most be built to contain these people
Fuck you, my logic is flawless

>land of the free = total anarchism
typical Leaf

anarchism =/= chaos

t. Sir Tory George Buttersworth III, monarchist

Theres literally nothing wrong with being a monarchist.

Back to Britain

t. not nobility