Hey I swear I'm not crazy

hey I swear I'm not crazy
I clearly remember playing an "ice stage" in tekken 2 back in the late 90's
there was an intro showing kuma going out of an ice cave or something
now I can't find any proof of existence of this stage
tell me you remember

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You may be confusing Tekken with Dead or Alive 3

Or you may be from an alternate timeline


Is this the Mandela Effect shit?

It was the only fighting game I had, tekken 2
I played this stage multiple times, from 97 to 99 I think
Is there someone from my timeline here ?


tekken.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Tekken_2_stages nope no ice stage your crazy

I know I'm not I swear I clearly remember it

You don't obviously clearly remember it. You probably have a tumor

Yes it is the 2nd time it happens in my reality
1st one is with Daemon Wayans (Michael Kyle), he was supposedly dead in my country, and there was even a special final tribute episode for him
now this episode is nowhere listed

I remember it, buy I remember playing Tekken 2 with friends 2-3 years ago and we unlocked all the characters and I remember the kurma in a white stage snow stage like a crystal like stage.

fuck you, I bet you know something

do you still have the emulation files or the console memory card ?

I had one of those mendela moments the other day. Left for dead 2 splotscreen is side by side not up and down. I had a bestfriend when left for dead came out that i played with all the time and i vividly rember it being top and bottom splitscreen

infinite azure stage?

Dark City is real

I do it's in a folder with the Sinbad film Shazam. I'll post a link in a few

no, all white, image related

Its both dude

i roughly remember a stage where its like a cave with a snow interior and it was just a round place

you really do have shazam movie ? link ?

Are you perhaps thinking of Skyring from Tekken 3?

You are a lying pig fucker.

This Sinbad claim instantly triggered me.


It's real

Our mind is a weird thing and sometimes behaves... unnaturally.
If you have forgotten about something and try to remember it your brain will fill these holes with possible outcomes.
The intresting (or scary) about this is this can lead to remembering things that never happened.

There was a psychologist who showed a group of people a picture of themselves in an amusement park and asked them what happened there.
9 of 10 person explained how they were in that amusement park and had a wonderful day. the remaining 10% couldn't remember.
After being told by the psychologist to take another look at the picture these remaining people came to the same conclusion.
They all fabricated a false memory about something that never happend because they were shooped into a picture.
The mind is not as static as we like to believe it, it has a certain dynamic.

The same thing happened to me, i had a memory of an accident where an old woman died which was caused by me. I remembered a friend being present at this memory and asked him. He told me that had never happened which made me feel less like a murderer.

I know people can't admit they are wrong. Most importantly people, including myself, are so bored about their reality they are willing to believe anything in order to brighten their dull existence.

my favorite posts of all time are when some flatulent neckbeard attempts to sound erudite

op here
I dont't know if it's a mind thing, I tend to believe it's more than that, they always try to find a scientific experiment to make us stop worrying about it
maybe you murdered this old woman because she was pure evil and you saved this fucking world


That was a 90% citation of a scene from a movie i would have been stoned for, for showing here.
On the other hand i AM a neckbeard.

Here I see the thing about memories. They are not recordings of past events they are more like interpretations of past events. A lot of things can effect your memories like emotions, excitement, fear, energy level, etc. You aren't missing anything you are just remembering details incorrectly.

op here
How come I can remember multiple scenes where having played this stage, even remembering a "chinatown" stage multiple times which seems to have disappeared too
And also : Street of Rage 2 final stage was in the headquarters of the big pig in suit, he was sitting on some throne, and the first stage music theme was "it takes two"
All of this is nowhere existant no more, they change our reality and I clearly remember these

My grandma had Alzheimer's, she used to tell me that there was a war going on outside and that she could hear the guns and voices my mom just told me she was sick and eventually she was sent to a home where she got much better before she died. When my aunts and uncles ravaged the house they would find random empty shells of ammunition in her back yard, two M-1 rifles that were rusted but in pretty good condition in her apple grove, and they also found some weird pieces of clothing that had been torn to spreads and burnt. My family just passed it off as junk from previous owners of the property (my grandma lived there for 40 or so years) My grandfather died young so it wasn't any of his things. My dad thinks the Alzheimer's may have had her buying weird things and whatnot before it got so bad we began to notice. I don't know if she saw something real, that we couldn't see, or believed in it so much she created something from nothing, or she went out and thought it would be funny to plant these things to throw us off. Either way I remember how we used to watch Shazam starring Sinbad, while eating fruit loops.

nah youd prob 25+ as me , just gone say after time
memories kinda collide and give you wrong ideas about what was really
you prob just mix up games , around the tekken 2 time there was shitload of similar blocky fighting games

Came here because of tekken but got a thread about the mind, am I stoned?

Alzheimer's, make you relive old memories
she was remembering something that happen long time ago , and prob saying the same words she said that day
normally they tend to go to days with strong emotions
i know a guy whos grandfather was semi reliving the day he proposed to his wife

>"The infamous ice stage was redacted from later reissues of the game and pretty much all online coverage because its background textures contained hidden references to the 9/11 attacks which occurred some 6 years after the game was released."

>"The discovery was made in early 2006 when hackers working on a a ported version of the title for an emulator found that the stage's background images could be opened as a text file, which detailed specific times and GPS co-ordinates which corresponded with the events of September 11th, 2001."

Please OP. You kept pushing it, didn't you? You couldn't just leave it alone. We're trying to help you here. NONE OF US remember the ice stage, got it?

this isnt real time stamp nigga

Oh now I remember thanks user, I remember the ice and the jet fuel that couldn't even melt that.

man i miss that game, i pwned so many noobs with yoshimitsu

>Street of Rage 2 final stage was in the headquarters of the big pig in suit

sounds like Streets of rage 1

depending on the choice you make it will send you back a few levels.

also depends on the difficulty you pick on what stage you finish on.

op here
I noticed that the more specific a memory is, the more often it keeps coming in your mind, and these are the type of memory that we seem to have no clue about

Please tell me one of your specific videogame memory that happens to keeps coming back in your mind, and we'll see if someone remember, I'm sure we all have these frags of alternate reality but since we do not confront or memories we live with the certainty that everyone would remember it like we do

I remember Mario and Luigi being opposite body shapes and Mario being a taller slender and blue plumber.

its not just video games
but before few years i had something like this experience , then i found i was thinking for 1 game in to 2
then i found out from were the real memories come back but i dont remember what it was ,
just watch this youd get what mean . also Sinbad genie movie theory debunked

I'm sure there's someone who remembers
like that day somewhere on an article about Michael Kyle (Damon Wayans) I have read that comment from a guy saying that he saw that particular tribute episode after the supposed death of Damon Wayans, I wasn't the only one who remembered having seen that episode

There was an ice stage in tekken 1.

I found what you are talking about, it's the king george island. that's true it looks a lot, but it was more white, very very white, and I didn't own tekken 1

and also : I clearly remember that it was an extra stage that appeared sometimes and sometimes not, with an intro showing white kuma being annoyed and going out of his cave to beat the shit out of us

I never had the memory about this movie myself, but it was interesting to know if this was real stuff or no
anyway if it was so trending, why did sinbad waited all that time before saying "oh yeah this one I remember" ? that's odd

It was just a dream you clown.