Let's suppose that the Third World War broke out

Let's suppose that the Third World War broke out.
You were appointed commandant of the concentration camp for women.
What rules for women do you introduce?
What methods of executions do you use?

Leave them alone, they will kill eachother in no time


Gender is sort of irrelevant. For me regardless of who I am executing, death by catapult, as in launching them. A constantly firing catapult, with Tom Jones What's new Pussycat on constant loop while they wait in line.

You are such a weak little cunt, you sit around daydreaming about exterminating women. Get help.

Follow every order given to the letter without question for any man within the camp that is not a prisoner.

If an order is refused no matter how horrifying it is the punishment is always death

However you can get out of the death punishment by swearing fealty to the German empire and pumping out a minimum of 7 children for the empire to conscript later

Obviously for logoistical reasons I may need more than one catapult and a pretty big sound system for the Tom Jones What's new Pussycat loop.

>Let's suppose that the Third World War broke out.
>You were appointed commandant of the concentration camp for women.
How did we job from A to B?

>What rules for women do you introduce?
Well, that depends. How badly was the early depopulated due to the war?
Whats the food/water situation?
Are they even fertile?

>What methods of executions do you use?
Again, depends on the circumstances. Do I have bullets to spare? how about chems? Do I have electricity?

Why should I execute anyway? is there a need? Personally I am more fond of hard slave/prisoner labor.

"Chems" while talking about exterminating.

Shipping and handling chemicals that can kill humans in large enough quantities to keep killing people throughout a day is absolutely retarded. It'd be much cheaper to use bullets or just kill them before "capture". It's a waste of food and manpower.

>How did we job from A to B?
You're semi-high army officer.

>Well, that depends. How badly was the early depopulated due to the war?
Not so badly.

>Whats the food/water situation?
Low, you can provide only 3/4 needed food for camp

>Are they even fertile?
Most of them are youg

> Do I have bullets to spare? how about chems? Do I have electricity?
No, bullets and chems are limited. you have electricity

Highly depends on the situation at hand.

You can make lethal chemicals at home easily but bullets require manufacturing so if we live in a post-WW3 world where there no electricity, no industry etc. it would be easier to make lethal chems than bullets.

Death by snu snu

The rules are simple.
1. No one will be forced to do anything they do not want to do, with the exception of hygiene.
2. No sex, unless totally consensual.
3. Only the best quality food is to be provided.
4. Job training will be provided so that no woman leaving the camp will have to rely on a man again.
5. Voluntary sexual intercourse with the commandant will result in increased privileges.
6. Women will not stay longer than 1 year at the camp unless they desire to.
7. upon the one year mark, if they have not submitted to sexual intercourse with the commandant they will be allowed to leave but without breasts or vagina, which will both be removed surgically.
8. If they have submited to sex with the commandant at least once they may leave only after the child is born, if no child was conceived the sex will continue without consent until one is.
9. if consensual sex with commandant produced a child the women is free to leave.
10. if the woman is not compliant she will be processed into quality food product.

I will set every one free and kill myself.

Started kek'ing after 4

>No one will be forced to do anything they do not want to do they'll just be forced to want to
You guys are some quality freaks

Beat me to it.

Alternatively I'd wait until there were a few of them to be executed, throw them in a ring with a jimmy choo bag and tell them that the last one alive gets the matching shoes.

Warden's Office's decoration



Impregnate all of them and raise worlds average IQ by 50 in the process.

May want to use proper grammar first.


More of that chick?



fine choice. that knot allows her to lean back and rest on the nape of her neck so she can "hang out" up there for hours without suffocating.

id buy tickets to this

What rules for women do you introduce?
>no singing
>no pit hair
>no burning any cooked food

What methods of executions do you use?

i had to look that shit up and instantly regret it

Death by... MUH DICK

Would have them taken to my quarters. Then give each of them a bowl of eggs.
>You don't have to explain what happened but you do have to eat this.

Execution by hanging ofc




All the men and aggressive women would run off to die and the world would be full of women.

The rules would be written by them.
But since the aggressive violent ones died off, their methods of execution would be humane, like banishment. So we'd meet up in the woods and steal the Sabine women and it would be Rome and western civilization all over again lol

Best rules in thread

You're talking about chemical warfare.

WW3 isn't WW3 until it involves nuclear powers facing off. At that point, first strike advantage is an all-or-nothing proposition. It requires a single coordinated nuke & bio strike.

It amazes me how many Americans still think there's a 1940s style Great War ahead of them, seemingly unaware of the entire 50 year Cold War, realities of MAD and the arms race, and its effect on geopolitics and military strategy.

For a country that considers itself the worlds greatest war machine, you guys have a lot of catching up to do.

More of the bush please

I would order them to kill every virgin neckbeard in the world, starting with your pathetic ass.

Here, You sick fuck.

Yeah that's why we quit producing Chemical weapons and went with biological.

A little bit of bioweapon goes a long way. You want to kill off the population of china without losing a single soldier? Engineer bug to spring into action on denisovan DNA, release it in china, and wait. Then go collect their stuff and sell off their land to their enemies. Same shit China will do to the US. ...pretty much the same shit the Spanish & Brits did to their colonies (minus the sophisticated engineering). Best option.

So that's why China has been buying up the US.
Not to repo it, but to hold legal claim to it once we've been exterminated. lol

You may be on to something here user..


First nonfag user of the year.

Nuke & Bio

That's the winning 1-2 punch right there. The biological attack actually kills off the country but is slower to do so. The initial nuke strikes ensures such a state of chaos that neither infrastructure nor manpower is available to deal with or possibly even identify the biological weapon.

talking of fantasy

Yeh and both can be launched simultaneously in a single attack along w ground dispersions.

Luckily only the US, Russia, China, India, and 5 European countries have the ability to do this. And they're all stable, rational actors. So we're in good shape. lol

Goddamn I love a woman with fur. Pubes are sexy.

Sexual orientation is mostly accepted, altho 2 children if physically possible are Mandatory.
Every prisoner is allowed a sleep of 8 hours from 10pm to 6am. First thing in the moring is sport, 1 hour. Then showering, 4 minutes watertime, 10 minutes in total. Then, 30 minutes socializing and breakfast, other 20 minutes person hygine. Now its 8 am. 2 hours of education, then 1 hours of talent practice. If one doesnt have a talent worth practicing, this time can be used for either work, children or sport, but not for sleeping or socializing. Its 11am, work for 2 hours, then 20 minutes lunch, then 4,40 hours work. Its now 5pm. Another hour of sport, then another 2 hours of education or talent practice. After 8am there is 1,5 hours for eating, socializing or sexual activitys. Sexual acitivites outside of this time are not allowed. 9,30pm: hygine and bed. Lights off at 10pm, total quiet and leaving ones bed is punishable. Standart punishments are that any kind of activity that isnt sport or work can be replaced with sport or work, if a woman cant or wont work, has to care for sick, elderly and children. Smoking is permited by deathpenalty, art can be practiced in talent hours, but cant talk shit about whatever country I work for. Art must be about postive things. Prisoners are allowed to write one letter a week and record a Video of themself in chase of death for their familys. Food and weapons are the most important work, people who produce more food get more food.
Children are allowed to be near their mothers until age 5, at which point they will have to go to some kind of training/school for 10 to 12 hours a day. Children who are deemed to stupid or unable to learn will be used as workforce. Officers are to be threated with highest respect at all times, but unneccery brutality against prisoners will not be tolerated. The result needs to be mentaly and physically fit workforce; that still has some form of motivating themself.