Americans will defend this

>americans will defend this

I don't see the problem.

I actually see the benefit in this. You can store two cups of beer while driving.

gave me the shivers desu

This actually looks nice. Gear sticks are kind of annoying. They take lots of space.

Oh my god
Those cup holders are too small!

i dont know how to drive automatic

This is the future.

>no gear stick
Jesus christ

why do you fags hate technological advances so much?

>omg, you use a cell phone? lmao!!! i still use pigeon carriers, it's way better

City traffic made me despise manual

Wouldn't it make more sense to have the buttons around the steering wheel. It would free a lot of space in the middle, and lower the risk of the passenger or someone else touching the buttons.

18 year old demented teen girls drive stick shift here while 50 year old americans can't drive it

manual isn't that popular here in the US, so it has become a manly elitist bullshit that europeans spew to feel that their driving skills are better.

This looks pretty convenient and nice. I would definitely buy a car with this type of gear changes.

case in point.

it's boring, and also
>You've parked me in, can I use your car to run down to the shops?
>yeah go for it
comes back in 2 mins later
>can you move your car?

I wish I had cup holders.
Driving with a drink in your hand is fucking agony.

>it's boring
Then get a stick shift. But not every person wants to be involved when driving. it's just getting from place A to B. Some people just prefer listening to a podcast or music when driving, it doesn't have to be a whole exercise. Just push on the pedal, and move on.

">You've parked me in, can I use your car to run down to the shops?
>yeah go for it
>comes back in 2 mins later
>can you move your car?"

truly the best timeline

>not everyone wants to be involved
Then you shouldnt be fucking driving. Pay attention you mong

>jealous straya too poor to afford shit

it is not boring, it is just too expensive for you guys

I do pay attention.
But I want to only have to focus on the road and my hearing can focus on the music or podcast.

With a stick shift, you have to add to that the timing and changing of gears. It's not a big deal, but why make it more difficult than it has to?

I would too if I only drove straight and had no real winter tbqh

>what is muscle memory
Really it all depends what kinda roads and conditions you're driving on, for most part automatic is just fine and superior in especially long hauls or city traffic.
However, in especially Nordic countries with weather and in Norway/Sweden's condition, manual is superior, because automatic isn't there yet, but it's getting there.

>in Norway/Sweden's condition
Meant to add in the mountainous/hill part on this sentence, ignore that.

I can agree with this.
In hour long drives through interstates, and highways, I see no reason to drive a stick shift.

>driving manual complicates things
t. never driven a manual

I did give manual a try, and drove on my uncle's car a few times. But I didn't enjoy it, and just opted for an automatic.

I didn't find a single reason to buy a manual, apart from "MUH Manly man","muh stick", "muh plebs"

Hey come dont bully americans! Gear shifts are too painful for them to keep in their cars.

I just enjoy it desu. I dont really care about muh handling and performance i just find automatics boring as fuck and like that manual gives me something to do


>americans drive without any clutch
scary thought desu

Automatic is superior

Do modern European cars even come in manuals?

Several car companies want to phase them out, thankfully

cars are going driverless eventually so meh who gives a fuck

How are you supposed to drive downhill in an automatic, especially with a heavy load? In manual I can just do it in second and use the engine breaking to slow me, but with an automatic it seems all I can do is ride the breaks all the way down.

Shariabongs and yuros are all backwards thirdworlders

I can put my automatic mazda in whatever gear I want. Selectable 1st and 2nd gears have also been pretty much universal on automatics for decades as well

>>You've parked me in, can I use your car to run down to the shops?
>>yeah go for it
>comes back in 2 mins later
>>can you move your car?

Looks kind of uncomfortable. Its easier to move the stick back and forth than fumbling with buttons imo.

yes, mainly for cars used by old people and the disabled


you've vastly overestimating how hard it is to drive a manual lmao

>it doesn't have to be a whole exercise.
driving stick is considered an exercise en LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA

>more involved machines being produced for people with less ability to operate them

Americans drive stick too although it's uncommon. Everyone I knew who swore by it eventually gave it up because it's annoying in a city full of traffic.

>it's annoying in a city full of traffic.
automatic is a necessary evil, it's just that I find people that openly admit that there's nothing wrong with driving stick just as abhorrent than people that openly admit they like eating at fast food chains.
