Tell me user, why don't you own a birb right now?

Tell me user, why don't you own a birb right now?

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Last 2 died. My heart is not ready.


Because confining an animal designed entirely to fly to a life indoors is absolutely fucking cruel in my opinion.

It can be quite nice when done right.

I have a single tiel and he has his own room, and I let him go to my outdoor aviary if it's warm enough. Hell, I probably spend more money per month on the little fucker than I do for myself.

Because they're annoying, autistic fucking things

Same here. My separated wife go a rescue doggo and her pupper

Brought them into a house that already had 2 cats and a 15 year old cockatiel who had trouble getting around.

Came home from a family event. Doggos got his cage open someone. Little friend was torn up. Just a few days ago. Buried him in front yard with birb friend who died years ago.


I want an owl but I don't think I can legally own one.

Noo. How did the dog open it's crazy!!!!! Luckily my dog got along with my birds. Had them for 9yrs. One died first and a month later the other died.

You've clearly never owned a well trained bird, user.

you go through a lot of shit to get one but it's possible. Contact you're local wildlife rescue service, they usually have a few that are disabled or too domesticated to go back to the wild.

I got 2 from petco and they both died within a month. I called them when they were sick and they said there was nothing wrong with them. They died a week later and when I told them they gave me a free one and he died too. They blamed me but I took the last one to the vet and it turned out that the whole group of birds were fucked up.

What were they? I never have trusted petco regarding their birds.

I wish you could own a mourning dove, man.

It was one of those cages with the doors that swing down and stand out like a perch. The mama doggo had been left in a yard until ex rescued her. Think she ate birds to live. She,s a good dog, just pawed it open.

Birbs are rare and expensive.Hard to find too.

I was thinking of getting a bird though.

why the fuck does she need so many pets??

or was this a way to make one less pet and room for the new dogs

I think it's a coping thing because of the separation
The 2 cats and birb got along great. Everything was chill.
When I left she rescued the doggo and felt like she had to take the pupper too.
The thought about making room did cross my mind, but she devastated.

Did you live on a farm?

Also I'm sorry for your loss but holy shit man how could a dog open a standard bird cage? Shit stinks user

Nah, small suburban home. The animals are all pretty chill. One cat hangs inside and around the neighborhood. Dogs run in the yard.
I want to believe the dog opened the cage. Ex's guilt would be too heavy if she left the door open by accident.

No need to feel guilty if it was intentional. Make room for the new doggos and try to rope you in after leaving. It would be a sick manipulation to kill perfectly healthy birb to make room for new animals thogh.

Hope you're right. Hope you get a new birb one day

I do own a birb, two of them infact. Sorry for shite quality. Took these with my phone a few weeks ago.

Female is the white, male is the grey.

but I do own a birdo

Male a lot younger and not looking for breeding.

summed up in one photo

do birds die when you play loud music? if so thats why

The most awesome bird video ever.

no, they tend to shriek their heads off when you play loud music near them

That's a cute fuckin' birb. I used to have this little Parakeet that looked just like it. could fit in the palm of your hand. Sadly no pics of it cause it died when i was like 12.

I do faggot

damn, I used to have a male budgie just like yours, he lived nearly 15 years and we were absolutely gutted when he died

Was yours a parrotlet? My birdo is a blue-crowned conure and he's just brilliant.

i'm sitting next to some right now

Heh. I remember having a scarlette. it wasn't mine, but my uncles, it'd always start screaming whenever you played anything. Fuck that thing was loud.

Keep an eye on those cats, user

My bird
screams his little head off when he sees a cat outside, but he never screams at dogs or squirrels.

Yeah, that must've been what it was. Was a fun little birb but it bit my ear and hung off it while I ran around screaming like a moron

> single
> work 50 to 60 hr a week
> want to own a pet, but don't want to be one of those jerks.....

Damn, I don't know ... the fuck am I doing with my life? All the shit I've got, and I don't have a birb. Gonna have to rectify this shit tomorrow.

favorite birdo videos

no one's mentioned this yet

Birbs are an investment to be fair. They can be noisy and some have relatively feisty personalities. Getting bit isn't that uncommon. Wouldn't reccomend a big bird unless you have a big space.

What kind of Orwellian shithole country do you live in where your jackboot government won't let its people own owls?

because i'm allergic to them ;-;

Parakeets, and don't trust them.


Sorry to hear. Yeah, this little fucker is part of the family now.

Get a conure, they produce none of that powdery dander that sets off allergies


Holy shit, you've got owls fucking everywhere in Canada! Just leave your window open one night and you'll probably wake up with owls. Fuck Trudeau and his authoritarian bullshit! Live free or die!

I have a friend who owns one of those huge white/yellow cockatus or w/e it is. Apparently they live for like 30 or 40 years. I don't remember.
But it knows a lot of words and phrases and how to associate them with things. Other than that, it just says random shit.

One time I was over there and it kept going "NIGGER. NIGGER. NIGGER. FUCK FUCK. SHIT NIGGER. FUCK" because my friend spent an entire day saying nothing but that around it.

I would get one buy they seem high maintenance. I already got my cat and he keeps me company. pic related

I don't live near any owls and I wouldn't want some huge barnyard one living in my house. I just want a little babby owl.

Birds can be really high maintenance. I tell people not to even think about buying a bird unless they can spend an absolute minimum of an hour a day with the bird. Otherwise the bird gets bored, sometimes they can start pulling their feathers out. Parakeets and parrots are very intelligent and social birds and they desperately need company and mental stimulation.

Same. One day they were perfectly happy and chirpy and talky.

Next day they were upside-down on the floor of the cage.

He was an awesome grey and white one too.

If ya' don't live out in the countryside I wouldn't, if you do I'm sure you can get a special license to raise one, I wouldn't go around looking for a wild one, though.

Just my opinion

I don't exactly live in the country side or in the city. I live in the bumfuck nowhere that is the NWT.

Loud as fuck and shits all over the place plus I have no time or money for one

thx 4 contributin 2 thred

>shits all over the place

Not true, my bird is trained to just shit in one spot. Easier to clean than any cat litter box, just roll up the shitty paper towels and replace them every day.

>be me
>be 9
>have 1st birb
>1st ever pet, actually
>parakeet, named Quigley
>pleasant mix of bright blue, yellow, and white colors
>Super cool birbro, liked people a lot, happily hopped on my finger whenever I invited him.
>Never shat on me or my parents, only my sister.
>I hated my sister, and he hated her too.
>play with Quigley all the time
>have conversations
>spin in circles
>give hugs
>play with water
>be 9, so have no clue that my overly tight hugs, constant gyrations, and water baths are coming dangerously close to killing him
>Love Quigley. He's a good birb
>one day
>invite Quigley into my finger, he hops up.
>I bring him in for a sperg hug, excited to tell him some good news about some dumb field trip
>hug is too tight, Quigley screeches, falls limp
>I freak out, Quigley isn't moving, best ever birbro won't move
>Many despairing tears were shed
>I knew what was up, even at that age
>I just killed my best birbro
>Ffwd a few hours
>Parents come home from bar
>find me crying in my room, Quigley sitting my lap, rigor mortis setting in
>I don't get into trouble, but I never get another bird ever again.
>parents move onto fish, reptiles, and finally a dog
>no birb

It's because of what I did to Quigley, I'll never own a birb again. I'm 29 now, but it still hurts to think about. I'm pretty sure I killed one of the coolest birds in the world that day.

Get a macaw. They'll scream right over the loudest music you can play.

when i was a teenager my mom bought be a petco parakeet as a cop-out. I still have that bird 8 yrs later

I got this guy. His new thing is waking up at 5:20 in the morning wanting attention. Besides that he's pretty cool.

One of my dad's friends had an African grey, it loved him but hated everyone else. Used to hiss at anyone who came near the cage.

My Grey still does that to me, but it'd never bite me. You've gotta make em' respect you or they never will.

Same thing with my amazon. Little shit fuck cunt that she is

I'm sure Quigley loved the memories he made with you. It's understandable that you'd make that mistake at that age.

It makes sense that you don't want another bird, but I'm sure you'd do a great job caring for one now that you've matured.

I do though

Marnie is the best parrot

He likes everyone except one neighbor. He'll hiss at him or anyone that scares him. He makes kissing noises at my wife's girlfriend & the last couple of kids that came by.

I do though.
His name is Caesar and he's fucking awesome.

So this isn't related, but I had a bird wander to my house one day. It was another grey, but this one apparently female.

>Come home, neighbors are like "YOUR BIRD GOT OUT"
>Wtf are you on about?
>Look at window
>Tiny grey bird sitting there, clearly exhausted.
>take it in house, get it some food cause already own one bird.
>Put it ontop of this football.
>It sits there, exhausted, but eventually decides to eat and drink.
>Bird flies out one day. Never see it again
>Feel bad for next week until I get a new bird, current grey.

Best fucking bird. Would let you pet and rub. My other two are antisocial as fuck. Don't want to be touched at all.

Had two parakeets when I was a kid. They hated just about everything, but they would sing along when I was practicing piano. All in all, they were okay birbs, but took up too much time.

Best free parrot toys ever, toilet roll tubes. He spends hours shredding them. I never have to buy parrot toys, just give him a tp tube and he's a happy birdo.


would a parakeet enjoy that too?

it's likely based upon the bird.

Don't see why not, parrots and parakeets love to chew things. Birdo used to chew lumps of wood out of his old cage, he even stripped some wallpaper off the wall when I left his perch too close. He's happy for ages munching through cardboard boxes, just got to make sure there's no staples in them (obviously) and no glue that might be toxic.

What kind of a bird is that?

That's a male budgerigar

looks like a parotlet.

are all parakeets budgies or are budgies a type of parakeet?

video of the girl, those are parrotlets.
bird in the pic is a budgie.

Budgies are a species of parakeet

"parakeet" just means a small parrot, basically. Budgies fall under that umbrella



this is honestly one of the more fun threads I've seen on Sup Forums, thanks for the birdo stories, have a good night or day.


laters user, you'll miss this great toucan video though

toucans take explosive shits

That's fuckin adorable my nigga

yeah, maybe best enjoyed on youtube videos only

Dude. Get a clue. Your wife opened the cage on her way out the door.

Still witing for someone to notice this awesome video though

birds are too dumb to realize they are imprisoned

Dawwww that's equally adorable

I do. I own 7. All rescues.