What is your drug of choice? Mine is weed

What is your drug of choice? Mine is weed.

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I was sure you prefer dick tho


it so hard to make

whatever my brain produces naturally

Lol u don't make it u have to find someone

used to be weed. now addy


Find someone to sell you nbome sure

Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins.


I know how do you find somebody you need some shit unless youre eating a shit tonn of shit

>argon gas chamber


No better feeling in the world than molly. if everyone was high on it all the time the world would be a beautiful place

hash and pills

For a couple of days. Then the world would turn to shit when everyone's on a comedown.

Wanna try xanax, anyone got cons and pros or shit tier ?

can't recommend that. I've done nbome more than 5 times (more than 2-3 years ago), and when i smoke weed now (or do any other drugs for that matter) it gives me the nbome flashbacks. Even when i'm not high i can still get pretty convincing visuals. its something i learn to cope wit.
I also have a friend who says he sometimes get weak visuals when sitting in class, and that it annoys him.

This would have never happened with LSD. (which i have also been taking..)

oxy i love them

nah man. i've sometimes rolled on molly and i felt like the man for at least 7 mornings in a row after. no comedown what so ever.

literally tripping on some shrooms right now, but depends really. weed is easy and low tolerance, but acid really just wipes the floor with it.


it sucks sometimes with oxy because you cant shit

>you don't make LSD

You literally do

also DMT


Why Xanax? It does nothing but remove anxiety

It does WAY more then that.

im a ohiofag its getting harder to get oxy here

from what i heard it does a lot more

Hmm, I've tried it before and it had almost 0 effect on me.

Alcohol. Too bad its literally poison to your body.

But fuck do i love being drunk.

anything except heroin.

a few xanax and a fith of scotch = a nice slow relaxing evening

It's fine as long as you don't over do it, hell it's actually good for your body if you drink about once a week.

xanax is good for cuming off coke

I love cocaine

Rly wanna try xan. Real question is do i get it from a dealer? Do i got to doctor and pretend i got anx or am depressed?

I wanted to try Xan, with 2 double vodka rebulls Will it kill ?

No you'll just black out and then wish you actually did die

That's everywhere. I'm in Jersey and I can still cop but I can tell it's drying up.
This 7 day shit is pissing me off.

go to a doc say sum one died in fam you get it

Go to a doc and tell them that you freak out when you are in social situations and taht its harming your work.Tell them you get slight shakes and that you also dont want to leave your house for same reasons

love the stuff.


Uk fag here so they just get u on xan like that ? Seems a lil bit too easy. Feel like uk would put u on some weaker shit before and gradually build up

You'll be on H soon enough.

This. Blew a bar at a party while drinking.
No matter how hard I try I literally can't remember anything. Kinda scary.


they may put you on valium or klonopin but they are in the same fam of drugs

xanax has a short onset and short duration. thats why it's good for panic attacks. Klonopin is the way to go if you wanna get really fucked up.

Weed isn't a drug tho, it's a plant.

Xanax is the go too as it has lesser side effects then same klonopin or valium or ativan
Those might work better for you based on your body chemistrySo it might be a week or of using one of them instead of xanax but youll get it eventually,.Just tell hte doc that you took it and got a bit dizzy but didnt have any other effect

i dont see the value in getting high on Benzos.
i only get sluggish and fall asleep real fast.
good to kill a psych. trip or speed comedown.

the older you are doc will give you bomb pill


Did some bars without anything else, don't remember that weekend. Benzos just don't seem worth it to me, shatter is infinitely better

what about soma oh my god so good

Waiting on my dealer to stop by my crib. Hes taking his sweet fucking time though.
>I'll be there in 30min
>3 fucking hrs later still not here
Goddamn drug dealer time

Trips of truth.

I hate that name "shatter" it's just honey oil.

a nigger am i right

How does one find a dealer

I have a reg prescription for it. It feels pretty good but not THAT good. Once I tried to take 3 of them and it just put me to sleep.

I always think of tom petty, the waiting is the hardest part.

Yeah that was the last time I ever did xanax. I've tried tons of shit and have even gotten alcohol poisoning before and never blacked out like that.

Xanax is a date rape drug. Anybody that says xanax does not do real drugs. Fact.

Haha yes actually

right now my doc is my dealer but go where hookers are and you will find a dealer

Just walk up to people on the street and keep asking till you find one.

you ever just fling your mouse up and down between the post numbers and try to make an animation? fuck you i ahve autism

Zoloft and pussy.

>Anybody that says xanax does not do real drugs.
NIgga what

love me some good ol ecstasy. Coke is also my shit.

I tried ketamine once and it was really good. If i could find a source I'm sure it'd be my new favorite

Where do you find hookers
>in the suburbs

xanax is great but really addicting. I find if you take it for even 2-3 days in row youll experience withdrawals such as severe memory loss, anxiety, and just feeling like a complete retard tbh. xanax is an anti anxiety med so it basically just makes you feel extremely calm and happy with everything and literally nothing bothers you. this is what the high is. people that dont have any anxiety will say its stupid and they dont get high they just get tired when they take it but if you have the slightest bit of anxiety it feels like an amazing weight was lifted off your shoulders and you feel completely careless and you wont think twice about anything. overall its pretty awesome but its very easy to abuse as the effects dont seem that strong meaning you dont feel fucked up or anything you just feel good and again it can be really addicting and hard to stop taking if you binge for a few days so youll feel like shit when you stop

i deal a lot of different things and i take pride in delivering good stuff, be on time and act professional. i do not deal cannabis, coke or speed because that is how you get caught real fast.

hows your trip been so far?


go to the bad part of your city

recently started being acid...love the freedom. tripping right now

have fun! go look in the mirror. listen to new music. go for a walk.

I dont know a bad part from any other part of it

Bars are cocaine? We call them rails. A white line of cocaine powder. Snorted. Through the nose.

coke or adderall which is better

xanax comes in 30mg bars

I'm just bitching.
He only does this once every 20 times.
He's the best connect I've ever had.

facts. so do you only deal opiates?

adderall. basically legal meth. coke is 99% of the time cut with god knows what. dont get me wrong you can have some great fucking times on coke but addy makes me feel like a god damn king

then find a doc and make shit up idk

No, bars means a xanax bar, typically 2mg, up to 4.

No lol

Bars? Sounds like a candy bar. Photo?

I've never done drugs before, but I'd like to start.

I have a doc but he "dosent believe in medication for anxiety".I already changed my doc this year and insurance wont pay for me to go to another.And i dont have the cash to do it out of pocket

crossed "new" music off that list (new to me, at least), think im gonna take you up on that walk

your god dam right


only faggots take xannies anyway

How you gonna make anything look like a bar with 2mg? That's so tiny. Like little Pez.
